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Niqab becoming a flash point in Canada

i think it's Muslims who, in the end, should lobby to have niqab/burqa banned; not just in those countries, but also in our own.

I can't stand the sight of those ninjas. It's purely an ancient Arabian phenomenon; not necessarily Islamic.

To me (and this is my interpretation) --- the woman is a sign of beauty and perfection. She must show her face.

It is the MEN who should keep their gaze down, rather than pressure woman to wear these stupid repressive outfits

of course, if woman wants to wear it --free from pressure --then she should be allowed to do it. We are also free-minded, freedom loving and God-fearing people.

In my opinion I think you have got it right
growing up in Peshawar, I never really used to see women wearing it....

actually, it was many Afghan refugees who brought it over here. Now you see more women wearing them --at least when they go out in the open.

Usually hejab or even chadhor is sufficient in my opinion. Burqa/niqab is just an exteme. We don't need that **** over here.

even in Turkey I noticed more people are wearing them, as rural people migrate to big cities like Istanbul for work-related reasons.
Niqab becoming a flash point in Canada

TORONTO: The niqab worn by Muslim women has become a flash point in Canada, with most people seeking ban on the veil in public. But liberals and the media are comparing the ban demand to a Taliban dress code.

Niqab becoming a flash point in Canada - Rest of World - World - The Times of India


Guys, Don't Believe in this Islamophobic Rubbish coming none other than the Times of India.

The instance happened in one province ONLY that is French dominated Quebec, Never has it happened in the rest of Canada.

Niqab is NOT an issue in Canada. Never has been one. Canadians are far more open and appreciative of religious practices and tolerant of the Niqab than the UK, US and pretty much most of backward Europe. Yes, we consider the Europeans AND the Americans backwards when it comes to issues such as treatment of minorities.

I have colleagues and friends who wear the Niqab without any problems in Canada.

i think it's Muslims who, in the end, should lobby to have niqab/burqa banned; not just in those countries, but also in our own.

I can't stand the sight of those ninjas. It's purely an ancient Arabian phenomenon; not necessarily Islamic.
Sir your information is absolutely incorrect. The practice of wearing niqab was actually suggested by The Prophet SAW for the women of the house.

Perhaps a visit to wiki can help on the history and justification of it:

Niq?b - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black Blood...relax buddy..So far everything is going good here in Canada these are all rants...Canada had tired best to avoid following americans because they don't want ALQ and Taliban and other terror activities here but this current govt is trying its best to axe itself..
i was gonna say.....

I know Canadian mindset, worlds away (ahead?) of American even. Canadians are extremely tolerant people; i think as long as others (immigrants and locals alike) dont impose on others, they have no problem with how people dress or adorn themselves

France Denmark and Switzerland, on the contrary, are a bit different in their approach to such matters. Hell, burqa/niqab is not even allowed in Tunisia. Wish we had a similar law!

(hope i dont offend anyone)
I think it should only be banned if it has been proven that excessive amount of women have been forced to wear it.

For those who do not know the difference:

lol ninjas.
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^^if Some Girl Wanna live by her religion you people tag her Ninja.:disagree:
if Some Girl Wanna live by her religion you people tag her Ninja.:disagree:

If some girl wanna live by her religion, she shall live by her religion. She isn't compelled to cover herself head to toe though, unless she REALLY wants to

unfortunately, societal pressures --especially in rural areas -- cause them to wear it; not personal will

and quite frankly, nowhere in the Quran does it say they must cover themselves that way. But maybe I am ignorant and somebody can show me the verse where it says it is compulsory to adorn oneself in this way.

I am not a left-leaning person; but i do believe that it is the MEN who should receive more attention....not the women

and honestly, in the end, religion is a private matter. It doesn't need to be displayed outwardly and be worn on the sleeve! I am against the burqa and niqab, and always have been. Some people aren't.

It's about choice.
If some girl wanna live by her religion, she shall live by her religion. She isn't compelled to cover herself head to toe though, unless she REALLY wants to

unfortunately, societal pressures --especially in rural areas -- cause them to wear it; not personal will

and quite frankly, nowhere in the Quran does it say they must cover themselves that way. But maybe I am ignorant and somebody can show me the verse where it says it is compulsory to adorn oneself in this way.

I am not a left-leaning person; but i do believe that it is the MEN who should receive more attention....not the women

and honestly, in the end, religion is a private matter. It doesn't need to be displayed outwardly and be worn on the sleeve! I am against the burqa and niqab, and always have been. Some people aren't.

It's about choice.


If you are against Hijaab it doesn't mean that you are representing every women.There are many if not most women who wear Hijaab by CHOICE.

And by banning Hijaab you are not only infringing upon other's religious matters but also violating the basic Human Rights.

Europeans don't realize but these type of things are the fuel of extremists.

And regarding Hijaab in Isalm.Sir I don't know whether it's in Quran or not but i am pretty sure it is in Hadiths.It is not because of Arab Influence.Other wise you wouldn't see Islam in BD and East Asia and in these Areas Infact Most of Muslims live.
I can't stand the sight of those ninjas. It's purely an ancient Arabian phenomenon; not necessarily Islamic.

