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New SSG commandos for 3D animation - Work in progress

Imagine being able to play these characters in PUBG or Call of Duty. I don't know about animated movies but would love these in Action games.

That would be good, but what would be best is to have documentaries and shows on the feats of valour and bravery by the SSG. I know recent fronts may be classified, but surely decades old campaigns and ops can be told now?
Imagine being able to play these characters in PUBG or Call of Duty. I don't know about animated movies but would love these in Action games.
Desktop Screenshot 2020.06.13 -

Desktop Screenshot 2020.06.13 -
Thank you for the kind words everyone. Much appreciated.

They would look awesome in a game.

Blender, Daz and Unreal Engine.

Thank you. Working on the whole thing till animation. Basically a proof-of-concept short film which can be further expanded. The plan is to recreate scenes from infamous SSG missions.

Will this work? Attached.

Perfect! Thanks just changed wallpapers looks sweet. :)
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