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Next Chief Of Army Staff - 2013 ?

Who will be the next Chief Of Army Staff - 2013 ?

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India pakistan both have British legacy armed forces thus why both have same chain of command but why there are difference in selection of COAS

just because we have similar chain of command and legacy does not mean we should jump in the pool full of sharks......
you will always have one person on the same ranks with more traits. No one is diminishing any General here. Whoever makes to top has already proven themselves of worthy but as I said you will always find someone with better traits.
I'd love to see Tariq Khan as next CGS.
Everyone is talking about who next Chief will be and forgetting the fact that CJSC (GENERAL Khalid) is due to retire on 6 October 2013.
Rashad Mahmood na hon promote bus.
in my opinion Lt. General Rashad should be the next COAS

He is not liked by majority of Army officers.
While he was IG FC during the War of Bajaur his son got kidnapped and kidnappers demands were against the interest of the state but within his power.
His son returned in pieces.

No. Nothing such happened.

You really think something like this would have a news report/article. I know this from a person who served under him while this happened in Bajaur that is.
Your report is inaccurate. I belong to a military family and I know Tariq Khan personally.
Among senior Generals is any one by the name of Janjuja too ?

General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, NI(M), HI, Baloch — Chief of Army Staff (COAS), GHQ. (Colonel-in-Chief of the Baloch Regiment). Due to retire on 28 November 2013'.[1]
General Khalid Shameem Wynne, NI(M), Punjab — Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), JSHQ, Chaklala. (Colonel-in-Chief of the Punjab Regiment). Due to retire on 6 October 2013.
Lt Gen Khalid Nawaz Khan, HI(M), Baloch[2] — Commander, X Corps, Rawalpindi. (Colonel Commandant of the Baloch Regiment). Due to retire on 4 October 2013.
Lt Gen Muhammad Alam Khattak, HI(M), TBt, FF — Commander, XII Corps, Quetta. (Colonel Commandant of the Frontier Force Regiment). Due to retire on 4 October 2013.
Lt Gen Muhammad Haroon Aslam, HI(M), SBt, AK[3] — Chief of Logistics Staff (CLS), GHQ. (Colonel Commandant of the Azad Kashmir Regiment). Due to retire on 9 April 2014.
Lt Gen Rashad Mahmood, HI(M), Baloch[3] — Chief of General Staff (CGS), GHQ. Due to retire on 9 April 2014.
Lt Gen Raheel Sharif, HI(M), FF[4] — Inspector General Training and Evaluation (IGT&E), GHQ. Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
Lt Gen Tariq Khan, HI(M), AC — Commander, I Corps, Mangla. (Colonel Commandant of the Armoured Corps). Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
Lt Gen Muhammad Zaheerul Islam, HI(M), Punjab[5] — DG Inter-Services Intelligence (DG ISI), ISI Dte, Islamabad. (Colonel Commandant of the Punjab Regiment). Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
Lt Gen Salim Nawaz, HI(M), SBt, Baloch[6] — Inspector General Armaments (IGA), GHQ. Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
Lt Gen Khalid Rabbani, HI(M), Punjab[7] — Commander, XI Corps, Peshawar. Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
Lt Gen Muzammil Hussain, HI(M), Baloch[4] — Commander, XXX Corps, Gujranwala. (Colonel Commandant of the Northern Light Infantry Regiment). Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
Lt Gen Sajjad Ghani, HI(M), Engrs[8] — Quarter-Master General (QMG), GHQ. Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
