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New radars displayed at trade show


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New radars displayed at trade show

2017-06-22 13:25

China Daily Editor: Feng Shuang


A worker at China Electronics Technology Group Corp sets up a model of the YLC-8B air-defense radar on Wednesday at the 52nd International Paris Air Show at Paris-Le Bourget Airport. Provided To China Daily

Advanced equipment can detect stealth aircraft, cruise missiles

China has been marketing a number of advanced air defense radars capable of detecting stealth combat aircraft, such as the United States' F-22 and F-35, at the ongoing 52nd International Paris Air Show.

China Electronics Technology Group Corp, one of the major defense contractors of the Chinese military, has models of three large anti-stealth aircraft radars on display at the show, which will run until Sunday at Paris-Le Bourget Airport. It was the first time the State-owned defense giant took part in the show, which is said to be the largest and most influential of its kind in the world.

The three radar types - YLC-8B, SLC-7 and SLC-12 - all developed by the company's Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology in Jiangsu province, integrate the traditional detection method of mechanical scanning with two-dimensional active phased-array technology, making them capable of detecting virtually any aerial target including stealth fighters, unmanned aircraft, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and rockets, according to CETC. The company said the radars can also guide air defense missiles to their targets.

The research institute is the country's largest developer of military surveillance radars. Its products have been sold to more than 20 nations in North Africa, Southeast Asia and western Asia, said Ni Guoxin, deputy director of the institute.

"Exhibits from my institute have the cutting-edge technologies in this field and represent China's overall capability in electronics," he said. "Only a handful of nations, such as the United States, France and Israel, are able to develop such technologies and make advanced radars. It's fair to say we are a leader in this field."

Wang Hongzhe, a senior designer at the institute, said the three radars work on different microwave bands, so if they were all deployed together they would form a massive surveillance network that no stealth aircraft would be able to sneak through.

"They are fourth-generation air surveillance radars - the latest and most advanced of their kind. Compared with the third-generation models, they have stronger capabilities and larger fields of detection and can detect more types of targets, even some low-orbiting satellites," he said.

Moreover, all of these radars are mounted on ground vehicles, which enables them to be deployed in a rapid, flexible manner, Wang said.

China leads in use of passive radar in military
By Zhang Hui Source:Global Times Published: 2017/7/19 22:18:39

China has made remarkable progress in developing passive surveillance radar system and the system has been successfully applied to military use, said a scientist at a State-owned company which developed China's latest YLC-29 radar system.

"China is one of the countries that has made leading progress in the research phase and applied the system in military," Yang Guangping, chief scientist of the State-owned China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), told the Global Times Wednesday.

China's recently unveiled YLC-29 passive radar system, which can locate and track air stealth targets, is superior to the Czech-made Vera-E system in terms of real-time tracking, according to military experts.

The YLC-29 passive detection system, developed by the Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology, also known as the No.14 Institute, under CETC, was debuted at the 52nd International Paris Air Show from June 19 to 25.

It uses widely distributed civilian radio frequency-modulated signals to detect, locate and track targets moving through the air - including stealth planes - without being detected, which greatly improves the system's viability and anti-jamming ability, according to CETC's official WeChat account.

"The YLC-29 does not emit electromagnetic wave, which guarantees its safety," Song Zhongping, a Beijing-based military commentator, told the Global Times.

Traditional radar detection systems are vulnerable to being jammed or attacked by anti-radiation weapons, as high-power radar jamming aircraft and anti-radiation missiles are extensively used in modern battlefield, according to the CETC.

"The YLC-29 is now superior to Vera-E and China's YLC-20 in terms of overall performance, such as detection range, anti-jamming technology and identification of small stealth targets," Song said.

The YLC-20 passive radar system, produced by the No.14 Institute, was unveiled in 2006.

The Vera-E passive radar system, which debuted at the Paris Air Show in 1999, mainly relies on receiving electromagnetic wave signals sent by targets to detect, locate and identify them. Thus the system cannot work if the targets maintain electromagnetic silence. Also, it cannot continuously perform real-time tracking, according to an article by Huang Guozhi, a senior editor at a leading weaponry magazine, published on news site thepaper.cn Wednesday.

However, the YLC-29 can detect air targets even if they keep electromagnetic silence, Huang said.

China is developing a new type of radar system that combines passive and active radar, to better detect and track down air targets, said Yang.
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