Yes that's the point I was actually going to make later on. I agree completely with you on this. I myself have noticed that between my interactions in India and in China. The chinese are very open to learning from others and it doesn't depends whether the country they have to learn from is on good terms with them or not, they are always eager to learn and improve which is something i really admired.
Indians ( and South Asians i will assume) ny contrast tend to be more emotionally driven and seem to have more ego. So they won't go out of their way to show an eagerness in learning from a country/someone they view as an enemy . Which to me is kind of silly. It's the same reason China still has such a massive trade and investment deals with Japan(who is China's historical enemy/adversary) and they don't restrict each other companies from investing and doing business in each other Countries. Compared to India and Pakistan who barely have any trade going on between each other (imagine the amount of people who would have been lifted out of porverty if they were more open to at least trade and investment between each other ), same with India's restrictive trade with it's most prosperous neighbor China , where they have banned most Chinese apps and restricted Chinese companies from operating there. This again shows the immaturity and emotional overaction by South Asian countries when faced with an external issue.
India can indeed learn alot from China and even smoke use of China's own development to further it's own growth by attracting even more chinese companies to set up shop in india and transfer some technology while also doing business in the country and gaining capital. Win-win situation. Just like China did with it's "adversaries" U.S, Taiwan, Japan, and other western countries/ Singapore etc. It would.have been even better for India since China want through similar stage of development from a large poor country to a growing prosperous countries, so their companies can better provide services and a more affordable rate for India than say western countries or Japan/S.Korea who will do so at a higher price premium.
India and South Asia have s long way to go to learn to be more forward looking.
Hey, Vivaviet. Been a while I haven't seen your humourous posts. I kinda miss them
. Welcome back, this forum was getting boring with only superboy alias Austin powers keeping me good company.