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Nirbhay cruise missile fails midway

The first two tests of the cruise missile were conducted on March 12, 2013 and October 17, 2014. The first test was only a partial success. “Our previous test was successful where all the critical phases were completed, and the mission parameters met. It will take us a couple of more tests before Nirbhay gets operational clearance,” a top DRDO source told

DRDO sources also confirmed that Nirbhay missile can carry nuclear warheads. The version currently being tested is a land version, being fired from a road-mobile launcher. There are plans to develop the Nirbhay for naval and air platforms as well

Developed by the DRDO’s Aeronautical Development Establishment Bengaluru, Nirbhay uses autopilot and navigation technologies developed for Nishant and Rustom UAVs. The two-stage missile — it takes off vertically like a conventional rocket and then takes a 90 degree turn to come into horizontal flight, or ‘cruise mode’ — flies at the treetop level to avoid detection by enemy radars. A flight speed of 900-1,000 kilometres per hour allows the missile to manoeuvre and navigate its way precisely to the target.

India had developed the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile with Russia but it had to go alone for developing the Nirbhay, which has a range of 1,000 kilometres. This is because of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which forbids its signatory countries from assisting or providing technology to any other country developing a cruise missile with a range of 300 kilometres or more. The range of Brahmos has thus been capped at 295 kilometres, just under the limit set by MTCR.
First test of Nirbhay fail
Second partial success
Third fail
Only few more and gets operational :sarcastic:
Published on 17 Oct 2014

First test of Nirbhay fail
Second partial success
Third fail
Only few more and gets operational :sarcastic:

In 2014, it was said by the Indian scientists that in 3 years Nirbhay criuse missile will get operational clearance.
Why are people going ga- ga over a failure ?

I'd rather it fails during tests than in operations. Let it fail a hundred times if that what it takes for it to hit a target in war.


the problem is you cannot be happy about failures all the time thinking its part of the process- lca is so late and its still a failure-
the problem is you cannot be happy about failures all the time thinking its part of the process- lca is so late and its still a failure-

The missile in flight was supposed to be brought down from 4800 meters to 20 meters gradually and in stages. Su-30 MKI aircraft videotaped the flight

In this 11 minutes of flight the initial critical operations like booster ignition, booster separation, Wing deployment, engine start reaching the desired altitude was carried out successfully.

Ministry of Defence
16-October, 2015 19:34 IST

Flight of Nirbhay Missile Aborted after 700 Seconds of Launch Nirbhay Long Range Subsonic tactical cruise Missile was launched from Integrated Test Range. Chandipur at 11:38 hrs today.

All initial critical operations such as Booster ignition, Booster separation. Wing deployment and engine start were successfully executed and Nirbhay reached the desired Cruise Altitude.

During 700 seconds of flight all the subsystems of Nirbhay cruise Missile functioned satisfactorily and met all the desired functions.

The mission was aborted after 700 seconds of flight.
Second test of the missile on October 17 last year was however successful in flight though it could not maintain low height. Nirbhay continued its flight that lasted nearly 73 minutes and covered the desired distance. “We hope this time too the missile will perform as expected. A few newly developed sub-systems will be proved during this test,” an official said.
EXCLUSIVE: Nirbhay Cruise Missile Deviates From Trajectory, Terminated Mid Air

BALASORE: A developmental test of India’s first home grown cruise missile Nirbhay failed once again with the weapon system deviating from the pre-designated trajectory forcing the mission team to terminate it mid-way on Friday.

Indigenously developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), this nuclear capable missile was test-fired from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) off the Odisha coast at about 11.40 am on Friday. The missile blasted off from a mobile launcher specifically designed for Nirbhay by the Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (VRDE).

But as apprehended by ‘The New Indian Express’ in its previous story, the weapon system developed technical snags during flight and veered off the intended trajectory.

A reliable source said the missile could cover only 129 km in 11 minutes before deviating from the pre-coordinated flight path. “The missile has to be terminated mid-path to prevent damages to human habitation. The missile was to fly nearly one hour and cover full strike range. Forget about attaining low height as set for the mission, the missile could not even travel the desired distance,” the source claimed.

Also Read:Possible 'Technical Snags' Delays Nirbhay Cruise Missile Test
In an earlier report ‘The Express’ had mentioned how the fuel tank which had not cleared the Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) tests was used in Nirbhay-3 making it vulnerable during flight. It had also raised doubts on the Independent Verification and Validation of Nirbhay flight control software (NFCS).

In its first attempt on March 12, 2013, the missile had also behaved in a similar way and swerved, prompting the defence authorities to destroy it mid air. Even as the DRDO had then claimed that the missile covered nearly 200 km in 20 minutes before its deviation from the intended flight path, its wreckages had fallen in Gadaharishpur in Jagatsinghpur district which is nearly 100 km from the launching complex aerially.

Second test of the missile on October 17 last year was however claimed as successful by the DRDO though it could not maintain low height. Nirbhay continued its flight that lasted nearly 73 minutes and covered the desired distance. This time too the DRDO was expecting the missile to perform as coordinated. A few newly developed sub-systems were to be proved during this test.

