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“New World Order”: Division of India, Russia, & China into weaker nations


Jun 23, 2011
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The Soros-made “New World Order”: The Division of India, Russia, Indonesia, and China into Smaller, Weak Nations

The Soros-Made “New World Order” Takes Shape at the UN

Major multinational corporations and the financial and non-governmental organization network of George Soros have taken effective control of a number of United Nations functions within the UN Secretariat and within the organization’s specialized agencies. The goal of this alliance is to re-draw the map of the world for the benefit of the global elites and the “top 1 percent.”

The United Nations, which once prided itself on transparency, has now become a bureaucratic behemoth where decisions are made in closed door meetings attended by diplomats, mostly from English-speaking Western countries; corporate representatives; NGO officials tied to Soros and other entities like the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations; and current and former CIA officers, some of whom act under U.S. State Department cover. It is a fact of life that today a number of UN agencies and elements are funded by private money.

Although South Korean Ban Ki-moon is the Secretary General of the UN, his most important deputies represent the interests of NATO and its allies. The Undersecretary General for Political Affairs is B. Lynn Pascoe, a former U.S. ambassador to Indonesia and Malaysia and is thought by many UN staffers to have links to the CIA. The Undersecretary General for Safety and Security is Gregory Starr, a former Director of the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service who is also thought to have close links to the CIA.

The Assistant Secretary-General for Strategic Planning and Policy Coordination is Robert Orr, the former Director of Global and Multilateral Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council on which the CIA is represented. The Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is Anthony Lake, a former U.S. National Security Adviser.

The Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations is Herve Ladsous of France who has served as French ambassador to Indonesia and China and who is a pro-NATO Atlanticist.

Perhaps no where is the Soros and CIA influence felt more than in the UN Development Program (UNDP), which is headed by Helen Clark, a former Prime Minister of New Zealand. However, Soros’s operatives are heavily present in every UN agency except for Peacekeeping Operations but it, too, is an ultimate target for the multi-billionaire Hungarian Jew who once cooperated with the Nazi occupation forces in wartime Hungary.

Soros is very close to former UN Deputy Secretary General and UNDP administrator Mark Malloch Brown of Great Britain. While UN Deputy Secretary General, Malloch Brown, now Lord Malloch Brown, resided rent-free at Soros’s estate in Westchester County, New York. The UN’s Global Compact is a brainchild former Secretary General Kofi Annan, who is now charged with easing the government of Bashar al Assad from power in Syria.

Pushing the Global Compact, Malloch Brown, while UNDP administrator, invited multinational corporations to “use their purchasing power to help develop small and medium-sized enterprises across the developing world.” The Global Compact essentially gives multinational corporations a say in how projects in developing countries are carried out.

The UN has been holding a number of closed-door meetings and seminars at which the partition of UN member states has been discussed. Most of the meetings have been held under the direction of the UN Interagency Framework for Coordination on Preventive Action (the Framework Team or FT). The FT brings together representatives from a number of alphabet soup UN offices and specialized agencies, including:

DESA – Department of Economic and Social Affairs

DPA – Department of Political Affairs

DPKO – Department of Peacekeeping Operations

DOCO – UN Development Operations Coordination Office

EOSG – Executive Office of the Secretary General

FAO – Food and Agricultural Organization

ILO – International Labor Organization

OCHA – Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

OHCHR – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

OSAPG – Office of the Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide

PBSO – Peacebuilding Support Office

UNDP – UN Development Program

UNESCO – UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

UNHABITAT – UN Center for Human Settlements

UNICEF – UN Children’s Fund

UN WOMEN – UN Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees

UNEP – UN Environment Program

UNDEF – UN Democracy Fund

UNFPA – UN Population Fund

WFP – World Food Program

WHO – World Health Organization

World Bank

IMF – International Monetary Fund

DPI – Department of Public Information

OSAA (Office of the Special Advisor on Africa)

DDA – Department for Disarmament Affairs

UNODC- UN office on Drugs and Crime

Much of the work of the FT is carried out under the direction of an American, Gay Rosemblum-Kumar. She heads up the Conflict Management Capacity-Building Project and the Peacebuilding Portal. While the names of these groups appear benign, they are at the center of a global plan by Soros, his NGOs, the CIA, and the global bankers to redraw the map of the world to suit the needs of multinational corporations and the United States and NATO.

