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New Zealand foreign minister headed to Turkey to 'confront' Erdogan's mosque shooting comments

Thanks for your wisdom words thou, Which organisation can pull this off?
Its useless to argue about these things.
My conversation headed inclined ,
The conversation began with statement of Erdogan's reaction.
& Then opinion started taking sides.
Bottom line
The person who is responsible of death of 50 people
he did this blood sport and recorded like his playing counter strike.
He deserve to die by the Law.
His family would be still living on a false hope to consider him mental
prove that he was mentally sick , went through rehab and then finally he
is out of jail and sorry. The course take 7 years

This is no fare justice.
I also mentioned that Erdogan's statement would be a publicity stunt
but people like to read within the lines what they intend to perceive.
It drag to somehwere , where it is no point to head

Finally , If any covert operation done by spy agencies is triggered.
No one knows who did it for what purpose , all it takes a needy hand
and that is job for agencies how to drill in.
For instance you might digress involvement of CIA in 911.
Its useless to argue about these things.
My conversation headed inclined ,
The conversation began with statement of Erdogan's reaction.
& Then opinion started taking sides.
Bottom line
The person who is responsible of death of 50 people
he did this blood sport and recorded like his playing counter strike.
He deserve to die by the Law.
His family would be still living on a false hope to consider him mental
prove that he was mentally sick , went through rehab and then finally he
is out of jail and sorry. The course take 7 years

This is no fare justice.
I also mentioned that Erdogan's statement would be a publicity stunt
but people like to read within the lines what they intend to perceive.
It drag to somehwere , where it is no point to head

Finally , If any covert operation done by spy agencies is triggered.
No one knows who did it for what purpose , all it takes a needy hand
and that is job for agencies how to drill in.
For instance you might digress involvement of CIA in 911.

I don't think Erdogan's comments should be taken too literally, but the problem is he is inflaming the situation in a manner that can cause more violence and bloodshed of innocent people, both Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Cool heads need to prevail at a time like this, and not all the facts are known yet.
Let us wait and see if the conviction will be based on Law defined by Aus & NZ
where they give right to live to every living being hence there is no death penalty.
Pressure on west was necessary to make exception, Erdogan did right.

All it takes for any intelligence agency to trigger a plan to execute this criminal.
If Turkish Gov has to execute that , they can get the means to do this
without Raiding NZ. But since the statement has been thrown out in the media
It is just publicity stunt to get more votes in elections.
It would only be unfair if the law takes it course differently for Muslim terrorist or Non Muslim terorrist. If under the law of NZ the maximum punishment is life prison then be it.
I dont want to sound like a conspiracy theory wacko but he was going to target Turks.

Since Australia has strict gun laws its impossible for him to arm up and commit this massacre.

If Australia had did not have proper gun laws most likely he would have targeted Turks that live in Australia.

New Zealand barely has a Turkish population compared to Australia.

The guy had a score to settle with the Turks. Majority of the Far Right hate Turks they would not even flinch at wiping them out.

Out of all Muslims the far right and white surpemacists hate Turks the most due to history and political reasons.
It would only be unfair if the law takes it course differently for Muslim terrorist or Non Muslim terorrist. If under the law of NZ the maximum punishment is life prison then be it.

New Zealand does not have the death penalty for any offense. Tarrant is likely to be given New Zealand's longest custodial sentence, the current record holder has life imprisonment with a 30 year minimum. This is the starting point for Tarrants term, which could be as much as a 40 year minimum. But the custodial sentence doesn't include the certainty of a preventative detention order, which given the extreme nature of his offending, means in practical terms he won't leave prison alive. This order gives the department of corrections discretion to keep Tarrant imprisoned indefinitely.

His time incarcerated will not be pleasant. Indefinite solitary confinement is almost a certainty, he will never be safe in general with other prisoners. He may not be safe from prison staff. He has already been isolated from the rest of the world, with no access to any form of media or anybody on the outside so he can't gloat over his own self -importance. Given enough time alone cut off from the world to reflect on his crimes, he will probably take his own life eventually.
i fully support Erdogan atleast he doesnt have 2 face he says what he means... And Australian PM sud have taken step to say sorry that this devil terrorist is from Australia and we dont support to any of his views and fire those ministers who have sympathies in their parliment.
i fully support Erdogan atleast he doesnt have 2 face he says what he means... And Australian PM sud have taken step to say sorry that this devil terrorist is from Australia and we dont support to any of his views and fire those ministers who have sympathies in their parliment.

He has softened his language about New Zealand, praising our Prime Minister for her leadership following the attack.

However he speaks a different language to his voters and has proven himself, like most politicians, to be politically expedient with the truth, using the Christchurch Mosque attack to win over Turkish voters.

Kind of makes him a man of two faces in this situation doesn't it?
The funny this is, that Erdogan claims to be Muslim in a Muslim country and also demands justice beyond NZ's current harshest punishment, yet he himslelf did not impliment capital punishment and is living in a country where prostitution is legal and taxed (was legalized during his tenure) and Shariah law and one of its most important just punishments, the death penalty, is not practiced.

He is filling the so called Muslim Ottoman coffers with money produced by taxing the sweat of hard working ******s.
This Erdogan guy is crazy, there are other ways to get world attentions other than making yourself enemby of every country.
Which conquest does this depict?

Fateh al Constantiniya.

The funny this is, that Erdogan claims to be Muslim in a Muslim country and also demands justice beyond NZ's current harshest punishment, yet he himslelf did not impliment capital punishment and is living in a country where prostitution is legal and taxed (was legalized during his tenure) and Shariah law and one of its most important just punishments, the death penalty, is not practiced.

He is filling the so called Muslim Ottoman coffers with money produced by taxing the sweat of hard working ******s.

Invest in a mirror.

Turkish society has a large secular, irreligious component, and Erdogan can't unilaterally change everything overnight, even though he has a majority. Atleast the Turks are not hypocrites by pretending to be overtly righteous.

If we start discussing the problems of Arab countries, that list will never end.

Also interested to see your signature wanted to secede Shia Arabs from Iran. Do you even accept Shias as Muslims?
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