Sources said some technical glitches had developed prior to the missile launch which reportedly delayed the test for nearly two hours. The missile was made vertical in the morning and the preliminary countdown set for 9.30 am after a special puja and some ceremonial offerings at launching complex. “Sukhoi fighter aircraft also had taken off from Kalaikunda air base to track the missile.

But the countdown was stopped at 3 minute due to some faults probably in the launcher. After sometime, the 20-minute countdown was again set and later it was increased to 50-minute,” the source said. The two-stage missile has a length of six meters, diameter of 0.52 m, wing span 2.7 m and a launch weight of about 1,500 kgs. While the Bengaluru-based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) has designed the missile, its solid rocket motor booster has been developed by Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL).

Nirbhay has been designed to have good loitering and maneuvering capability, best control and guidance, high degree of accuracy in terms of impact and stealth features. The cruise missile having a strike range of around 1,000 km is expected to supplement the Indo-Russian joint venture supersonic cruise missile BrahMos, which can carry warheads up to 290 km.

While the authorities of ITR were tightlipped, Director General of DRDO Selvin Christopher and Director General (Aeronautics) K Tamilmani did not respond calls from ‘The Express’.
I was laughing silently on the delusions of those who were talking about making a Sub marine launch version of Nirbhay within a year whereas they havent removed the kinks of LACM version yet.

DRDO can claim this as a success .Except DRDO top officials and GoI others will believe if they announce such a lie .But they dont.Why??
Because DRDO and ISRO set up its entire base from severe efforts of R&D and trial &error method.We
We will again test that next time .This time they try to push its below 20m and they failed like they failed in 2013 .But they will continue their efforts .You can laugh but who cares ?
Nirbhay is already on its way to our inventory whether you like it or not .And they dont stop it in there.Even idf they taste success in bring it down its flight profile below 20 m they will still continue their experiment on it .Next time that would be for IRNSS upgradation .Nirbhay is our baby and we know how to deploy her.

Ever seen indians making claim of Submarine launch version of Nirbhay even before LACM finished its developmental cycle ?

We have k 15 as operational after 10 trials ,both success and fail ,spanning around a decade .So dont teach us about the difficulties about sub version.We already have technology and nuke sub .We will deploy Nirbhay after the completeion of land version.
Chill it was a test flight . They would have another one more successful than this . :)

BTW even operational missile can also fail . Four Russian Kalibr cruise missiles crashed in Iran on the way to Syrian targets few days ago .
DRDO can claim this as a success .Except DRDO top officials and GoI others will believe if they announce such a lie .But they dont.Why??

Because DRDO and ISRO set up its entire base from severe efforts of R&D and trial &error method.We
We will again test that next time .This time they try to push its below 20m and they failed like they failed in 2013 .But they will continue their efforts .You can laugh but who cares ?
Nirbhay is already on its way to our inventory whether you like it or not .And they dont stop it in there.Even idf they taste success in bring it down its flight profile below 20 m they will still continue their experiment on it .Next time that would be for IRNSS upgradation .Nirbhay is our baby and we know how to deploy her.

Ministry of Defence
16-October, 2015 19:34 IST

Flight of Nirbhay Missile Aborted after 700 Seconds of Launch Nirbhay Long Range Subsonic tactical cruise Missile was launched from Integrated Test Range. Chandipur at 11:38 hrs today.

All initial critical operations such as Booster ignition, Booster separation. Wing deployment and engine start were successfully executed and Nirbhay reached the desired Cruise Altitude.

During 700 seconds of flight all the subsystems of Nirbhay cruise Missile functioned satisfactorily and met all the desired functions.

The mission was aborted after 700 seconds of flight.
mmmmm. ok… this isn't the first time a nirbhay missile failed. a similar acutance happen before, but that self destructed upon command.
well developing weapons is always a learning curve, you have your successes and you have your failures. i think this missile was either a batch test or acceptance testing. it isn't in service yet so its likely thats its undergoing testing before service, it is typical for the client (IA) to want improvements which in this case may be reducing the CEP which is what may have caused the missile to crash, more in particular the gyro, as it never said the missile exploded but it nose dived which the gyro plays a part in the stability of the missile. either that or it may be software error, where the missile may go into its terminal impact (nose dive) trajectory very early.

this will no doubt slow down the nirbhay project. and temporary halt india's ambitions to have a nirbhay alcm, slcm and sbvlcm.

but i do have concerns though. its quiet strange to find a company like drdo to make a product that fails. drdo produces the agni missile series and they haven't failed so far, so why is this different ?

Who told you that ?:D
Agni also faced several failures around 2 decades ago.
We created that base from that failures ,the great man in my avatar engineered that base.
Lolz indians was dreaming about its naval version . :D bubble brust too soon . 3 fail test . same fault in test 1 and 3 . i think abi tk fault hi diagnose ni kar paye ye log .
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