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No country for brave men

You would think that after incidents like this the perpetrator (Religious Right) would be lay low for a little while. But we have mullahs issuing statements like "people who mourn for the slain governor are blasphemers themselves".

We have politicians, media etc on the defensive instead!! People keep saying "the the time for an Ata Turk in Pakistan is coming"...... Sadly that time has already passed.

I don't condone death or violence but I hope the writ of law is honored in my Pakistan sometime in my lifetime.

I saw the AP video report of killer being ushered into and an armor personnel carrier..... watch that video again and you will see fellow police men cheering and smiling!!

On a side note I will mention that leaving outside Pakistan for a while now.... I see how customized religious laws/practices are shoved down our throats.
Originally Posted by AgNoStIc MuSliM
Many Muslims seem to have no problems insulting the Ahmadi prophet, religion and people, as well as Hindus and Hindu deities ...

First of all there will be no Prophet after Prophet of Islam. Whoever declares himself prophet will be a Kazzab or lair and this is as per Hadith or saying of our beloved prophet. Kadiyanis or Ahmedis should not insist that they are muslims nobody will touch them. They should stop their propaganda on MTA Channel and stop show off of Quran recitation or study of hadith when they are no more accepting the end of Prophethood on Prophet of Islam. Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani was a Blasphemer and as per the Hadith of Prophet the Liar or Kazzab.
They should stay away from interfering in Islam and it;s way of life and muslim will not interfere in their affairs.

Yes muslims also have no right to insult Idol or diety of any other religion. Whoever does this is wrong and ignorant as Quran stops muslim from doing so. However its not a general case where the whole anti-islam forces are together to support Asia Bibi even after her acceptance of the crime. Muslim amsses did not support M.F.Hussain in this type of case when Hindus acuse him of Blasphemy against their diety and he took refuse in Qatar.
Kadiyanis or Ahmedis should not insist that they are muslims nobody will touch them. They should stop their propaganda on MTA Channel and stop show off of Quran recitation or study of hadith when they are no more accepting the end of Prophethood on Prophet of Islam. Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani was a Blasphemer and as per the Hadith of Prophet the Liar or Kazzab.

Nice I didn't know you were god. So you know who is a muslim and who isn't? And since when did Hadith become more powerful then Quran?

Yes muslims also have no right to insult Idol or diety of any other religion. Whoever does this is wrong and ignorant as Quran stops muslim from doing so.

Yes but they don't get hanged for insulting Hindu gods. I remember when Umar Sharif made fun of some Hindu god for just jokes no harm and he got a lot of laughs out of it but now imagine if a non Muslim joked on the Prophet. He would be killed instantly on the stage. This just means that Islamic figures are more important and people have the right to make fun of non muslim religious figures because frankly they are **** and not more important.
To make it fair everyone whoever insults a religious figure should be hanged or you can always repeal this Black law.

However its not a general case where the whole anti-islam forces are together to support Asia Bibi even after her acceptance of the crime. .
What was her crime? Her crime was that she did not want to convert to Islam. Now imagine your coworker forcing you to convert to Hinduism. You say "Prophet Muhammad was pure and helped spread Islam but what did Ram do?" and then you immediately get arrested for blasphemy and wait to get hanged on death row.
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Originally Posted by AgNoStIc MuSliM
Many Muslims seem to have no problems insulting the Ahmadi prophet, religion and people, as well as Hindus and Hindu deities ...

First of all there will be no Prophet after Prophet of Islam. Whoever declares himself prophet will be a Kazzab or lair and this is as per Hadith or saying of our beloved prophet. Kadiyanis or Ahmedis should not insist that they are muslims nobody will touch them. They should stop their propaganda on MTA Channel and stop show off of Quran recitation or study of hadith when they are no more accepting the end of Prophethood on Prophet of Islam. Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani was a Blasphemer and as per the Hadith of Prophet the Liar or Kazzab.
They should stay away from interfering in Islam and it;s way of life and muslim will not interfere in their affairs.

Yes muslims also have no right to insult Idol or diety of any other religion. Whoever does this is wrong and ignorant as Quran stops muslim from doing so. However its not a general case where the whole anti-islam forces are together to support Asia Bibi even after her acceptance of the crime. Muslim amsses did not support M.F.Hussain in this type of case when Hindus acuse him of Blasphemy against their diety and he took refuse in Qatar.

Does everyone see the hypocrisy of the Islamists here?

These people were pretending to be so 'pious and noble' and saying that 'oh no, we Muslims never insult anyone elses religion' and that 'under the Blasphemy law other prophets and faiths are protected too'.

What horsecrap - if the Blasphemy law truly protected all faiths, then quite a few Pakistanis would be in jail and/or sentenced to death for insulting Ahmadis.

Bloody hypocrites.
This law need to be abolished, because most of time people take advantage of this law to take out personal rivalry or land grabbing in remote areas in Pakistan. If someone is guilty then court should provide complete protection from mullahs. But unfortunately people in muslim world has so much love for the Islamic icons, but hate for fellow human being. Hypoism at its peak.
Love, respect and JUSTICE for fellow human being means we have love and respect for Holy Prophet PBUM, that's his teaching.

assalam alaikum

I love the Propeht (PBUH) more then anyone how about u do u love any muslim or non muslim more then him?

:whistle:Stand up to the fanatics — or you will be next

What irony! Just a few weeks before Governor Salmaan Taseer was assassinated brutally, he said that illiterate maulvis cannot decide if he is a Muslim or not. True, but they sure could decide to spew venom against him in Friday sermons across the country and gun for his blood, which they did. They issued edicts against him, they burned his effigies and they called for his blood and, as a result, Salmaan Taseer is no longer among us. He was killed because of his liberal views and his stand against the blasphemy laws, as confessed by his murderer.''