Lt Gen Muhammad Ahsan Mahmood, HI(M), Engrs[9] — Chairman, Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF), Wah Cantonment. Due to retire on 15 April 2015.
Lt Gen Muhammad Asif, HI(M), Sind[10] — DG Joint Staff (DG JS), JSHQ, Chaklala. (Colonel Commandant of the Sind Regiment). Due to retire on 15 April 2015.
Lt Gen Abid Pervaiz, HI(M), AC[11] — Commander, II Corps, Multan. Due to retire on 15 April 2015.
Lt Gen Javed Iqbal, HI(M), FF[10] — Adjutant General (AG), GHQ. Due to retire on 15 April 2015.
Lt Gen Nasser Khan Janjua, HI(M), Punjab[12] — President, National Defence University (NDU), Islamabad. Due to retire on 4 October 2015. this man is my uncle close friend he can become 4 star general in future
Lt Gen Syed Tariq Nadeem Gilani, HI(M), Arty[9] — Commander, Army Strategic Forces Command (Comd ASFC), Rawalpindi. (Colonel Commandant of the Regiment of Artillery). Due to retire on 4 October 2015.
Lt Gen Muhammad Ijaz Chaudhry, HI(M), Arty[5] — Commander, V Corps, Karachi. Due to retire on 4 October 2015.
Lt Gen Naweed Zaman, HI(M), Punjab[9] — Military Secretary (MS), GHQ. Due to retire on 4 October 2015.
Lt Gen Maqsood Ahmad, HI(M), FF[3] — Commander, IV Corps, Lahore. Due to retire on 13 January 2017.
Lt Gen Zubair Mahmood Hayat, HI(M), Arty[3] — Commander, XXXI Corps, Bahawalpur. Due to retire on 13 January 2017.
Lt Gen Syed Wajid Hussain, HI(M), AC[3] — Chairman, Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT), Taxila. Due to retire on 13 January 2017.
Lt Gen Najib Ullah Khan, HI(M), Engrs[3] — Engineer-in-Chief (E-in-C), GHQ. Due to retire on 13 January 2017.
Maj Gen Muhammad Farooq Iqbal, HI(M), Ord (superseded) — Commander, Logistics Area (Comd Log Area), Rawalpindi. (Colonel Commandant of the Army Ordnance Corps).
Maj Gen Abdul Qadir Khan Shahid, HI(M), AD[13] (superseded) — DG Army Air Defence (DG AD) at IGA Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Ausaf Ali, HI(M), Engrs[14] (superseded) — DG Operations and Plans at Strategic Plans Division (SPD), Chaklala.
Maj Gen Tariq Rashid Khan, HI(M), Arty[15] (superseded) — Additional Secretary at Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Tahir Ashraf Khan, HI(M), Inf[16] (superseded) — DG Defence Export Promotion Organization (DG DEPO), Islamabad.
Maj Gen Obaid Bin Zakria, HI(M), EME[17] (superseded) — Commandant, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (Comdt CE&ME), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Muhammad Khalid Rao, HI(M), Sigs[18] (superseded) — DG Special Communication Organization (DG SCO), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Kaleem Saber Taseer, HI(M), Arty (superseded) — DG Artillery (DG Arty) at IGA Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Ghulam Dastagir, HI(M), Punjab[19] (superseded) — DG Organization and Methods (DG O&M) at IGT&E Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Rehan Bashir, HI(M), SI, EME[20] (superseded) — DG Project Management Organization (DG PMO), Khanpur.
Maj Gen Junaid Rehmat, HI(M), Engrs[21] (superseded) — DG Welfare and Rehabilation (DG W&R) at AG Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Waqar Ahmed, HI(M), Sigs[22] (superseded) — Signal Officer-in-Chief (SO-in-C) at C&IT Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Ziauddin Najam, HI(M), Arty[23] (superseded) — DG Institute of Strategic Studies, Research and Analysis (DG ISSRA) at NDU, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Shahid Ahmed Hashmat, HI(M), Punjab (superseded) — DG Personnel Administration (DG PA) at MS Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Muhammad Tahir, HI(M), Avn[24] (superseded) — DG (Security) at SPD, Chaklala.
