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No armed forces recruitments for 2 yrs, rising shortfall, does size matter, quality or quantity


Apr 28, 2011
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In episode 970 of Cut
The Clutter, Shekhar Gupta looks at the declining numbers of the Indian armed forces. Why this might be a good thing. We also understand the budget of Indian Armed forces and what is budgetary burden of the pensions.
This is not the "blessing in disguise" you think it is. If numbers of new recruits are dwindling and the average age is rising that is very bad news for what is still essentially an infantry/foot based army. If the overall forces declined with equal percentages at all ages and ranks then that is when you can modernise, but infanteering is a young mans game, not getting new blood in and having older and older soldiers is bad news for any army
Is cutting down number of armed forces a part of the modernization plan?
I know Chinese did the same.

Generally mode4rnisation is very well planned, not a response to dwindling numbers. What if most of the shortages are in armour/infantry? Then you get less well resourced battalions and also excess number in the "tail" (logistics, education, catering etc) and lower "teeth" (Infantry/Armour). If this is the case, very good news for Pakistan
even if that is the case, no recruitment isnt the way to go, just take in a reduced number, and retire many that have 40+ age.
You wouldn't want to retire your most experienced people. I believe the cut could come from relatively non critical resources.
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