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New pictures of China's catapult launch system

My apologize if my inaccucy wording hurt your feelings, maybe if I were wrting the inventor of the world first working/non-health hazarading EMALS it will be more accurate, thanks for you to point this out, US still hold the title of the inventor of the world first not-working and health-hazarding EMALS system, so cheers.
My apologize if my inaccucy wording hurt your feelings, maybe if I were wrting the inventor of the world first working/non-health hazarading EMALS it will be more accurate, thanks for you to point this out, US still hold the title of the inventor of the world first not-working and health-hazarding EMALS system, so cheers.

Software problems that can be fixed. Don't be jealous.
Latest photo of PLAN J-15 testing domestic catapult system, 疑似接受陆上电磁弹射测试的歼15

2016.10 North China national catapult system test site, 2016年10月的辽西弹射器实验场,上面那条宽基坑弹射器的黄色标志线已经模糊不清了

2011,China ShangHai 1st China built catapult system, 上海实验场于2011年开工的第二条蒸汽弹射器,基坑宽度接近12米,相比第一条扩大近一倍

China WuHan catapult system 武汉实验场的电磁弹射器,基坑宽度刚刚过6米

U.S and China navy aircraft testing catapult system


China J-15 for catapult system
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Hope the software problem isn't as serious as the one on F-35 or the oxygen problem on both F-22 and F-35 through

Nah, it be ok. You saw those planes flying. So rest assure they be fine just like the catapult. Don't be doubtful about our carriers as well.

You mean US is jealous?

No I mean China is jealous about U.S. having a nuclear carrier with EMALs.
Nah, it be ok. You saw those planes flying. So rest assure they be fine just like the catapult. Don't be doubtful about our carriers as well.

No I mean China is jealous about U.S. having a nuclear carrier with EMALs.
Of course we are, why do you think we are trying to build one. The fact that we are even comparing China with US was unimaginable 10 years ago. Now we are compared to US from everything from stealth to hypersonic weapons to nuclear carriers, EMAL, laser weapons, Predator drones. We are a turd world nation onlee bro.
Of course we are, why do you think we are trying to build one. The fact that we are even comparing China with US was unimaginable 10 years ago. Now we are compared to US from everything from stealth to hypersonic weapons to nuclear carriers, EMAL, laser weapons, Predator drones. We are a turd world nation onlee bro.

Well then it doesn't make sense to think we should be jealous then eh?
Depends how you look at it, you normally feel threatened with something new, US had been in the forefront for so long, its already a fact they are a threat, you don't have to feel it at all.

Wouldn't matter. Its not like we should feel scared and give up and go home.
Wouldn't matter. Its not like we should feel scared and give up and go home.
It's good to have competition. Simple economics dictates that monopolies are bad. America is now a monopoly and they are abusing their position around the world, for global peace, there is a need for a multipolar world, a balancing force.
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