Maj Gen Muhammad Azeem Asif, HI(M), Engrs[25] (superseded) — Deputy Chairman, Earthquake Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), Islamabad.
Maj Gen Javaid Iqbal Nasar, HI(M), Arty (superseded) — DG National Guard (DG NG), GHQ.
Maj Gen Raza Muhammad, HI(M), Sind (superseded) — DG (B) at ISI Dte, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Khawar Hanif, HI(M), Punjab[26] (superseded) — DG Doctrine and Evaluation (DG D&E) at IGT&E Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Farrukh Bashir, HI(M), Punjab[17] (superseded) — DG Defence Security Guards (DG DSG), GHQ.
Maj Gen Syed Jamal Shahid, HI(M), EME (superseded) — DG Inspectorate of Technical Development (DG ITD) at C&IT Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Sajid Iqbal, HI(M), ASC (superseded) — .
Maj Gen Muhammad Farrukh Rashid, HI(M), Punjab[27] — DG Military Training (DG MT) at IGT&E Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmad, HI(M), AK[10] — DG Military Operations (DG MO) at CGS Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Noel Israel Khokhar, HI(M), Arty[23] — Chief Instructor, A-Division (CI A-Div) at NDU, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Tahir Masood, HI(M), AD[28] — DG Military Lands and Cantonments (DG ML&C), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Changez Dil Khan, HI(M), AC — DG Armoured Corps (DG AC) at IGA Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Zamir Ul Hassan Shah, HI(M), TBt, AD — Commander, Army Air Defence Command (Comd AAD Comd), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Javed Iqbal, HI(M), Sind[23] — Chief Instructor, B-Division (CI B-Div) at NDU, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, HI(M), Baloch[29] — Commandant, School of Infantry and Tactics (Comdt SI&T), Quetta.
Maj Gen Sahibzada Isfandiyar Ali Khan Pataudi, HI(M), AC[5] — DG (Analysis) at ISI Dte, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Khalid Asghar, HI(M), Engrs — Inspector General Communications and IT (IG Comm&IT), GHQ.
Maj Gen Shaukat Iqbal, HI(M), Arty — .
Maj Gen Muhammad Saad Khattak, HI(M), AK — Deputy Inspector General Armaments (DIG Arms) at IGA Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Sajjad Ali Khan, HI(M), FF[17] — DG Quartering and Lands (DG Q&L) at QMG Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Khalid Mahmood, HI(M), AK[30] — DG Infantry (DG Inf) at IGA Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Mazhar Jamil, HI(M), Arty[17] — Vice Chief of General Staff (VCGS-A) at CGS Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Faiz Muhammad Khan Bangash, HI(M), Ord — .
Maj Gen Muhammad Zahid Latif Mirza, HI(M), AD[19] — DG Personnel Services (DG PS) at MS Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Abid Hasan, HI(M), Baloch — DG Operations and Plans (DG O&P) at JSHQ, Chaklala.
Maj Gen Ikram Ul Haq, HI(M), AK — .
Maj Gen Nasrullah Tahir Dogar, HI(M), FF — .
Maj Gen Allah Ditta Khan, HI(M), Arty[19] — GOC 21st Artillery Division, Pano Aqil.
Maj Gen Imtiaz Hussain Sherazi, HI(M), SE, ASC[31] — DG Remount, Veterinary and Farms Corps (DG RV&FC) at AG Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Muhammad Tauqeer Ahmad, HI(M), ASC[32] — Managing Director, Pakistan Agricultural Storage and Service Corp. (MD PASSCO), Lahore.
Maj Gen Agha Masood Akram, HI(M), FF — .
Maj Gen Inam Ul Haque, HI(M), FF[33] — DG Foreign Military Cooperation (DG FMC) at JSHQ, Chaklala.
