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Next Nuclear base attack will be invade by US raids

I do not care what the top brass says, we need to revise the security paramters all nukes, missiles, military depots, hospitals, shrines, courts, railways, airports etc.. Pakistan is fighting a different kind of war. In conventional war the Pakistan Army wiped out the Talibaan in Swat, Mingora, Dir and all surrounding areas and they did not even stand a chance.
if they invade a reactor and shut it down. it will probably add another 15 minutes of loadshedding. nl biggy.

Nuclear reactors are nuclear power reactors are two different things.
Military Nuclear installation have nothing to do with power generation and load shedding
Why is it alarming for an Indian, When the government of Pakistan herself has expressed satisfaction with current Nuclear command and control system?. By the way search for ''Army strategic forces Command'' & you may find some answers to your grave concern. And lastly are you that naive that you think that we will put all our eggs in one basket? Just think about it okay.

But tell me.. The army strategic forces command work outside the influence of Political and military leadership of Pakistan? If not, then how can the 3 individuals you mentioned be unaware of the location of nuke assets
Don't laugh, US raid, in no time, will invade Pakistan Nuclear Bases under attack by well armed and well trained Terrorists. We have witness recently how the terrorists came to enter PNS Mehran base with the help of officer ranks, we have witness how OBL comfortably lived near the capital city of Islamabad, US correctly didn't inform ISI due to the fear of Islamist sympathziers connection.

I am certain terrorists may be some blueprints next plan to sneak high powerful securtiy-Nuclear base (than Navy base) in similar way. Please don't be denial mode, it is better to admit the reality.

What US can do is to destroy terrorists who try to capture Nuclear base and large inventories of nuclear weapons-usable materials within minutes in order to secure them. It will be the worst day for Pakistan next few months after PN Mehren and AF base. What Pakistan army can do is nothing.


I am sure who developed nukes they definitely knows how to protect it so keep your illogical, permanent fear with you. If you really have concerns over this topic then i want to say that US is not God, India from 1948 fell into its ill minded constant hate against Pakistan so take yourself in hand and courage PA than criticism, if can't give a positive thinking then don't even give negative thinking.

Take a time and try to check Indian nuclear security in past years so many thing will be clear for you and use your hopeless words for them but not for us.
Okay... me naïf tell u this thing - Every new year day, the government of Pakistan and the government of India exchange nuclear site list under agreement of prohibition of attack against nuke facilities. So may be your President and COAS do not know, Indians know it for sure (No way I am advocating you have a similar agreement with the Taliban - they'd love to break that agreement after getting info on your nuke installations).

Me naïf kid tell u 1 more thing - Every country is run on chain of command, and in case of your country it ends at Ashfaq Pervez Kayani - a military member of the NCA and a direct senior to Lt. Gen. Khalid Kidwai (secretary of the NCA that overlooks the nuke installations and facilities).

And one last thing for your much misplaced anti-India rhetoric that is becoming counterproductive by each passing day - Possibility of loose nukes in Pakistan will always be the biggest and most grave concern to India! Most probably they will be used against India (President and COAS will plead ignorance to that, as you claim they don't know about it), and even if any accident happens within Pakistan, the fallout for sure will be blown toward India (and Afghanistan, and Iran, and China, and Tajikistan, and Dubai, and KSA....).

Pray to God they are safe, otherwise even your closest ally will be forced to look otherways.

Sir, please keep India out of this discussion or comparion to India, it is our own internal fragile situation matters ourselves.

I am sure who developed nukes they definitely knows how to protect it so keep your illogical, permanent fear with you. If you really have concerns over this topic then i want to say that US is not God, India from 1948 fell into its ill minded constant hate against Pakistan so take yourself in hand and courage PA than criticism, if can't give a positive thinking then don't even give negative thinking.

Take a time and try to check Indian nuclear security in past years so many thing will be clear for you and use your hopeless words for them but not for us.

yaar lol, last time we discussed how SSGs commandos took care of PNS Mehran, now you know it was 16 hours amazing operations. I understood their main job is to protect Assets and beauty buildings. I have visited PNS Navy base last year, did you? You can go ahead to criticize me, I am disappointed that Pakistanis seem too confident on Army's control on Nuclears, well-trained terrorists will spread virus from North to South, East to West. In fact, it is not possible to grab all 100+ nuclear weapons but ONE will mistake. Terrorists willing to do ONE job in order to screw Pakistan.

Again, I have no confident relying on Pakistan Army, Kiyani, ISI, PAF, Islamic sympathizers 'elements' as we betrayed to East Pakistan (Bangladesh), and then Afghanistan, Talibans, Balouchistan and maybe maybe Kashmir.

Sir, please keep India out of this discussion or comparion to India, it is our own internal fragile situation matters ourselves.

Sir, I hope you will allow me to clear my position here.

