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NFL Championships and Superbowl XLIV


Jan 7, 2009
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There are bound to be some Football fans on this board. I think it's time to rally them all.

Jets lead Colts 7 to 3 as I type this, and yes, I've washed my eyes twice and I see the same score. I hadn't expected the Jets to lead, though I knew it wouldn't be a cakewalk for the Colts.

I think that, with the four teams in the Championship right now, we can't possibly have a boring Superbowl. Regardless of which two teams meet, there will be plenty to talk about before and, possible, after.

Oh, and as I type this, the Colts rallied back and just missed out on a touchdown. Jets now lead by 7 to 6, that's more like it.

Colts win! 30 - 17. Valiant effort in the first half by the Jets, but the Colts are just too damn good.

Manning vs Favre or Manning vs Brees; boy, this is going to be one special Superbowl.
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