Maj Gen Sohail Ahmad Khan, HI(M), Punjab[34] — Commandant, Command and Staff College (Comdt C&SC), Quetta.
Maj Gen Muhammad Imran Zafar, HI(M), Engrs[35] — DG Housing at AG Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Obaid Ullah Khan Khattak, HI(M), Arty[36] — IG Frontier Corps (IGFC Balochistan), Quetta.
Maj Gen Naveed Ahmed, HI(M), Arty[19] — Commander, Logistics Area (Comd Log Area), Karachi.
Maj Gen Sohail Abbas Zaidi, HI(M), Sigs[35] — DG (Technical) at ISI Dte, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Naushad Ahmed Kayani, HI(M), Punjab[37] — DG Military Intelligence (DG MI) at CGS Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Rizwan Akhtar, HI(M), FF[5] — DG Rangers (Sindh), Karachi.[38]
Maj Gen Shahzad Sikander, HI(M), Engrs — DG Works and Chief Engineer (DG W&CE) at E-in-C Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Mian Mohammad Hilal Hussain, HI(M), Arty[39] — DG Rangers (Punjab), Lahore.
Maj Gen Tariq Javed, HI(M), AK — .
Maj Gen Ghayur Mahmood, HI(M), TBt, FF[17] — IG Frontier Corps (IGFC Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Peshawar.[40]
Maj Gen Asghar Nawaz, HI(M), Engrs[41] — DG National Logistics Cell (DG NLC), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Nadir Zeb, HI(M), AC[17] — DG Human Resources Development (DG HRD) at IGT&E Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Muhammad Iqbal Asi, HI(M), Sind[42] — Force Commander, United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.
Maj Gen Nazir Ahmed Butt, HI(M), FF[43] — GOC 9th Infantry Division, Wana, South Waziristan.[44]
Maj Gen Jamil Rehmat Vance, HI(M), ASC — DG Logistics (DG Log) at CLS Branch, GHQ
Maj Gen Muhammad Ejaz Shahid, HI(M), Arty[45] — DG Weapons and Equipment (DG W&E) at QMG Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Amir Azeem Bajwa, HI(M), Sigs — DG C4I at C&IT Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Tariq Ghafoor, HI(M), FF — DG Joint Intelligence and Information Operations (DG JI&IO) at JSHQ, Chaklala.
Maj Gen Iftikhar Ahmad Wyne, AC — Chief of Staff, Central Command (COS CC), Kharian.
Maj Gen Naveed Mukhtar, AC[19] — DG (Counter-Terrorism) at ISI Dte, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Sadiq Ali, AC[17] — Commandant, Pakistan Military Academy (Comdt PMA), Kakul.
Maj Gen Maqsood Ahmad Abbasi, Arty — .
Maj Gen Farhan Akhtar, Arty[19] — DG (P), at ISI Dte, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Javed Mahmood Bukhari, Engrs[46] — DG Frontier Works Organisation (DG FWO), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Muhammad Abid Nazir, Inf[19] — Commander, Logistics Area (Comd Log Area), Peshawar.
Maj Gen Hidayat Ur Rehman, AK[17] — GOC 14th Infantry Division, Okara.[47]
Maj Gen Muhammad Arif Warraich, Inf[19] — GOC 16th Infantry Division, Pano Aqil.
Maj Gen Malik Zafar Iqbal, Inf[25] — DG Anti-Narcotics Force (DG ANF), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Anwar Ali Hyder, Inf — DG Staff Duties (DG SD) at COAS Secretariat, GHQ.
Maj Gen Sajjad Rasul, SBt, Inf — DG (Security) at ISI Dte, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Shahid Baig Mirza, Inf[48] — GOC 10th Infantry Division, Lahore.
Maj Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa, TBt, Inf[17] — DG Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Umar Farooq Durrani, AC[17] — GOC 1st Armoured Division, Multan.
Maj Gen Ahmad Mahmood Hayat, AC[49] — GOC 40th Infantry Division, Dera Ismail Khan.[50]
Maj Gen Muhammad Ali Cheema, Pakistan military School Faisalabad.
Maj Gen Tariq Masood Malik, Arty — .
Maj Gen Khan Tahir Javed Khan, SBt, Arty — .
