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New supertall Skycrapper proposed in Russia, Grozni. Russia completely overshadows Europes Skylines


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
26.04.2014 / 15:05

Компания «Emaar Properties», построившая небоскреб «Бурдж Халифа» в ОАЭ, заинтересовалась проектом башня «Ахмат-Тауэр» | Грозный Информ

The company Emaar Properties, which built the Burj Khalifa in UAE, became interested in the project the tower of Akhmat-tower"
In hotel "Grozny-city" was held the presentation of high-rise multifunctional complex "Ahmad tower, and the sports and recreation tourist project "the Grozny sea" for visitors from UAE.


The delegation was headed by President of the investment company "Emaar Properties" Muhammad al-Abbasi. The delegation also included chief engineer of the highest in the world Burj Khalifa" and head of the Department of architecture "Emaar Properties" Frederick Deurne.
It should be noted that the delegation of the UAE has arrived in the Chechen Republic on the eve, at the invitation of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, to get acquainted with investment projects of the region.


Let's remind, in the beginning of this month, during his working visit to Dubai, R. Kadyrov met with crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammad Bin Zayed al Nuhayyan. At this meeting, agreements were reached on the participation of companies of the UAE in the implementation of investment projects in the CR. During the visit, also met with President of the investment company Emaar Properties" Muhammad al-Abbasi, whose company is known for that has the experience of building the world's largest high-rise shopping and entertainment buildings. Among them, the world famous Burj Khalifa" and TRC complex "Dubai Mall".

Accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Federation Council on international Affairs Ziyad Sabsabi and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Czech Republic Hassan Khakimov guests of the Republic visited the hotel "Grozny-city" at the presentation of investment projects on construction of a sports complex "Grozny sea and multifunctional high-rise complex "Akhmat-tower". There they were met by the Deputy of the State Duma Adam Delimkhanov and head of OPF in the Czech Republic the mudayev-Amy Akhmadov.
In his welcoming speech, Adam Delimkhanov noted the importance of the arrival of Muhammad al-Ambari in the Chechen Republic.


Photo Ibrahim Estemirova
- We are glad that investment projects in the Republic are interested in such a serious company, as Emaar Properties". It should be noted that this is a direct result of the activities of the head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, his friendly relations with the crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Muhammad Bin Zayed al-Nuhayyan and their arrangements on participation of the companies of the UAE in the implementation of investment projects in the region.
Today the Chechen Republic under the effective supervision of the Head of the region and our national leader Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov follows the path of dynamic development. For the command of Kadyrov and the Chechen people, the realization of the project the tower of Ahmad tower, named after the first President of Chechnya and Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadji Kadyrov is very symbolic, " said A. Delimkhanov.

According to Muhammad al-Abbasi, he for the first time in the Czech Republic and very impressed with the city of Grozny, the region and its people.

- Your country is very beautiful and well located. Everything I saw, I was pleasantly surprised. At the same time we would like to note that the Government of Chechnya in the face of Ramzan Kadyrov is trying to stimulate the development of Grozny and the entire region, " he said.

In particular, the chief architect of the tower of Ahmad tower" Alexander Susic told Muhammad al-Ambari that is a multifunctional high-rise complex.

- Tower of Ahmad tower is named after the first President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat-Khadji Kadyrov. The building comprises a Museum of the administrative centre, panoramic restaurants and more. From the North-East tower is framed by a pool in the shape of a Crescent, unveiled in the direction of Mecca. Archetypes traditional Vainakh architecture and Islamic architecture being compositional techniques and ornamented layer, which form the architectural image of the Akhmat-tower", - noted A. Susic.

According to the architects of the tower of Ahmad tower" is a multifunctional complex, which symbolizes the Chechen medieval watchtower. The height of the upper dome - 365 meters, and with its spire is 400 meters.

The tower is 80 floors, height of each of which will amount to 4.2 M. the complex consists of 100 apartments of the raised comfort, the hotel is five hundred rooms, panoramic restaurants, which will be presented cuisine of the peoples of the world, offices, high-rise helipad, fitness centers, swimming pools.

At the bottom, the stylobate part of the tower will be located in the halls with a height of 50 meters with four separate entrances to the hotel, apartments, offices and administrative part. At the top of the hall will be located circular gallery with a length of 600 meters.

Next M-E. Akhmadov acquainted the guests with the project of construction of sports and recreation tourist complex "Grozny sea".

Let's remind, construction work on the construction of a sports and tourist complex "Grozny sea" held on the territory of 300 hectares In the object includes an arboretum, a five star hotel, a floating restaurant, "Luna Park", the equipped beach, playgrounds, boat station, Parking for cars, sports and training base of FC "Terek", and also multifunctional sports and recreational tourist complex "Aqua".

The mudayev-Amy Ahmadov told the guests that this project will attract many tourists not only from Chechnya, but also in other regions of the country.

- We are planning a musical fountain in the likeness of what is in Dubai. It will be an ornament in the national style. The height of the water jet will reach 40 metres, and the fountain will occupy an area of 200 40 meters. Also will be constructed the restaurant "Tower", a multifunctional cultural-entertainment complex "Aqua" with water attractions, which occupies the territory with total area of 30 ha and more", - he said.

After the presentation, President of the investment company "Emaar Properties" Muhammad al-Ambari answered the questions of Chechen journalists.

In particular, he noted that the projects are very interesting, and he was pleased with what he saw.

- Today we saw the possibilities of the Chechen Republic, was able to estimate their magnitude. It is noteworthy that these investment projects will be able to attract people not only from your country, but also inhabitants of other regions of the Russian Federation, " he said.

Muhammad al-Ambari also expressed gratitude to the Head of the Czech R. Kadyrov for the invitation to visit the Republic.

- I want to commend the work carried out by Ramzan Kadyrov on attracting investments in the Chechen Republic. I believe that thanks to the efficient activity of the Head of the Czech Republic R. Kadyrov your region has turned into an attractive area for investments with great potential,- said Muhammad al-Abbasi.


The shard is the EU highest tower

but Russias mercury city tower is taller


the oko tower complex will be taller if its completed


federation tower will be taller than all of the above if completed

and now the chechen tower will be taller than all the above including EU tallest building since its 400 meters


and if thats not enough saint petersburg gets a 460 meters building which is under contraction


i thought EU is more developed than Russia?
EU is more developed then Russia. By your definition UAE is the most developed nation in the world just cus they have the tallest building? Nah...
why are they building a giant space dildo!!
Shard looks amazing dont even compare it to those ugly buildings
The shard looks lifeless and empty just like western culture. The best out of all of them looks to be the st petersburg building. The new Chechen complex will look beautiful when finished and im sure it will fit in with the rest of the city. It looks peaceful and serene. Just how Islam should be represented.
Maybe invest the money in something useful which can benefit Russians, not rich peoples signs of wealth. Russia gdp pp is a joke considering its location and resources.
lol you are mad that you dont have any of that stuff. Your countries dont even have any skycrapers at all despite south asia and egypt being full of people.

List of tallest buildings in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


List of tallest buildings in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of tallest buildings in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol Giza pyramid is still one of the highest building in egypt that says everything about egypts development

List of tallest buildings in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

even australia blows to russia

List of tallest buildings in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EU is more developed then Russia. By your definition UAE is the most developed nation in the world just cus they have the tallest building? Nah...

in fact they are

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its not even completed yet and saint perterburg tower will be higher. You give exactly good reason why russias skycrapers are much more impressive even, because russia is a european country and have the same culture. People were really resistant about the saint peterburg towerfor example, yet russian cities beat various asian, south american and Australian countries who dont have this european city culture
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