We should refrain from such concocted Jahi l'iah; do not speak without knowledge.

Ibn Abbas RA, a sahaba upon whom the prophet alihe'salatu wa'salaam made the following du'ah:

Narrated Hadhrat Ibn Abbas Rady Allahu Anhu: Once the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam embraced me and said, "O Allah! Bestow on him the knowledge of the Book (Qur'an)". (Bukhari).

was of the opinion that only ONE EYE should be shown, this was his interpretation of the Qur'anic ayahs regarding the veil. Granted, this is not the view held by most; however to call for it's banishment and to vehemently attack the opinion is totally uncalled for.
frikin quebecers..there the biggest racist peace of ***** ever to embrace they land..they try wayyy too hard to please their french masters and still they scuk at it

did i mention they're hockey team scuks too
We should refrain from such concocted Jahi l'iah; do not speak without knowledge.

Ibn Abbas RA, a sahaba upon whom the prophet alihe'salatu wa'salaam made the following du'ah:

Narrated Hadhrat Ibn Abbas Rady Allahu Anhu: Once the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam embraced me and said, "O Allah! Bestow on him the knowledge of the Book (Qur'an)". (Bukhari).

was of the opinion that only ONE EYE should be shown, this was his interpretation of the Qur'anic ayahs regarding the veil. Granted, this is not the view held by most; however to call for it's banishment and to vehemently attack the opinion is totally uncalled for.

I don't blame them they got most of their warped-up distorted interpretations from the Colonialists tunnel view of Islamic history and practices.

If you are against Hijaab it doesn't mean that you are representing every women.There are many if not most women who wear Hijaab by CHOICE.

And by banning Hijaab you are not only infringing upon other's religious matters but also violating the basic Human Rights.

Europeans don't realize but these type of things are the fuel of extremists.

And regarding Hijaab in Isalm.Sir I don't know whether it's in Quran or not but i am pretty sure it is in Hadiths.It is not because of Arab Influence.Other wise you wouldn't see Islam in BD and East Asia and in these Areas Infact Most of Muslims live.

I think he was talking about Niqab or Burkha, not Hijab..
...I can't stand the sight of those ninjas. It's purely an ancient Arabian phenomenon; not necessarily Islamic. To me (and this is my interpretation) --- the woman is a sign of beauty and perfection. She must show her face.
I agree that hiding face is never required in islamis scriptures(Quran/Hadees), BUT it's NOT ancient Arabic phenomenon rather it's the opposite... i.e, from what i herd, face-covering(Nikab) & burka were introduced later on...

Quran asks women to "wrap" وَلۡيَضۡرِبۡنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ their trunks with an outer covering "Chaadar"چادر & stretch a part of it over themselves(over their heads)يُدۡنِينَ عَلَيۡہِنَّ مِن جَلَـٰبِيبِهِنَّۚ . (Quran:24:31 & 33:59)

According to hadees too, ladies r NOT required to cover face & hands...
Abu Dawood:27::4092:- Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands.
Tricky situation that is all I can say , being a guy I love the women like french

But this issue is a bit sinister

I just see this as an attempt to destroy Muslim Culture -

1. Disrespect of Muslim Prophet openly in newspapers
2. Profiling of Muslim Men at airports
3. Profiling of Muslim women at airports
4. Forcing of western culture on Muslim families
5. Anything that is close to Muslim culture is presented as backward
6. Denial of women (muslim only) who wear head scarve and want to play
soccer in Candian soccer assication ran events , not by FIFA but rule
by the Hypocrite Canadian hypocrites. They send in referees
to league meetings to tell women don't expect to play if you wear
a bandana.

While I love the women form and find it attractive the issue at hand is far greater
if some women (Muslim) wants to preserve her faith , its her right to do what she wants. Just like a christian women has the right to practice her faith.

Also secondly , this is also an attempt to destroy muslim house hold , with out hijab , and pious values which are core of muslim homes, we will see same problems in Muslim homes that are common in western society

a) Infidelity (Tiger woods, any politician you name it they have done it)
b) High divorce rates
c) Social problems

I support Muslim women , I am muslim and I am gona support women righst in our own terms - western societies have no business telling what our men / women should or should not do .. end of story

The hidden messag that is promoted in western media is the notion that

"Muslim men and women do their faith obligations because they are forced to do it"

While they deem all the stuff they do in their own religion to be completely natural ......

This is the fundamental problem .....

The world and its nations are trying to curb down spread of muslim influence in their countries by un necessary means of ABUSE of power ... nothing more.....

I am sick of muslims being apologetic and being all nice nice , we need some men to be power and start defending some women rights issues , its unfortunate we don't have any such leaders -

May be the hijab should be given to male leaders of our socity , ki pani main doob marna chahiye ...

When you hear story that Muslim Pakistani women was abused at UK airport and rejected to fly back to pakistan becasue she did not wanted to go on naked camera screening ...

The idea should be ... FREEDOM if you like to wear hijab great go head if you don't that is fine too ....

Muslim women have no obligation to do what any forign country wants -
but Full burqa's are a bit too much

But reality is that Muslim women are facing constant harassment from Western civilization and that is a fact you just have to follow news
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