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Nikki Haley: I’ll cut the billions in foreign aid we send our enemies

Mirzali Khan

Sep 25, 2020
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United States

Nikki Haley: I’ll cut the billions in foreign aid we send our enemies​

America spent $46 billion on foreign aid last year. That’s more than any other country by far. Taxpayers deserve to know where that money is going and what it’s doing. They will be shocked to find that much of it goes to fund anti-American countries and causes. As president, I’ll put a stop to this fiasco.

Here are just a few examples.

We’ve given Iraq more than $1 billion over the last few years, even though its government is getting closer to the murderous thugs in Iran who shout “Death to America!” and launch attacks on our troops.

The Biden administration resumed military aid to Pakistan, though it’s home to at least a dozen terrorist organizations and its government is deeply in hock to China.

Team Biden restored half a billion dollars to a corrupt United Nations agency that’s supposed to help the Palestinian people but in fact covers for deeply anti-Semitic propaganda against our ally Israel.

We give hundreds of millions of dollars to Zimbabwe, a country with one of the most anti-American voting records in the UN.

If those examples aren’t bad enough, it gets worse — almost comical if it weren’t true.

American taxpayers still give money to Communist China for ridiculous environment programs, despite the obvious threat China poses to Americans. We give money to Belarus, which is Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s closest ally. We even give money to Communist Cuba — a country our own government has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.

This is not just Joe Biden. It’s been happening for decades under presidents of both parties. Our foreign-aid policies are stuck in the past. They typically operate on autopilot, with no consideration for the conduct of the countries that receive our aid. The Washington bureaucracy and its defenders in Congress inevitably dig in to save these global giveaways. It will take a determined president to root out these taxpayer rip-offs.

I am running for president to restore our nation’s strength, our national pride and our people’s trust. Backing American allies and friends like Israel and Ukraine is smart. Sending our tax dollars to enemies isn’t.

That’s why I will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us. A strong America doesn’t pay off the bad guys. A proud America doesn’t waste our people’s hard-earned money. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand beside our friends.

I will be that president, just as I was that ambassador.

As US ambassador to the United Nations, I saw how often anti-American countries bashed us in public then privately begged us for money. And I lost confidence in our leaders, who know what’s happening but keep letting our enemies pig out at the taxpayer trough. Year after year, Congress throws billions of dollars at our enemies and their allies, instead of focusing on America’s allies and our interests.

As ambassador, I strongly supported President Donald Trump’s decision to cut nearly $2 billion of military aid to Pakistan because that country supports terrorists who kill American troops. It was a major victory for our troops, our taxpayers and our vital interests, but it didn’t go nearly far enough. We’ve still given them way too much in other aid. As president, I will block every penny.

At the UN, I put together a book of how much money we give other countries and how often they vote with us. It was eye-opening. We are giving huge amounts of cash to countries that vote against us most of the time. That doesn’t make sense. I’ll stop it. America can’t buy our friends. We’ll certainly never buy off our enemies.

No country has a right to the American taxpayer’s money. Our leaders have a responsibility to protect our people and promote our interests. Our politicians aren’t doing that, all the way up to President Joe Biden. It’s about time we had a president who did.

Nikki Haley is running for president. She was governor of South Carolina and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah
@SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81
@Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1 @Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @SaadH @Kharral @Ahmed_Bhai


Nikki Haley: I’ll cut the billions in foreign aid we send our enemies​

America spent $46 billion on foreign aid last year. That’s more than any other country by far. Taxpayers deserve to know where that money is going and what it’s doing. They will be shocked to find that much of it goes to fund anti-American countries and causes. As president, I’ll put a stop to this fiasco.

Here are just a few examples.

We’ve given Iraq more than $1 billion over the last few years, even though its government is getting closer to the murderous thugs in Iran who shout “Death to America!” and launch attacks on our troops.

The Biden administration resumed military aid to Pakistan, though it’s home to at least a dozen terrorist organizations and its government is deeply in hock to China.

Team Biden restored half a billion dollars to a corrupt United Nations agency that’s supposed to help the Palestinian people but in fact covers for deeply anti-Semitic propaganda against our ally Israel.

We give hundreds of millions of dollars to Zimbabwe, a country with one of the most anti-American voting records in the UN.

If those examples aren’t bad enough, it gets worse — almost comical if it weren’t true.

American taxpayers still give money to Communist China for ridiculous environment programs, despite the obvious threat China poses to Americans. We give money to Belarus, which is Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s closest ally. We even give money to Communist Cuba — a country our own government has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.

This is not just Joe Biden. It’s been happening for decades under presidents of both parties. Our foreign-aid policies are stuck in the past. They typically operate on autopilot, with no consideration for the conduct of the countries that receive our aid. The Washington bureaucracy and its defenders in Congress inevitably dig in to save these global giveaways. It will take a determined president to root out these taxpayer rip-offs.

I am running for president to restore our nation’s strength, our national pride and our people’s trust. Backing American allies and friends like Israel and Ukraine is smart. Sending our tax dollars to enemies isn’t.

That’s why I will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us. A strong America doesn’t pay off the bad guys. A proud America doesn’t waste our people’s hard-earned money. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand beside our friends.

I will be that president, just as I was that ambassador.

As US ambassador to the United Nations, I saw how often anti-American countries bashed us in public then privately begged us for money. And I lost confidence in our leaders, who know what’s happening but keep letting our enemies pig out at the taxpayer trough. Year after year, Congress throws billions of dollars at our enemies and their allies, instead of focusing on America’s allies and our interests.

