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New Pill 'Will Help People Live Past 100'

.. BTW, much disappointed by your views on female pilots.

I am sure females would make excellent fighter pilots...my own sister used to beat my posterior in every game requiring hand-to-eye coordination...
but I am against the induction of females if it involves paying more than recruiting an all male force or if it in any way requires more resources to be pooled...you see in a country like India...we need to save every penny...plus the fact that women having their first babies after 30 put their lives at risk...
p.m me if you disagree on something...
Absolutely rubiish impossible if ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH writeen in his lohee mahfooz that this person going to live 50 years no mettar what those scientist do he cant live even one more second

Loh-e-Mahfooz is where the Holy Qur'an has been preserved......... later on that was brought down to the sky on the day of Laila-la-tul-qadr and later on was revealed to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in the period of 23 years.



85:21 But this is an honored Qur'an
85:22 [Inscribed] in a Preserved Slate.


You are right whatever age Allah has written for a person he will live only for that long and then die but that is written somewhere else...... probably in TAQDEER or somewhere else...... not in Loh-e-Mahfooz
To be honest i think like that, seriously

well frankly speaking if suicide was not Haram...... i may have committed too :flame::flame::flame: i am very dispressed these days but still alive and will remain Alive until my Allah wishes....... Allah thanks to him in all states........ i know this is my test....... and i have to pass it at any cost
well frankly speaking if suicide was not Haram...... i may have committed too :flame::flame::flame: i am very dispressed these days but still alive and will remain Alive until my Allah wishes....... Allah thanks to him in all states........ i know this is my test....... and i have to pass it at any cost

haha same here, I think of the one & only i.e. my mom

still 30 is more than enough but 100 years i don't want to even think about it
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BTW may be after death we will be able to view these beautiful galaxies, stars & Nebulas
what a strange thing this death is, no one ever came back to tell the story of what happens after ur dead, strange ain't it?

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Living a 100 years might not be a good thing. Our world is already overpopulated, and global birth rate is increasing an death rate decreasing. This pill will worsen the overpopulation problem.

Besides, once a person passes a certain age, their health deteriorates. Most people over 100 are unable to contribute to society and incapable of looking after themselves. Is there a point in living like that?

My great grandma lived to 96. the last year of her life she was bed ridden and lost her memory. but before she lost her memory, she would keep praying that God would just take her, and not make her suffer like that.

This pill should only be supported if it allows people to live a HEALTHY life over 100. As in, they should be able to look after themselves and not be a burden on anyone

Just ask yourself 2 questions, "If I live a 100 years, will it make me happy?" and "If I live a 100 years, will it make others happy?"

If answer to both are yes, then you should live a 100 years. Otherwise, there is no point in living a 100 years. You'd just make yourself or other people miserable. Better to die happily and with dignity.

Its not how long you live that matters, but how you live.
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BTW may be after death we will be able to view these beautiful galaxies, stars & Nebulas
what a strange thing this death is, no one ever came back to tell the story of what happens after ur dead, strange ain't it?


wow! you are so excited to die soon and see these galaxies, stars and Nubulas :lol::lol::lol::lol: hahaha thats funny :rofl:

Is this the reason you want to die ....... i guess you are taking death also as a fun...... thats brave....... but you are only a young girl why you want to die that early..... first look at the beautiful world around you before you plan a trip of Galaxies and Stars. Look at the mountains, lakes, Natural beauty and other hidden treasures of Allah that he was made for us...... before you start discovering about galaxies.
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Death Calendar saying

1,631,014,322 seconds left in my life

I am going to die on 15 Oct 2061


And surely Allah knows best....... who knows if i die by an accident tomorrow? or see the next century also
when I was a teenager I held similar caustic views about life...and then I happened to read "veronika decides to die" by Paulo coelho
wow! you are so excited to die soon and see these galaxies, stars and Nubulas :lol::lol::lol::lol: hahaha thats funny :rofl:

Is this the reason you want to die ....... i guess you are taking death also as a fun...... thats brave....... but you are only a young girl why you want to die that early..... first look at the beautiful world around you before you plan a trip of Galaxies and Stars. Look at the mountains, lakes, Natural beauty and other hidden treasures of Allah that he was made for us...... before you start discovering about galaxies.


you see this 'death' is a strange thing, no one in this world ever came back to tell what happens after death & this world ain't beautifull, these galaxies & pictures from Hubble telescopes are just awesome, when ever you get a chance wake up before Fajir prayer & search for a brightest star in the sky, it looks amazing, these heavenly bodies are just AWESOME & breath taking, I hope i had my own Hubble Telescope :)
i can spend my whole life seeing them

when I was a teenager I held similar caustic views about life...and then I happened to read "veronika decides to die" by Paulo coelho

that was a lame book, Pari

have you all ever heard of Near Death experience (NDE), there were some people who were declared dead but they miraculously came back to life, their personal experiences are just amazing

Mellen-Thomas Benedict is an artist who survived a near-death experience in 1982. He was dead for over an hour and a half after dying of cancer. At the time of his death, he rose up out of his body and went into the light. Curious about the universe, he was taken far into the remote depths of existence, and even beyond, into the energetic void of nothingness behind the Big Bang. During his experience, he was able to learn a great deal of information concerning reincarnation. Because of his near-death experience, he was able to bring back scientific discoveries. Mr. Benedict has been closely involved in the mechanics of cellular communication and research dealing with the relationship of light to life called Quantum Biology. This research is providing dramatic new perspectives on how biological systems work. Mr. Benedict has found that living cells can respond very quickly to light stimulation resulting in, among other things, high speed healing. He is a researcher, inventor and lecturer who holds six U.S. patents.

Several weeks after Benedict was born, he may experienced a NDE when his bowels were ruptured. His body was tossed to one side as a corpse, yet much to everyone's surprise he later revived. As soon as he was big enough to grab hold of crayons, he started what became a compulsive urge to create symbolic renditions of the black/white yin/yang circles of Eastern religious thought. He has no memory of why he drew those particular symbols.

He spent his grade school years in a Catholic boarding school in Vermont, and was baptized in the Salvation Army religion as a youngster. He traveled extensively because of a military stepfather until the family finally settled down in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Then, Benedict was diagnosed as having inoperable cancer. He had retired from the frenzy of filmdom by then and was operating his own stained-glass studio. As his condition worsened, he spent more and more time with his art. One morning he awakened knowing he would die the next day, and he did. As the typical heaven-like scenario began to unfold, Benedict recognized what was happening as it was happening. The process was familiar to him because he had read many books about the near-death phenomenon previously.


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