Maj Gen Muhammad Saleem Raza, AD[13] — GOC 4th Air Defence Division, Malir.
Maj Gen Mazhar Saleem Khan, Punjab[51] — GOC 41st Infantry Division, Quetta.
Maj Gen Muhammad Jaffer, FF[52] — GOC 8th Infantry Division, Sialkot.
Maj Gen Syed Najam ul Hassan Shah, Sind[53] — GOC 12th Infantry Division, Murree.[54]
Maj Gen Ghulam Qamar, FF[55] — GOC 19th Infantry Division, Swat.[56]
Maj Gen Ali Abbas Hyder, SBt, Baloch[57] — GOC 7th Infantry Division, Miranshah, North Waziristan.[58]
Maj Gen Aamer Riaz, FF[59] — GOC 11th Infantry Division, Lahore.
Maj Gen Abid Rafique, Punjab[60] — GOC Special Services Group (GOC SSG), Cherat.
Maj Gen Muhammad Asif Khattak, CMI[17] — Commander, Logistics Area (Comd Log Area), Gujranwala.
Maj Gen Muhammad Junaid, TI(M), EME[17] — DG Defence Science and Technology Organization (DG DESTO), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Umar Farooq Barki, AC[61] — GOC 6th Armoured Division, Gujranwala.
Maj Gen Muhammad Shafiq, AC — GOC 26th Mechanised Division, Bahawalpur.
Maj Gen Mussarat Nawaz Malik, Arty[62] — GOC 35th Infantry Division, Bahawalpur.
Maj Gen Naseer Ali Khan, Arty — Chief of Staff, Southern Command (COS SC), Quetta.
Maj Gen Muhammad Irshad, Arty — Commandant, School of Artillery (Comdt SoA), Nowshera.
Maj Gen Samrez Salik, Arty[63] — GOC 33rd Infantry Division, Quetta.
Maj Gen Akhtar Jamil Rao, Engrs — GOC 45th Engineers Division, Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Sana Ullah Khan, Inf — GOC 17th Infantry Division, Swat.
Maj Gen Hafiz Masroor Ahmed, Inf — Commander, Force Command Gilgit-Baltistan (Comd FCGB), Gilgit.[64]
Maj Gen Nasir Dilawar Shah, Avn — DG (Counterintelligence) at ISI Dte, Islamabad.
Maj Gen Arshad Mahmood, ASC — DG Supply and Transport (DG S&T) at CLS Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Tariq Haleem Suri, Ord — DG Ordnance Services (DG OS) at QMG Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Omar Mahmood Hayat, Ord — DG Procurement (Army) at DG DP, Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Rehan Abdul Baqi, EME — DG Military Vehicles, Research and Development Establishment (DG MVRDE), Rawalpindi.
Maj Gen Khalid Mehmood, EME — DG Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (DG EME) at C&IT Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Sarfraz Sattar, AC — .
Maj Gen Mohammed Naeem Ashraf, AC[19] — GOC 25th Mechanised Division, Karachi.
Maj Gen Hamayun Aziz, Arty[19] — GOC 2nd Artillery Division, Gujranwala
Maj Gen Qazi Muhammad Ikram Ahmad, Arty — .
Maj Gen Syed Shafqat Asghar, Arty — .
Maj Gen Muhammad Hamayun Saleem, Arty — .
Maj Gen Bilal Akbar, Arty — .
Maj Gen Farhat Abbas Sani, AD[19] — GOC 3rd Air Defence Division, Sargodha.
Maj Gen Muhammad Ajmal Iqbal, — .
Maj Gen Anwar Ul Haq Chaudhry, Engrs[19] — Commandant, Military College of Engineering (Comdt MCE), Risalpur.
Maj Gen Muhammad Afzal, — .
Maj Gen Faheem Ul Aziz, Inf — .
Maj Gen Nadeem Raza, Inf — .
Maj Gen Muhammad Tayyab Azam, Inf[19] — Sector Commander, ISI Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawer.
Maj Gen Raja Aftab Khan, Inf[19] — Sector Commander, ISI Punjab, Lahore.
Maj Gen Sher Afgun, Inf — GOC 23rd Inf division,jhelum.
Maj Gen Amer Aslam Khan, TBt, Baloch[19] — GOC 15th Infantry Division, Sialkot.
Maj Gen Abid Ejaz Kahloon, Inf — .
Maj Gen Anjum Enayat — .
Maj Gen Iftikhar Aamir[19] — Sector Commander, ISI Balochistan, Quetta.
Maj Gen Mushtaq Ahmad Faisal[19] — Vice Chief of Logistics Staff (VCLS) at CLS Branch, GHQ.
Maj Gen Qaiser Anees Khurram — .
Maj Gen Mohammad Muazzam Ali, EME[19] — DG Heavy Industries Taxila (DG HIT), Taxila.