I did not drag India into the topic without any reason. The person questioning my point specifically tried to deviate the discussion by pointing at my citizenship. Hence the befitting reply. By the way, I'd be the last Indian you'll find comparing India to show Pakistan in bad light. I have lived a great part of my life in India as a common man. I know the ground realities there.
But tell me.. The army strategic forces command work outside the influence of Political and military leadership of Pakistan? If not, then how can the 3 individuals you mentioned be unaware of the location of nuke assets

Pretty much, i can't fill you in with the details about those generals who holds the reigns of ASCF, but let me put it this way that they are one's, on whom you can really feel proud of.
Okay... me naïf tell u this thing - Every new year day, the government of Pakistan and the government of India exchange nuclear site list under agreement of prohibition of attack against nuke facilities. So may be your President and COAS do not know, Indians know it for sure (No way I am advocating you have a similar agreement with the Taliban - they'd love to break that agreement after getting info on your nuke installations).
So are you under the impression that you have the list of all the locations where we have stocked all of our nukes? are you serious? Don't be under any delusions.
Me naïf kid tell u 1 more thing - Every country is run on chain of command, and in case of your country it ends at Ashfaq Pervez Kayani - a military member of the NCA and a direct senior to Lt. Gen. Khalid Kidwai (secretary of the NCA that overlooks the nuke installations and facilities).
Let me answer you this way just because you have access to wikipedia doesn't mean that you are gonna find our entire hierarchy of nuclear command and control system. kapish? Besides, ASFC is the main body organ of NCA & SPD & manages the direct control over nuclear facilities.
And one last thing for your much misplaced anti-India rhetoric that is becoming counterproductive by each passing day - Possibility of loose nukes in Pakistan will always be the biggest and most grave concern to India! Most probably they will be used against India (President and COAS will plead ignorance to that, as you claim they don't know about it), and even if any accident happens within Pakistan, the fallout for sure will be blown toward India (and Afghanistan, and Iran, and China, and Tajikistan, and Dubai, and KSA....).
Excuse me......... I am the last person on this forum who gets into this India-Pakistan bickering, so spare me your made-up rant okay. The conditional probability of a broken arrow is almost 0-5%( and that too if we go by the argument that CIA has info), and with this skeleton percentage, no sane entity, would want to risk it, do i also need to remind you that despite all the satellites and state of the art tech even Americans are unaware of all our nuclear assets & facilities? you have a weak argument more of a propaganda, which is liable to be rejected at first stance so keep on living in your fools paradise but don't put false accusations on me, i am least interested in India or her affairs unlike you.
Pray to God they are safe, otherwise even your closest ally will be forced to look otherways.
No Thanks, I am pretty much pleased with the current NCCS, it is you who needs to pray.
Ignore the ridiculous "U.S. is coming for our nukes" for a moment, as it isn't worthy of discussion. But high-security IS.

Here's how you protect nukes... it's not hard. It's the same system set up to guard the tons and tons of gold in Ft. Knox, USA.

You build underground storage facilities upwards of 20 meters deep. Cargo elevators are used to lift the components up in time of emergency or need.

Layers of conventional security surround the complex; standard missiles, small arms, barbed wire, etc.

Here's the kicker - concrete water tanks hold enough water to flood the facility to 20 meters depth. Inside a concrete blockhouse is a special room with a big PANIC button. In case of a base attack, personnel occupy the room, and monitor. If the breach is successful, if it appears the base will fall, the button is pressed. The nuclear components are under water.

No light, mobile attacking force is going to have the equipment, expertise, and above all, time, to salvage the nukes.

It is a last-ditch thing, and would cause damage, but it would guarantee that nuclear weapons and such would not fall into enemy hands.

An alternative would be to flood the bunker with a non-persistent nerve agent, that will either degrade and clear on its own in a few days, or maybe fill the bunker with CO2, which is heavier than air and won't harm the materials. People need to think outside of the box with this sort of thing, go beyond men, guns, and barbed wire.
Thank you for your time, Chogy, I appreciate your input, glad you have different opinion than most standard American.

Let me ask last question if you don't mind- Pakistan firmly assure it is safe. why your major media continually worrying about the safety of Pakistan expansion arsenals after OBL and PNS Mehren even US govt offer "help" to secure them, not other countries, silly? Hiliary Clinton made similar languages so is NATO chief. The case is getting stronge in turn to blame Pakistan.

Here's credible source (2011)

Intense US monitoring of Pakistan’s nuclear and missile programmes | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

Pakistan's nuclear stockpile worries US

Pakistan's nuclear arms push angers America - Telegraph

U.S. Secretly Aids Pakistan in Guarding Nuclear Arms - New York Times
Ignore the ridiculous "U.S. is coming for our nukes" for a moment, as it isn't worthy of discussion. But high-security IS.

Here's how you protect nukes... it's not hard. It's the same system set up to guard the tons and tons of gold in Ft. Knox, USA.

You build underground storage facilities upwards of 20 meters deep. Cargo elevators are used to lift the components up in time of emergency or need.

Layers of conventional security surround the complex; standard missiles, small arms, barbed wire, etc.

Here's the kicker - concrete water tanks hold enough water to flood the facility to 20 meters depth. Inside a concrete blockhouse is a special room with a big PANIC button. In case of a base attack, personnel occupy the room, and monitor. If the breach is successful, if it appears the base will fall, the button is pressed. The nuclear components are under water.

No light, mobile attacking force is going to have the equipment, expertise, and above all, time, to salvage the nukes.

It is a last-ditch thing, and would cause damage, but it would guarantee that nuclear weapons and such would not fall into enemy hands.

An alternative would be to flood the bunker with a non-persistent nerve agent, that will either degrade and clear on its own in a few days, or maybe fill the bunker with CO2, which is heavier than air and won't harm the materials. People need to think outside of the box with this sort of thing, go beyond men, guns, and barbed wire.

And there you have it folks......If an avergae AMerican is giving out advice to protect Nuclear facilities wouldn't a hardcore secerte service (CIA) or special service (NAvy seals) army know a lot more to pentrate a nuclear reactor and cause harm ? If it happens ?

Just a thought. Small error there in your post.
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