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Nine Afghan boys gunned down by NATO helicopters in Kabul


Jul 31, 2009
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Nine boys gunned down by NATO helicopters

Alissa Rubin
March 4, 2011

KABUL: Nine boys collecting firewood to heat their homes in the eastern Afghanistan mountains were killed by NATO helicopter gunners who mistook them for insurgents, NATO said in a statement apologising for the mistake.

President Hamid Karzai, in London for an official visit, condemned the attack ''in the strongest terms possible''.

The alliance confirmed that nine civilians had been killed, but did not address the assertion by the Afghan government that the dead were children. A NATO statement said a communications error led to helicopter and artillery attacks on the wrong target.

The boys, who were aged nine to 15, were attacked on Tuesday in what amounted to one of the war's worst cases of mistaken killings by foreign-led forces. The victims included two sets of brothers. A 10th boy survived.

The NATO statement said the boys had been misidentified as the attackers of a NATO base earlier in the day, and included an unusual personal apology by the commander of the NATO forces in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus.

News of the attack enraged Afghans and led to an anti-US demonstration in the village of Nanglam, where the boys were from.

Waving white flags, they shouted: ''Death, death to America!'' and ''Death to Obama and his colleagues and associates!''

The only survivor, Hemad, 11, said his mother had told him to go out with other boys to collect firewood because ''the weather is very cold now''.

''We were almost done collecting the wood when suddenly we saw the helicopters come,'' said Hemad. ''There were two of them. The helicopters hovered over us, scanned us and we saw a green flash. Then they flew back high up and in a second round they hovered over us and started shooting. They fired a rocket which landed on a tree. The tree branches fell over me and shrapnel hit my right hand and my side.''

The tree, Hemad said, saved his life by covering him so that he could not be seen by the helicopters, which, he said, ''shot the boys one after another''.

General Petraeus pledged to investigate the attack and to take disciplinary action if appropriate.

It was the third instance in two weeks in which the Afghan government has accused NATO of killing civilians.

The attack on the boys occurred high in the mountains outside Nanglam in the Pech Valley of Kunar province. United States troops are preparing to close their bases in the valley in the next several weeks, in part because their presence has vexed the villagers, who would prefer to be left alone.

A rocket attack on the base on Tuesday led to a helicopter search for the insurgents responsible, the NATO statement said.

The helicopters ''returned fire at the assessed point of origin with indirect and aerial fire'', it said.

Villagers - who heard the gunfire in the mountains and worried when the children did not return home - went to look for them.

The boys had been out since the morning, local people said.

''As soon as we heard about the attack on the village's children, all the village men rushed to the mountains to find out what really happened,'' said Ashabuddin, a shopkeeper from Manogai, a nearby village, whose nephew Khalid was among those killed.

''Finally we found the dead bodies. Some of the dead bodies were really badly chopped up by the rockets. The head of a child was missing. Others were missing limbs.''

The New York Times
That's what happens when your country is occupied by foreign military forces. It also happens when one's Government is complicit in allowing a foreign entity to conduct attacks on your soil from your soil.
Hail United States of America & Human Rights + Rules of engagement :usflag:
Human right violations are only investigated when muslims are invloved. Saddam will be investigated by the humanity, Fidel Castro is a ruthless dictator, Kadaffi will be invetigated by ICJ, who is going to investiagte the Christian Attrocites and Christian terrorism against innocent children.

Mulim countries can withdraw from the UN one by one and it will fade away like Warsaw Pact and Leagueof nations.
Human right violations are only investigated when muslims are invloved. Saddam will be investigated by the humanity, Fidel Castro is a ruthless dictator, Kadaffi will be invetigated by ICJ, who is going to investiagte the Christian Attrocites and Christian terrorism against innocent children.

Mulim countries can withdraw from the UN one by one and it will fade away like Warsaw Pact and Leagueof nations.

How can you compare Castro with Wall Street regime? Castro provides free health care for Cuban citizens which Wall Street regime can't even do and sends doctors to Africa. Even today Cuba has a higher literacy rate than most US allies of similar size, all despite US sanctions on Cuba. Cuba has also never invaded another country, and its nuclear weapons program was purely defensive against the aggression of the Wall Street stock sharks.
That's what happens when your country is occupied by foreign military forces.
Yes, in Pakistan one can be absolutely sure that no Pakistani would hear of the Pakistani Army doing such a thing, either by accident or design, in Swat or S. Wazirstan, no sir!

It was a tragic mistake, what we Americans refer to as "the fog of war".
Human right violations are only investigated when muslims are invloved. Saddam will be investigated by the humanity, Fidel Castro is a ruthless dictator, Kadaffi will be invetigated by ICJ, who is going to investiagte the Christian Attrocites and Christian terrorism against innocent children.

Mulim countries can withdraw from the UN one by one and it will fade away like Warsaw Pact and Leagueof nations.

True. But not gonna happen when most of them are US allys
Yes, in Pakistan one can be absolutely sure that no Pakistani would hear of the Pakistani Army doing such a thing, either by accident or design, in Swat or S. Wazirstan, no sir!

You are seriously comparing this with that? fine example that everyone should believe in Darwinism.

It was a tragic mistake, what we Americans refer to as "the fog of war".

Mistake? that's it?These pilots feel like they have to kill something but they forget there is a payday for everyone. Feel sorry for the all the serial killers incarcerated, all they had to do was to join war on terror to get their fix with title of HERO on their chest.
Wall Street regime terrorists strike again. When Afghans kill 1 white man, it's a terrorist attack that must be punished, but when the mercenaries of Wall Street regime kill 9 children, it's nothing.

No, it's not nothing, it's not all right.
It's deplorable, and actually *hurts* the fight against terrorism by breeding new hatred against the West.

I'm "for the West", and for western ideals, but against abuses of military power.

I'd say the Americans need some time off, some better sensors, and better training.

My sincerest apologies go out to the boys, their families and their countrymen/women.
I'll try my best to entice the Americans and Israelis and Europeans to be less futile in their war efforts against muslim extremism.

And for once i won't make a full argument about how the Taliban and muslim extremists routinely label muslim victims of their violence "involuntary martyrs".
No, it's not nothing, it's not all right.
It's deplorable, and actually *hurts* the fight against terrorism by breeding new hatred against the West.

I'm "for the West", and for western ideals, but against abuses of military power.

I'd say the Americans need some time off, some better sensors, and better training.

My sincerest apologies go out to the boys, their families and their countrymen/women.
I'll try my best to entice the Americans and Israelis and Europeans to be less futile in their war efforts against muslim extremism.

And for once i won't make a full argument about how the Taliban and muslim extremists routinely label muslim victims of their violence "involuntary martyrs".

You may personally feel that way and your government may even feel that way, but at the end, it's the Wall Street regime that makes the decisions in Afghanistan, and they're responsible to no one.
While unfortunate, this was a mistake. Mistakes happen in a war and nato apologised. I have seen soldiers being tormented by guilt of having shot children by mistake. What im trying to say is, they dont do it on purpose. NATO Is not a bunch of cold blooded animals.
While unfortunate, this was a mistake. Mistakes happen in a war and nato apologised. I have seen soldiers being tormented by guilt of having shot children by mistake. What im trying to say is, they dont do it on purpose. NATO Is not a bunch of cold blooded animals.

There you go again. Western racism and superiority complex. What makes westerners different from other occupying forces? Being tormented by guilt means no crime? Imperial Japanese Army soldiers were also tormented by guilt, does that make them innocent of genocide against China, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and Phillipines? Many German Nazis were also tormented by guilt, does that mean they're not criminals, or that Nazis weren't really that bad?
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