is there any such maj.general or Lt.general in Pakistan army who has green eyes ... ?? :undecided: Trust me on this because i know some relevance to it ... :coffee:
it's an honest question so a serious answer is required from among the pdf members ... :pakistan:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;4475005 said:
is there any such maj.general or Lt.general in Pakistan army who has green eyes ... ?? :undecided: Trust me on this because i know some relevance to it ... :coffee:
it's an honest question so a serious answer is required from among the pdf members ... :pakistan:

SO you are influenced with some sufi predictions.
SO you are influenced with some sufi predictions.

Sufi predictions are not wrong in many cases they are right but we should not base our policies on that we should base our policies on Quran and Sunnah and what is going on these days and what is better for Muslim Ummah and as for next Army chief it should be the senior most Nawaz should not make same mistake again of making some junior the Army chief
What is this sufi prediction?
A per the new policy the Major serves longer than a Lt Col and full Col. Correct me if I am wrong. I think they introduced this a few months back.

Yeah i believe some changes have been done prolonging the tenure of junior ranks, mostly at Capt & Major ranks.

I am not into details of how much, if found out will try to share.
SO you are influenced with some sufi predictions.

not influenced but rather amazed and curious about the possible future-forecast for PakisTan ... :coffee:
who may come as PakisTan 's C.o.a.s. :pakistan: only time vill tell the tale ... :azn:

ALLaah knows all & best
General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, NI(M), HI, Baloch — Chief of Army Staff (COAS), GHQ. (Colonel-in-Chief of the Baloch Regiment). Due to retire on 28 November 2013'.[1]
General Khalid Shameem Wynne, NI(M), Punjab — Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), JSHQ, Chaklala. (Colonel-in-Chief of the Punjab Regiment). Due to retire on 6 October 2013.
Lt Gen Khalid Nawaz Khan, HI(M), Baloch[2] — Commander, X Corps, Rawalpindi. (Colonel Commandant of the Baloch Regiment). Due to retire on 4 October 2013.
Lt Gen Muhammad Alam Khattak, HI(M), TBt, FF — Commander, XII Corps, Quetta. (Colonel Commandant of the Frontier Force Regiment). Due to retire on 4 October 2013.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/260433-next-coas-6.html#ixzz2Xto3pmw4

these guys are out....

1. Lt Gen Muhammad Haroon Aslam, HI(M), SBt, AK[3] — Chief of Logistics Staff (CLS), GHQ. (Colonel Commandant of the Azad Kashmir Regiment). Due to retire on 9 April 2014.
2. Lt Gen Rashad Mahmood, HI(M), Baloch[3] — Chief of General Staff (CGS), GHQ. Due to retire on 9 April 2014.
3. Lt Gen Raheel Sharif, HI(M), FF[4] — Inspector General Training and Evaluation (IGT&E), GHQ. Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
4. Lt Gen Tariq Khan, HI(M), AC — Commander, I Corps, Mangla. (Colonel Commandant of the Armoured Corps). Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
5. Lt Gen Muhammad Zaheerul Islam, HI(M), Punjab[5] — DG Inter-Services Intelligence (DG ISI), ISI Dte, Islamabad. (Colonel Commandant of the Punjab Regiment). Due to retire on 1 October 2014.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/260433-next-coas-6.html#ixzz2XtoO5rMp

and these are the top 5 contenders for the throne of CoAS....