As ambassador, I strongly supported President Donald Trump’s decision to cut nearly $2 billion of military aid to Pakistan because that country supports terrorists who kill American troops. It was a major victory for our troops, our taxpayers and our vital interests, but it didn’t go nearly far enough. We’ve still given them way too much in other aid. As president, I will block every penny.

At the UN, I put together a book of how much money we give other countries and how often they vote with us. It was eye-opening. We are giving huge amounts of cash to countries that vote against us most of the time. That doesn’t make sense. I’ll stop it. America can’t buy our friends. We’ll certainly never buy off our enemies.

No country has a right to the American taxpayer’s money. Our leaders have a responsibility to protect our people and promote our interests. Our politicians aren’t doing that, all the way up to President Joe Biden. It’s about time we had a president who did.

Nikki Haley is running for president. She was governor of South Carolina and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah
@SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81
@Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1 @Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @SaadH @Kharral @Ahmed_Bhai

I'll vote for her just for this one policy of hers.
anytime America needs police action in Afghanistan they have to rely upon their minions in Pakistan. Or let us say it is the cheapest option
I'll vote for her just for this one policy of hers.

Same 😍

anytime America needs police action in Afghanistan they have to rely upon their minions in Pakistan. Or let us say it is the cheapest option

It won’t be popular at all if USA got involved in Afghanistan again.

Burn Youthiya burn.
Never I have ever seen a person wishing bad to his own country just because of some play boy drug addict.

Country is on the brink of collapse

Youthiyas make up majority of the diaspora 😉
This curry b*tch isn't going to win.

Nikki Haley: I’ll cut the billions in foreign aid we send our enemies​

America spent $46 billion on foreign aid last year. That’s more than any other country by far. Taxpayers deserve to know where that money is going and what it’s doing. They will be shocked to find that much of it goes to fund anti-American countries and causes. As president, I’ll put a stop to this fiasco.

Here are just a few examples.

We’ve given Iraq more than $1 billion over the last few years, even though its government is getting closer to the murderous thugs in Iran who shout “Death to America!” and launch attacks on our troops.

The Biden administration resumed military aid to Pakistan, though it’s home to at least a dozen terrorist organizations and its government is deeply in hock to China.

Team Biden restored half a billion dollars to a corrupt United Nations agency that’s supposed to help the Palestinian people but in fact covers for deeply anti-Semitic propaganda against our ally Israel.

We give hundreds of millions of dollars to Zimbabwe, a country with one of the most anti-American voting records in the UN.

If those examples aren’t bad enough, it gets worse — almost comical if it weren’t true.

American taxpayers still give money to Communist China for ridiculous environment programs, despite the obvious threat China poses to Americans. We give money to Belarus, which is Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s closest ally. We even give money to Communist Cuba — a country our own government has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.

This is not just Joe Biden. It’s been happening for decades under presidents of both parties. Our foreign-aid policies are stuck in the past. They typically operate on autopilot, with no consideration for the conduct of the countries that receive our aid. The Washington bureaucracy and its defenders in Congress inevitably dig in to save these global giveaways. It will take a determined president to root out these taxpayer rip-offs.

I am running for president to restore our nation’s strength, our national pride and our people’s trust. Backing American allies and friends like Israel and Ukraine is smart. Sending our tax dollars to enemies isn’t.

That’s why I will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us. A strong America doesn’t pay off the bad guys. A proud America doesn’t waste our people’s hard-earned money. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand beside our friends.

I will be that president, just as I was that ambassador.

As US ambassador to the United Nations, I saw how often anti-American countries bashed us in public then privately begged us for money. And I lost confidence in our leaders, who know what’s happening but keep letting our enemies pig out at the taxpayer trough. Year after year, Congress throws billions of dollars at our enemies and their allies, instead of focusing on America’s allies and our interests.

As ambassador, I strongly supported President Donald Trump’s decision to cut nearly $2 billion of military aid to Pakistan because that country supports terrorists who kill American troops. It was a major victory for our troops, our taxpayers and our vital interests, but it didn’t go nearly far enough. We’ve still given them way too much in other aid. As president, I will block every penny.

At the UN, I put together a book of how much money we give other countries and how often they vote with us. It was eye-opening. We are giving huge amounts of cash to countries that vote against us most of the time. That doesn’t make sense. I’ll stop it. America can’t buy our friends. We’ll certainly never buy off our enemies.

No country has a right to the American taxpayer’s money. Our leaders have a responsibility to protect our people and promote our interests. Our politicians aren’t doing that, all the way up to President Joe Biden. It’s about time we had a president who did.

Nikki Haley is running for president. She was governor of South Carolina and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah
@SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81
@Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1 @Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @SaadH @Kharral @Ahmed_Bhai

Says the nibba living in Canada...

American citizen as well. Work in the oil and gas sector.

My family has been here since the early 1960s...

All these Pakistani generals are like cow dung infront of me.

Burn Youthiya burn.
Never I have ever seen a person wishing bad to his own country just because of some play boy drug addict.

Are you living in the failed state?
Instead of bad mouthing Nikki Haley, why can't we just undertand the point she is trying to make?

I think it' a very fair argument that Tax-payer money should not be wasted. US must reconsider where it's foriegn aid goes, just like India does every single year.
What's her plan to balance the trade deficit with India?
every aid have stopped already in past . there i no US aid for pakistan now this bhakt b1tch is ill informed .

America still has to fund Pakistan because Afghanistan is still a hotbed for terrorism (No Sh*t)
Afghanistan is still a threat to US interests, therefore Pakistan will continue to receive aid.
Unless this plans to put American boots on the ground to establish US interests, she's barking up the wrong tree for support.

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