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New USAF strategy suggests A-10 replacement

I think it's gotta be a drone that replaces the A-10.

Avenger is my pick.


along with PCAS it would be a deadly combo

DARPA strengthens lines of communication with digital close air support system test

main weapons I would employ would be four 500LB laser JDAMS and eight AGM-176 griffin missiles


that's 2400 pounds of ordnance that's on station all the time.
what law is preventing USA from designing an A-10 size and capacity drone? I mean the principle will remain the same, a remote controlled unmanned flight like current smaller drones.
they just need to build a bigger stronger drone.

No law actually. Economics may be. the same thing that made them make F-35 when the could have designed that as a UCAV as well.
Anyway, what i meant was that the current drone designs wont make a like for like replacement. The reapers or predators are not on par with the fire power an A-10 can provide, specially the cheaper destructive power offered by its avenger gun and even rockets. (specially the gun).
However If they go ahead and make another A-10 as you said, this time remotely controlled and unmanned, yes that can be a possibility.

Why do they always have to go with the high-cost solution? A low cost one, the Textron Scorpion, is available:







This is an excellent option for CAS

Sir, GAU-8 is a great weapon indeed however IMO in this age of precision guided munitions its uses are limited now and since A-10 is nothing more than a GAU-8 carrier it seems its days are finally over. GAU-8 biggest merit is its great penetration so is widely used against armour and bunkers along with cheap ammunition but in order to deliver accurate fire A-10 has to position it self for a gun run which makes a lengthy task as it has to take large turns. Plus its very slow compared to F35 .

i think it all comes down to GAU-8 vs modern day PGMs and if PGM can do that task quickly and precisely there is no need for a dedicated attack plane as F35 can do this any day. And since USAF is getting F-35 in such a large number a couple of them in CAS role is going to be alot cheaper than maintaining an entire class of dedicated plane.

Well off course there is no comparison between F-35 and A-10. However there are things that A-10, i don't think any army will like to have A-10 on the opposing side. The main advantage of the Avenger gun over these precision guided munitions is the price. There is no comparison in costs involved in destroying a tank with a hellfire missile and one destroyed by 30mm bullets. However A-10 alone wont find much success, it need a strong air forced behind it that can provide air superiority for A-10 to operate with lesser risk.
No law actually. Economics may be. the same thing that made them make F-35 when the could have designed that as a UCAV as well.
Anyway, what i meant was that the current drone designs wont make a like for like replacement. The reapers or predators are not on par with the fire power an A-10 can provide, specially the cheaper destructive power offered by its avenger gun and even rockets. (specially the gun).
However If they go ahead and make another A-10 as you said, this time remotely controlled and unmanned, yes that can be a possibility.

some people say that F-22 might be the last manned fighter aircraft. older versions of F-16s have been used as target drones for F-22 weapon trials. if a new generation of control room is created with 3 D camera to off almost or same view as a pilot in side the aircraft then this might be something already being worked on in places like area 51 etc. a heavy hover drone like the terminator hunter killer flyers. offering the endurance, armour and fire power of A-10 and some. funding is no issue, technology is no issue and neither is the creativity.
a swarm of little drones might offer the same solution as well.
@C130 Global Hawk is also one of a heavy class drones. I have seen it up close a Farnborugh airshow
some people say that F-22 might be the last manned fighter aircraft. older versions of F-16s have been used as target drones for F-22 weapon trials. if a new generation of control room is created with 3 D camera to off almost or same view as a pilot in side the aircraft then this might be something already being worked on in places like area 51 etc. a heavy hover drone like the terminator hunter killer flyers. offering the endurance, armour and fire power of A-10 and some. funding is no issue, technology is no issue and neither is the creativity.
a swarm of little drones might offer the same solution as well.
@C130 Global Hawk is also one of a heavy class drones. I have seen it up close a Farnborugh airshow
Yes you are right. They do say they are working on these technologies. Reports/rumors keep surfacing every now and then. The talks about AI, automation and remote control. This is also true that they are using some of the existing aircraft as unmanned drones (almost exclusively for target practice) so it do confirm that controlling heavier, actual fighter/bomber aircrafts remotely have been already practice. The agility and maneuverability can be enhanced introducing better situational awareness via radars seasons and cameras as you suggested. Next step, AI!

All this what they say is true. I am just saying that the drones as we see and know today do not match the firepower provided by A-10. Also as I mentioned the most likely replacement may still be a UCAV.
A UCAV most probably. Even though those wont come close to this beast we call A-10 but as of now they seem to be the most probable replacement.
The drones we know today may mature/will mature over time to replace A-10 to some extent.

About F-22 being last manned plane, I am not sure. We may see USAF inducting more and more unmanned combat vehicles but the manned planes will stay here for decades still, even in USAF let alone the air forces world over.

Anyway, with talk of all these AI machines, are we looking for a terminator style end? :P machines taking over the human race!! :)
you just tried to establish that 3 million peoples killed by USA, ISAF and NATO all were terrorists ????? You are out of your senses man ...

Which 3 Millions ?
Most casualties in the conflicts in the Middle East are Muslims killing Muslims.
Which 3 Millions ?
Most casualties in the conflicts in the Middle East are Muslims killing Muslims.

Muslims killing muslim due to American Intervantion before that their was less peoples being killed.

Oppressor and innocent theory is irrelevent.

Some insane person attack you towers and you ruined a whole lot of nations....
Muslims killing muslim due to American Intervantion before that their was less peoples being killed.

Oppressor and innocent theory is irrelevent.

Some insane person attack you towers and you ruined a whole lot of nations....

No Muslims killing Muslims because they do not value the life of fellow Muslims.
Its is the personal choice of each Muslim whether they want to kill their neighbour.

Same thing happened to Germany at the end of WWII, and they did not go crazy.
Situation in the Middle East will not improve until it abandons medieval thinking.
we should buy these A-10s for Kashmir, to kick (Kashmiris)Terrorist's azzes ;)
nopes, A10's more or less are anti armor CAS fighter, to kick terrorist asses all you need is some "will" at the political helm to launch ground ops.

My Pic Would be :)


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