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No consensus in BJP, Advani, Sushma and MM Joshi oppose Narendra Modi as PM

Man if Modi becomes the prime minister....then that means BJP might have won 200 seats or may be even 230 seats...This means that the regional parties have been outshone by BJP
for this they might need atleat.. 45% of the votes...Majority of these(expect those party workers and members) will be voting mainly for Modis profile and not for their specific love and high reputation and clean image of BJP.....
The rest are the people who either don't care or who as you said dont know the difference between Congress and BJP...
So...may be not of the level of nehru or lal bahadur shashtri...but still he will be a peoples PM atleast the closest one we have seen in the future.....

I doubt that ....anyway we shall meet here after general elections !
Remember me and mark my words ....possibility of Modi becoming PM is very less . I do not see BJP getting 200 + seats .

Even with best alliance equations and Atal Bihari at helm BJP just managed 180 seats .....

I doubt if Modi can bring BJP any nearer than 170 seats ....

Coming elections regional parties like SP , TMC , AIADMK will get stronger .....and emerge as King maker

Possibility of Congress supported Third front is very high than BJP ....

BJP will get to form government only if it dumps Modi post election !!!!

Unless off course something dramatic happens in coming months ....except that such thing is unlikely to happen !
I doubt that ....anyway we shall meet here after general elections !
Remember me and mark my words ....possibility of Modi becoming PM is very less . I do not see BJP getting 200 + seats.
Hey man I know that very well....That's why I said"If Modi becomes the PM...."
I may be blind with my support to Modi ...but I am not dumb......
Only a miracle can make Modi the PM.....
And I'm praying that miracle to happen...just like many other Modi supporters...

Coming elections regional parties like SP , TMC , AIADMK will get stronger .....and emerge as King maker

Possibility of Congress supported Third front is very high than BJP ....

BJP will get to form government only if it dumps Modi post election !!!!
Sad ..:cry:....but true....
Hey man I know that very well....That's why I said"If Modi becomes the PM...."
I may be blind with my support to Modi ...but I am not dumb......
Only a miracle can make Modi the PM.....
And I'm praying that miracle to happen...just like many other Modi supporters...

Sad ..:cry:....but true....

why do you say that you may be blindly supporting Modi ?
why do you say that you may be blindly supporting Modi ?
It's is not like I have first hand info about the situation of gujarat ....I only know him through his speeches and other videos,articles etc ...(irony-most of which are his own PR works..)available in the open media..
I dont have any inside info or even the knowledge about the ground reality prevailing in gujarat...

But I do have to say I have also gone through the basic statistics of gujarat...they seem to be as good as most of the forward states of India ...if not better...
and there may be even a chance that he might be a failure(a very small chance though)but this is a chance I'm willing to take while casting my vote....
So...in some ways I still may be blind in supporting him...But i guess this is by far the limit..that someone like me can get involve in the democratic process of our country....It is not like each citizen can have a detailed scientific and statistical case study on the parties and candidates before they vote..
Though I am not 100% sure but without Modi Bjp is going to get 50-70 odd seats. Lets face it the default party is congress. Even with all these traitors like LKA, SS, MMJ backbiting modi's odds are that modi wont get more than 100-125 seats.The only way that I find feasible is that these people are expelled and made an example of otherwise its upa3 for us.
[Bregs];4758392 said:
Its very strange that so many senior leaders opposing the name of a person who is immensely popular in internet and facebook

Internet and facebook are used by kiddos .. They will understand politics and Modi better once grown up and will vote for Congress eventually.
I agree with you ....

I am little circumspect about modi ....Modi is very ambitious and opportunist ( it makes him a shrewd leader people withought ambition dont get much success ) ....HE has successfully brought himself to mainstream by sustained media campaign (media is against modi and modi don't care much abt media have personally seen that in function ).....

It's hethreto unseen in Indian politics.....(people want change )

We always had leaders by consensus ....
first time we have leader who has come ahead of others just because of his ambition ....(yes he is ambitious..he loves his work as cm of gujrat and has done wonders in gujrat I am not blindly supporting I knw the facts ..and yes when ever he talks about gujrat u can see in his eyes that how much proud he has for gujrat or what he has done for gujrat his gujrat and if become PM of india will do whatever it takes so that he can talk proudly )

Do you buy into argument that people want to see Modi as PM ? (Yes I am 100% sure )

If you go asking into interiors of India ....you will meet people who won't know if modi is name of vegetable or animal !!!
( ok if the voters don't know who is modi then belive me then don't even know who is advani or sushma swaraj)

Modi and his coterie have maonuvered seasoned politicians in BJP to project him as popular leader .....( Sign of a strong leader )

This is what worries me most......If such overambitious person becomes all powerful PM he is likely to fully use that enormour power ....(the risk worth taking but he is no hitler u might think abt him like that because of 2002 riots no he has a cool head on his shoulder )

Something similar happened in Germany when little known but well articulated person who outmaonuvered everyone else and projected Germans that he will deliver their nation to place it deserves ....

I am really not overplaying my fears .(seems like that )

It is possible .....Modi seems like very cold , calculative person ....
I have reservations about him occupying that all powerful place . ( as I said the risk worth taking people need change and only. Modi can successfully give it )

I hope fractured verdict in 16'th Lok sabha will bridle Modi even if he happens to be PM !!! (Fingers crossed)

I appreciate his leadership ....but PM of India has to put India above everything ...Can modi do that ? (Yes he can) rite now gujrat is above all for him

In some other post u said he is selfish and he is not thinking abt party (bjp) in that case advani and sushma r more selfish then him
They know they can't get 50% vote which modi will get there priority should be to see how bjp wins election but advani Saab wnt to be PM ..

P.s pardon my spelling ipad is autocorrect mode some word may not wht I have written ;)
You know how they made Sonia Gandhi Con president by locking Sita ram kesri in the toilet, atleast LKA is not getting that kind of treatment...

Narendra Modi set to be named PM candidate today

NEW DELHI: Disregarding L K Advani's unrelenting opposition to Narendra Modi's projection as the prime ministerial candidate, BJP and RSS were pressing ahead with their plan to formally declare the Gujarat CM as their choice for the country's top job...
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