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New Zealand foreign minister headed to Turkey to 'confront' Erdogan's mosque shooting comments

Fateh al Constantiniya.

Invest in a mirror.

Turkish society has a large secular, irreligious component, and Erdogan can't unilaterally change everything overnight, even though he has a majority. Atleast the Turks are not hypocrites by pretending to be overtly righteous.

If we start discussing the problems of Arab countries, that list will never end.

Also interested to see your signature wanted to secede Shia Arabs from Iran. Do you even accept Shias as Muslims?

That's a tired excuse and I would have believed it if things were getting LESS secular under Erdogan rule, If he had enough support to resist a coup, I can't imagine him getting a backlash if Turkey got less secular or less anti islamic

under his rule prostitution got legalized, homosexuals got more rights. He arrested thousands, I don't see how hard it is to arrest whoever rebels against erdo attempt to alleviate some of the secular rules in Turkey

Also he still celebrates and reveres ataturk, new flights are inaugurated to Israel, and he is attempting to appease to the EU to accept him as a European and for that he sacrificed the last ramnants of Shariah law (legalized prostituition, gave Homosexuals rights instead of punishing them..etc)
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