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No assassination, no coup, no money and military control. It's time to praise Chinese government


Jun 7, 2011
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In recent 50 years, among all Asian governments:

Military governments: S.Korea(once), Taiwan(once), Indonesia(once), Cambodia(once), Thailand, Myanmar
Clan politics: Japan, Philippines, India, Singapore, most Central Asian countries.
King and religious governments: N. Korea, Thailand, Brunei, Bhutan, some Middle East countries.
Political and business collusion governments: Almost all Asian countries except China and North Korea. Most obvious ones among them are: Japan, S.Korea. Taiwan. Russia.

Countries/regions where political leaders were assassinated within 50 years: Japan, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan(injured),
Countries/regions that experienced coups within 50 years: South Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bengal, Iran, Syria and many Middle East / Central Asian countries.

In comparation, today's Chinese government:

Has peaceful power delivery tradition. No coup. No assassination. No violence. No military interference.
Immune to capital influence. Richest men in China(e.g Jack Ma) have zero political influence and are closely monitored by government.
Strong error correction ability.
Far sighted economic policies and plans maker. Thank to that, China performs well in almost all newest industries.
Cares about ordinary people's feeling and interest.

Before 1949, Just like other Asian countries, political assassinations and coups were most common things in China. The CCP changed everything. You gotta admire CCP made China so exceptional among all Asian countries. Considering China is such a big country with No.1 population and has a long history full of bloody and violent politics, it's a miracle for all the changes CCP made in relatively short time.


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Mao started the cultural revolution, bringing down Liu ShaoQi and Lin Biao wanted to kill Mao ZeDong.

The biggest difference is that Mao succeeds and Liu fails.
Which are not coups. Mao was still China's leader by then. And Liu Shaoqi was not directly killed by Mao.
CCP has done an EXCELLENT job raising people's living standards and raising China to becoming a global power. This despite a persistent and coordinated Western tantrum to keep China down. The credit also goes to the Chinese people and Chinese culture to remain focused and goal oriented.

The usual trolls will try to throw mud but the actual fact is that the vast majority of people in the developing world would swap their corrupt and inept government for the Chinese model any day of the week.
In communist China they don't get assassinated, they just disappear.

A communist one party DICTATORSHIP is nothing to be proud of, comrade.

Freedom is fragile and some people may use it to do harm but this cannot be used as an excuse to live in a communist cage where nothing happens because everything is forbidden.
Politics and democracy are not for bots.. period
A communist one party DICTATORSHIP is nothing to be proud of, comrade.
Agree in principle but authoritarianism does have it's plusses

it happens far too often that elected governments get hamstrung and crippled by the democratic process and are unable to deliver for the people, even when in power with a mandate.. India and the US are two big examples.

the "farmer" and BLM riots/protests as an example

bomb them, run a column of tanks over them..
it happens far too often that elected governments get hamstrung and crippled by the democratic process and are unable to deliver for the people, even when in power with a mandate.. India and the US are two big examples.

No. India is unable/slow "to deliver for the people" because it is "hamstrung and crippled" by corruption, nepotism, and incompetence.
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No. India is unable/slow "to deliver for the people" because it is "hamstrung and crippled" corruption, nepotism, and incompetence.
.. and the democratic process itself.
CCP indeed have done a good job of killing of dissenters before they become serious leaders. But why this sudden urge to comment CCP? Somebody is angling fir a promotion ?

Anyway, good job. Just let the Xinjiang people be if you really want Pakistanis to appreciate you.
PRC was unstable in 3 eras:
- Cultural revolution: Mao has contradictory ideas, wanting to kill loyalists to stay in power.
- The Gang of Four: Maoist remainders couped Deng and then Deng couped them back.
- Transition to Xi Jinping: Stuff with Bo Xilai.

I think People Republic of Vietnam was more stable and united, except the years under Nguyễn Tấn Dũng (which resulted in a coup).
PRC was unstable in 3 eras:
- Cultural revolution: Mao has contradictory ideas, wanting to kill loyalists to stay in power.
- The Gang of Four: Maoist remainders couped Deng and then Deng couped them back.
- Transition to Xi Jinping: Stuff with Bo Xilai.

I think People Republic of Vietnam was more stable and united, except the years under Nguyễn Tấn Dũng (which resulted in a coup).
None of these can be called as coup. Compared with CCP, Viet Cong is too money oriented. They see the country like a company. Chinese tourists know they have to bribe Vietnamese customs staff otherwise they will not be let in.

In 1990's, an American billionaire said he believes China has potential. Because when he made his global car driving trip. China was the only one among all poor countries he passed where no one asked him for bribe or tip. 1990's is regarded as China's most corrupt time. But still much better than today's Vietnam.

Vietnamese female military officers carried luxury LV handbags

CCP indeed have done a good job of killing of dissenters before they become serious leaders. But why this sudden urge to comment CCP? Somebody is angling fir a promotion ?

Anyway, good job. Just let the Xinjiang people be if you really want Pakistanis to appreciate you.
Funny Chinese picking up an incident to highlight CCP supremacy haha.
Chinese coup happen all the time just that their government herds the people by propaganda.
Jack Ma anyone?
Poor Indians can only use west and Indian media propaganda and lies to deny all the facts.
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No assassination, no coup, no money and military control. It's time to praise Chinese government

Currently the Chinese government is providing a lot of scholarships for students from Africa and third world countries to study in China. At the same time, spend a lot of money to import foreign athletes.

What do you think about that? Provide money and women to foreigners. Is that a reasonable policy?
There is no perfect system out there. China is developing due to a good focus on education, research and manufacturing/industry.
It would also do well under other systems, including democracy.
Currently the Chinese government is providing a lot of scholarships for students from Africa and third world countries to study in China. At the same time, spend a lot of money to import foreign athletes.

What do you think about that? Provide money and women to foreigners. Is that a reasonable policy?
Chinese universities want to make a good QS ranking position. They invited African and third world countries students, as "internationalization" is one of factors of QS ranking, Thnak to US decoupling China policy, some China prestigious universities like Nanking University have already given up QS. I believe more Chinese universities will follow.

Sport is a very big industry. A few imported athletes could bring huge amount of money. I'm personally against importing foreign athletes.
None of these can be called as coup. Compared with CCP, Viet Cong is too money oriented. They see the country like a company. Chinese tourists know they have to bribe Vietnamese customs staff otherwise they will not be let in.
The part with the Gang of Four vs. Deng is definitely a coup.
I have never bribed Vietnamese custom so I don't know myself.

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