Governor Taseer was probably the highest profile victim of the blasphemy law. He was shot dead because he believed all citizens should be treated fairly. He decided to support a poor Christian woman on death row and he was chastised, ridiculed and threatened for supporting minorities. If there is justice in this country, every person who issued fatwa against him, who protested against his opinion and who burned his effigies and who incited bigotry on television should be named in the FIR and held accountable for his murder. In addition, all PPP ministers playing to the populist gallery, who defended the blasphemy law, should be hauled along with the other culprits.''

In a society where dogma is the currency to get populist support, Salmaan Taseer was a refreshing rationalist and humanist. His death will be mourned because he was a voice of sanity, he was one of the few good men who wanted similar rights for everyone irrespective of their religion, caste, gender and ethnicity. He was an entrepreneur, a politician, a great wit and a positive man who believed in this country. After his brutal murder, there are many of us who are not too hopeful about this country, which will now be branded as one where people cannot dare to speak their mind. If the felicitations about his death are any indication, we are a truly doomed lot that celebrates a murder most foul.

Anyone who thought that the governor’s dreadful demise will bring a positive change, needs to wake up and smell the putrid cesspool that passes as our society. Members of the Jamaat-e-Ahle Sunnat Pakistan have asked the good Muslims of the country not to offer funeral prayers of Governor Taseer and have paid tribute to his murderer. Taseer’s death sends this message to the handful of Pakistanis who are openly liberal: that they need to get their act together or they could be next in line to have their guts splattered on the roadside by a fanatic who thinks doing so will take him to heaven.
Governor Taseer, may you rest in peace. You were a brave, brave man and you will always be remembered as one.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 7th, 2011.
how many times to I have to write this ....Her appeal is pending......She didn't give up the fight.... Her appeal is pending means her case still to be decided.

assalam alaikum

And for nth time if her appeal was pending why ST had gone there ? why didnot he let the court issue a verdict ? could not he keep his mouth shut after all there r many other mazlooms in pak prisons he never felt to talk to them ?

I saw her interview on one of the news channel
According to her she is innocent someone trapped her
Allah Knows better

assalam alaikum

she admitted the charge in front of the ST and the minister (bhatti a christian) there was column writtten by the hamid mir we know he is not taliban mentioned it, I pasted that column in a different thread. She asked for the mercy but petitioner said it is not upto him to pardon her. Since when the theives admit their crimes. go insult the Prophet then come to the news get a visa for western country and live a happy life and lecture around the wold about the zulm

Then work to change the system. Frustration with the way the system works is not an excuse to go around killing people.

You lot are always pushing Utopian visions of 'imposing Islamic System', how about settling for more immediate and important issues such as reforming Law Enforcement and making it more autonomous and able to implement court orders free of political interference?

You do absolutely nothing to change things, and then justify yet more lawlessness and evil when it fits in with your intolerance for minorities and freedoms.

AM instead of telling me do all those things ST was the right person to do them. ST and party had almost 3 years what did stop them from doing all those stuff coz it is not in their interest.

I m amazed ur post didnot get deleted coz my post got deleted when i was asking for those ( oh wait u r an administrator )

No i dont preach for killing in the streets it is the act of ppl like ST ( AND PARY) AND QADRI NOT MY STYLE

This does not sound realistic to me. It does, however, sound like a means to enforce the will of a corrupt ruling class upon the powerless..[/QUOTE

I specifically used the words powerful and resourceful to indicate the rich and corrupt. The laws should be made and implemented as such that no one should think of violating them, regardless of their social status or background.

Still, legal reform is needed. I've addressed this several times. The two approaches I can think of are to make Pakistan's equivalent of Attorney Generals elective posts, and to bring the Pakistani Army under civilian oversight by having the legislature appoint Inspector Generals. An elected Attorney General assures the people that the injustices that will be pursued are the ones closest to them, and the Inspector Generals will allow disaffected soldiers and bureaucrats to report the wrongdoings of their superiors.

Pakistan does have a constitutional position for an attorney General and I do not understand how the Army fits into the topic at hand ,so I will not say much on that. But if it is any consolation to you, the Chief of the Army Staff is Appointed by the Prime Minister, and since the COAS represents the entire army,theoretically that puts the Army under the civilian oversight. Moreover, the Army intervenes because there is a vacuum left by the civilian governments due to their inapt governance, and someone has to fill that vacuum. The day we have a sincere, credible and a strong headed government, the Army will have no choice but to retreat.
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Does everyone see the hypocrisy of the Islamists here?

These people were pretending to be so 'pious and noble' and saying that 'oh no, we Muslims never insult anyone elses religion' and that 'under the Blasphemy law other prophets and faiths are protected too'.

What horsecrap - if the Blasphemy law truly protected all faiths, then quite a few Pakistanis would be in jail and/or sentenced to death for insulting Ahmadis.

Bloody hypocrites.

To qualify as a Muslim, and not a Momin, the least you have to do is believe in the 5 fundamental tenets of Islam, I am sure i do not need to state them here. Ahmadis by refusing to believe in the prophethood of Muhammad, exclude themselves from Islam. I am not saying this, Quran does. If tomorrow a group claims to have their own Quran, and call themselves Muslims, are we to believe them and accept their claim too?

If you have any evidence, by which Ahmadis' claims can be accepted as true, please bring them to our knowledge.
assalam alaikum

And for nth time if her appeal was pending why ST had gone there ? why didnot he let the court issue a verdict ? could not he keep his mouth shut after all there r many other mazlooms in pak prisons he never felt to talk to them ?


Thats what i am saying.... And thats the whole discussion.... Why are you guys afraid of someone mouth... Because he might show the real face of Mullah hypocracy???
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