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No comparisons with India, says Musharraf

That is the very worst solution, no one has the right, neither India nor Pakistan to divide Kashmir and its people. It is without a doubt if both Kashmir's were given the right to independance, they would choose independance from both India and Pakistan. If they were given the right not to independance but to join either India or Pakistan, both would choose Pakistan (which something Indians are neither willing to admit nor allow the people of Kashmir to choose).

The only practical solution is for a demilitarisation of all of Kashmir, both the Paksitani and Indian Kashmir where both sides withdraw all military personal and an easing of all restrictions on travel between the two sides for the people and a great easing of movement of goods between the two sides.

Until India comes to accept such a solution, Pakistan must maintain the support for Kashmiri's. They must not be abandoned at the whims of a few. It was wrong for Pakistan in 1999 to try and militarily win back Indian occupied Kashmir, it would be even more wrong for Indian occupied Kashmir to be abandoned totally by Pakistan.

You do realise that there CANNOT be demilitarisation of Kashmir UNTIL the terrorist attacks stop. How realistic do u think would it be that when there is militancy in the state, the government withdraws the army...this is plain foolishness. And how in GODS name do u expect ANY COUNTRY to do so?? and u talk about being realistic!

Ground realities must be accepted dude...No one in the world can take Kashmir from us.Period. Not any amount of pressure, militancy or military action. If the militancy in the state stops, the government has said that it would like to make the border irrelevant. Indian Kashmir would still be in India, Azad Kashmir would be in Pakistan, but the border issue will be solved. Any number of people from both sides can go anywhere. The checkposts will be removed, only basic identification would be required. As there is no security threat, any Pakistani can go anywhere in India, invest anywhere.This is ONLY if the militancy stops. Do u not see a pattern here....NOTHING can move forward until the militants stop their actions. As they donot, they think they can make India surrender...big mistake...they will be killed...and not a tear will be shed for them.

And as long as Pakistan maintains support for them, the militancy WILL NOT cease...so the source again ends up as Pakistan. They stop training and supplying the militants, and every1's happy, if they think they will 'support the freedom struggle', they are horrendously mistaken. The key to the solution lies with Pakistan.Question is, whether Pakistan WANTS the solution or not?

Not that i am very concerned...i feel Bush has gone the right way in tackling terrorism...the world now atleast acknowledges it, earlier it was a problem only for India...U.S would put all sorts of pressure on Pakistan to stop these activities....sooner or later THIS will end.

Also mate Asim....the new generation of Kashmiris, the generation of ipods and internet are also inclining towards India, as they see, that their economic prosperity lies in India and not in Pakistan. This is not a reference to the Pakistani people, but u cannot deny, the whole range of dictators u have had, have killed the Pakistani economy, made the people poorer and more orthodox in religion. The frequency of military takeover is also shocking with no guarentee that the current president will also not be removed with force. True, with Musharraf, things are on the right path, atleast many say so but what if he too is removed like the rest. It is a positive start nonetheless...but there is a LONG LONG way to go before these things mature and develop....
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