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New Towed Artillery Guns need of the hour !!!!!

Yes I checked Janab we have an advantage when it comes Slef Propelled Artillery not Towed Artillery Guns. Our Towed ones are decades old many are those which were produced in World War II or a little late. SP we have enough but Towed we lack in it and soon as India will go for USA and their own the disadvantage will get bigger @Imran Khan @CriticalThought MRLS are also needed but we already are producing Chinese and making one of our own.

Care to share the numbers comparison along with quality analysis of both? Also please do shed some light on how OLD our guns really are and if there are any other users who are still using the same of have replaced the same? THEN compare it to the age/life of India systems. :)

The towed artillery is not something big on our shopping list. The only reason we keep them is because of our northern areas and the mountain terrain. For that too we are looking at truck mounted guns now. The towed artillery will remain for sure but there is a paradox:
  1. Pakistan want to standardize the guns to 155mm
  2. We do not have heavy lift platform that can air lift the majority of 155mm guns to these mountain regions bar a few options (that we know about). This means a compromise on caliber will have to be made to select a more suitable light weight smaller caliber gun.
The best way forward will be to go with two types, 155mm as a standard and a special issue light weight gun (the details have been discussed with @Quwa ) for special terrain, like G7 from South Africa.

Oh, i was kidding about the comparison thing. I know you do not have such information and are not remotely interested in finding more about it anyway. I do not look forward to get any such informed/educated comparison chart from you. :) :tup:

This "Janab" word remind me of indian movies :) where they portray every Pakistani Soldier or indians Muslims saying janab at startor end of every sentence :D

what issues
Na krrrrr

dont you know??
Issuesssss man
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Care to share the numbers comparison along with quality analysis of both? Also please do shed some light on how OLD our guns really are and if there are any other users who are still using the same of have replaced the same? THEN compare it to the age/life of India systems. :)

The towed artillery is not something big on our shopping list. The only reason we keep them is because of our northern areas and the mountain terrain. For that too we are looking at truck mounted guns now. The towed artillery will remain for sure but there is a paradox:
  1. Pakistan want to standardize the guns to 155mm
  2. We do not have heavy lift platform that can air lift the majority of 155mm guns to these mountain regions bar a few options (that we know about). This means a compromise on caliber will have to be made to select a more suitable light weight smaller caliber gun.
The best way forward will be to go with two types, 155mm as a standard and a special issue light weight gun (the details have been discussed with @Quwa ) for special terrain, like G7 from South Africa.

Oh, i was kidding about the comparison thing. I know you do not have such information and are not remotely interested in finding more about it anyway. I do not look forward to get any such informed/educated comparison chart from you. :) :tup:


Na krrrrr

dont you know??
Issuesssss man
Than we plan to fire 155 MM from our G3 Janab. Artillery is needed both on western Border and Indian Border in fact lot of Indian Border where SP can't go it's Towed which is we need along with Anti Tank weapons like HJ-12 and other stuff
Than we plan to fire 155 MM from our G3 Janab. Artillery is needed both on western Border and Indian Border in fact lot of Indian Border where SP can't go it's Towed which is we need along with Anti Tank weapons like HJ-12 and other stuff

See! Perhaps this is that one time where i could not have been wrong:
Care to share the numbers comparison along with quality analysis of both? Also please do shed some light on how OLD our guns really are and if there are any other users who are still using the same of have replaced the same? THEN compare it to the age/life of India systems. :)

The towed artillery is not something big on our shopping list. The only reason we keep them is because of our northern areas and the mountain terrain. For that too we are looking at truck mounted guns now. The towed artillery will remain for sure but there is a paradox:
  1. Pakistan want to standardize the guns to 155mm
  2. We do not have heavy lift platform that can air lift the majority of 155mm guns to these mountain regions bar a few options (that we know about). This means a compromise on caliber will have to be made to select a more suitable light weight smaller caliber gun.
The best way forward will be to go with two types, 155mm as a standard and a special issue light weight gun (the details have been discussed with @Quwa ) for special terrain, like G7 from South Africa.

Oh, i was kidding about the comparison thing. I know you do not have such information and are not remotely interested in finding more about it anyway. I do not look forward to get any such informed/educated comparison chart from you. :) :tup:
But i was also hoping for that "Money no problem . . . . " thingy, anyway!!

Light weight helicopter transportable howitzers (G7 as i mentioned) is something PA should seriously look into as the 155mm US option is not available and the Chinese one is not matured. In that standardization drive we should make 105mm G7 a special consideration.

The thing people (other than zarvan bhai) need to keep in mind is that you always have a list of required equipment and there are always somethings on it that are more urgently required than others. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get all of it on one go! (Despite "Money no problem" thingy)
IA has 130mm installed on T-72 chassis for time being.

Say what? o_O
Yup! A combo of Vickers Mk1 tanks (Vijayanta) and the Russian M-46 field gun! :D

M-46 Catapult

They planned something similar for Arjun tanks.
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India has four new towed artillery planned on top of the K9. Three homemade and one import. Two of them light.
Idk why some here think that towed age is over on "both sides".

They planned something similar for Arjun tanks.
Than we plan to fire 155 MM from our G3 Janab. Artillery is needed both on western Border and Indian Border in fact lot of Indian Border where SP can't go it's Towed which is we need along with Anti Tank weapons like HJ-12 and other stuff

Hazrat these 'khawab' you have after which you come here and tell us about them! what khawab told you about the urgent pressing need for more towed guns? for the last 3 years SP guns are being tested and not towed guns! If that is not simple for you to understand than the question arises about your matriculate certificate!
As we are seeing and most likely we are going to keep seeing LOC on boil for really long time. So we have to be prepared if India decides to bring Artillery in the Game. Now as India is going for new 155 MM Artillery Guns from USA and building their ones also we also need to go for new Towed Artillery Guns specially 105 MM and 120 MM and 155 MM caliber Artillery Guns for LOC.

Pakistan was testing Korean towed gun.

130 MM can fire till 40+ Kms in HA areas, the firing table for High Altitude areas is different as compared to lower alt.

Does PA still use the 25-pounder's?

POF continues producing the ammo.

Light weight helicopter transportable howitzers (G7 as i mentioned) is something PA should seriously look into as the 155mm US option is not available and the Chinese one is not matured. In that standardization drive we should make 105mm G7 a special consideration.

G7 LEO is merely a prototype. Unless someone funds the program, it doesn't count.
Sir a gun is here to fire projectiles. I think we need a local product which we induct big numbers and replace old guns

Many years ago we were told how HIT was capable of making artillery, and so many projects were on the table.

Since then we haven't produced a single piece artillery gun.

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