if i were a betting man its between 2,4,5....
General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, NI(M), HI, Baloch — Chief of Army Staff (COAS), GHQ. (Colonel-in-Chief of the Baloch Regiment). Due to retire on 28 November 2013'.[1]
General Khalid Shameem Wynne, NI(M), Punjab — Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), JSHQ, Chaklala. (Colonel-in-Chief of the Punjab Regiment). Due to retire on 6 October 2013.
Lt Gen Khalid Nawaz Khan, HI(M), Baloch[2] — Commander, X Corps, Rawalpindi. (Colonel Commandant of the Baloch Regiment). Due to retire on 4 October 2013.
Lt Gen Muhammad Alam Khattak, HI(M), TBt, FF — Commander, XII Corps, Quetta. (Colonel Commandant of the Frontier Force Regiment). Due to retire on 4 October 2013.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/260433-next-coas-6.html#ixzz2Xto3pmw4

these guys are out....

1. Lt Gen Muhammad Haroon Aslam, HI(M), SBt, AK[3] — Chief of Logistics Staff (CLS), GHQ. (Colonel Commandant of the Azad Kashmir Regiment). Due to retire on 9 April 2014.
2. Lt Gen Rashad Mahmood, HI(M), Baloch[3] — Chief of General Staff (CGS), GHQ. Due to retire on 9 April 2014.
3. Lt Gen Raheel Sharif, HI(M), FF[4] — Inspector General Training and Evaluation (IGT&E), GHQ. Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
4. Lt Gen Tariq Khan, HI(M), AC — Commander, I Corps, Mangla. (Colonel Commandant of the Armoured Corps). Due to retire on 1 October 2014.
5. Lt Gen Muhammad Zaheerul Islam, HI(M), Punjab[5] — DG Inter-Services Intelligence (DG ISI), ISI Dte, Islamabad. (Colonel Commandant of the Punjab Regiment). Due to retire on 1 October 2014.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/260433-next-coas-6.html#ixzz2XtoO5rMp

and these are the top 5 contenders for the throne of CoAS....

if i were a betting man its between 2,4,5....

General Wyne will retire before COAS and someone has to fill that slot as well, the equation becomes interesting
@fatman17 @TaimiKhan @F.O.X @Xeric - Shouldn't, ideally, a COAS have at least 4-5 years at the COAS slot so that his philosophy & methodology gets to fully permeate the Army & that he still has enough time to show 'results' & tweak & tune his 'game plan' as per how it responded when it got translated from the 'drawing board' to actual tangible results on the ground ?

1-2 years seems woefully in-adequate; eik Football Team Manager ko bhii 1-2 seasons lagteiii hain apneii aaap ko properly establish karneiii mein & to get the team working the way he wants to before the 'results' start showing !
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@fatman17 @TaimiKhan @F.O.X @Xeric - Shouldn't, ideally, a COAS have at least 4-5 years at the COAS slot so that his philosophy & methodology gets to fully permeate the Army & that he still has enough time to show 'results' & tweak & tune his 'game plan' as per how it responded when it got translated from the 'drawing board' to actual tangible results on the ground ?

1-2 years seems woefully in-adequate; eik Football Team Manager ko bhii 1-2 seasons lagteiii hain apneii aaap ko properly establish karneiii mein & to get the team working the way he wants to before the 'results' start showing !

the tenure used to be 4 years when the seat was referred to as C-in-C. then the PPP leaders decided to reduce it to 3 years in line with the US system.

General Wyne will retire before COAS and someone has to fill that slot as well, the equation becomes interesting

the post may go to PAF or NAVY this time around as per the rule of rotation.
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