Many FT meetings include speeches by Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor who has encouraged international R2P (responsibility to protect) intervention in Libya, Sudan, Syria, and other countries. The FT also relies on a professional trainer in “Conversation” and “Non-violent Communications” (NVC). He has overseen “outsourcing transition,” i.e., informing employees of their lay-offs and “benefits” packages at Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab, and Bank of New York Mellon. From advising companies on how to inform employees that their jobs are finished, the individual in question now advises the UN on how to tell entire countries that they are “finished.”

The FT also advances the work of President Obama’s “information czar” Cass Sunstein; his wife Samantha Power of the U.S. National Security Council; and Gene Sharp, the Albert Einstein Institution’s developer of the “themed revolution” concept.

The FT has also trained certain activists around the world, particularly in developing and other countries with pro-western governments, to use “the system” to effect change and has advised them “not to protest against their government.” The entire FT operation at the UN is bankrolled with Soros money.

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of the FT’s work is aimed at dividing existing nation-states into smaller entities. At a recent FT meeting titled “Nepal in Transition,” it was clear what strategy is being employed to carry out such divisions. The division of Nepal, with the ultimate goal being the marginalization of the powerful Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), foresees “identity federalism,” the first step before actual secession of federal components.

A number of Nepalese political parties and movements recently signed an agreement that would create an “identity-based” federal republic in Nepal.

The UN’s chief promoter of the strategy is Ian Martin, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General who has headed UN missions in Nepal and, most recently, in Nepal. Under the UN plan, Nepal would be transformed into a polyglot federal republic based on indigenous groups, nationalities, castes such as the Dalit, and Muslims.

Martin has been involved in creating “federal” structures in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Libya. The latter has seen the eastern province of Cyrenaica, with its capital in Benghazi, proclaim its autonomy from Tripoli.

Some UN participants in the talks on Nepal spoke of the need to “eliminate” the Maoists in Nepal. Robert O. Blake, the Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs, and who has been linked to the CIA, participated in the Nepal conference. Blake reportedly helped engineer the February 2012 coup in Maldives that drove President Mohamed Nasheed, ironically a Soros favorite, from power.

The coup, which ushered into power a pro-Islamic government said to be backed by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, could set the stage for a Maldives comprised of autonomous atolls, with the United States able to acquire military bases in certain southern atolls as part of its encirclement of China policy.

Sri Lanka is also a target for the identity federalism engineers. During the 2008 presidential campaign, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama received large campaign donations from front groups for the Tamil Tigers, a guerrilla force that favors an independent Tamil state in Sri Lanka and which is designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.

As a way of thanking the Tigers for their support, the Obama administration, Soros, and the International Peace Institute of Norway (which has been called a front for NATO, Soros, and the CIA and which supported the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] during their long civil war against the Sri Lankan government) have been pushing for a federal system in Sri Lanka that would create a Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim federation, with secession following.

A number of Norwegians are quietly pushing the identity federalism solution, some of whom, particularly Professor Johan Galtung, are Soros favorites..

To augment its identity federalism initiatives, Soros NGOs are also involved in creating a number of “partition studies” programs at major universities with international relations programs.

Myanmar is also a target for the identity federalists and partition specialists. The UN and Soros goal is to split Myanmar into various ethnic-based nations. Some of these nations would then provide the United States with military bases from which it can engage in intelligence, insurgency, and other operations in southern China. The human rights issue in Myanmar and China has been used by Soros as a tool to gain influence in both nations.

The ultimate goal of the EU / US / Japan / Australia / Canada / New Zealand / Soros alliance is the division of India, Russia, Indonesia, and China into smaller nations.

The 4th Media » The Soros-made “New World Order”: The Division of India, Russia, Indonesia, and China into Smaller, Weak Nations
Russia & China have them, no wonder India is building long range ballistic missiles, a lot of people will be sorry if they try anything in the lines this article suggests - though it sounds like a false propaganda piece.
Time to crush modern day Roman Empire! Where is Hannibal & Atilla the Hun??
thats shocking but true the west will never want to end its dominance in world. Btw Pakistan and other large countries are also in hit list..
I should prepare myself for the post of " Amatya-Pramukh" for the Magadh empire in case the NWO indeed happens...
Is not George Soros the investment guru. He is powerful, but not so powerful to take over the world. Anyway, what has he got to do with division of countries? Fake news.
Soros is just a head figure. Try to find information on the Bilderberg Group. There is a loth of truth in this though the majority are not aware or don't care. Some of the people in the knowing are fighting against it, most are working for it because there is money, money, money. The problem is they can make your life miserable in an instant if you raise your voice too high since they have the mean of production. ;)
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