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New Modified Brahmos with 500 KM Range


BrahMos Considers All-New AShM For MiG-29K & MMRCA

BrahMos Corp. is looking to develop a new anti-ship missile with a smaller diameter and lighter weight than the present BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. The proposal, tentatively called BrahMos-3, is aimed at putting together a potent anti-ship/anti-surface missile for the Indian Navy's MiG-29K and IAF MMRCA.

Revealing plans for the BrahMos-3 today at Defexpo, BrahMos CEO Dr A. Sivathanu Pillai said the first test-firing of a BrahMos from a modified Su-30MKI (modifications by HAL) would take place by early next year.

The BrahMos-2, a concept scramjet-based hypersonic version of the missile has begun development, and the programme aims at a first test in five years, Dr Pillai says. The long-awaited underwater-launched version of the BrahMos is expected to undergo its first test within 2012, and is understood to be ready in all respects.

The BrahMos recently conducted two successful tests of the army land attack variant of the missile, in which it performed supersonic steep dives in both tests.

Livefist: BrahMos Considers All-New AShM For MiG-29K & MMRCA
Advertised range of Brahmos has always been 290kms, reality is far from that,
P700 Granit has a range of nearly 600kms, and is very similar to Brahmos

Similar looks, but it's not "the same"!!!

P700 Granit:


P-800 Oniks:






Brahmos is a version of the P-800 Oniks, which is also given with a range of around 300Km range. The look of a missile btw doesn't tell you how much fuel capacity the missile has, Scalp and Storm Shadow cruise missiles are expected to have higher ranges then the 290Km versions that the UAE, or Greece got, although the missile hull is the same:


never heard of such missiles can you please provide link abt this missiles ?

That's actually nothing new, at the defexpo 2010 the CEO of Irkut confirmed, that a lighter version of Brahmos is already under development, probably 1t lighter than the air launched version that will be integrated now. The aim was, to give MKIs not only the carrying capability of 1 missile, but up to 3.
#In the long run this version will be important for Pak Fa / FGFA as well, because both won't have centerline stations to carry the current version, which means they can carry only a lighter version an the wingstations.
That this weapon could be used on Mig 29K or MMRCA is a side effect, although I would I have some doubts about the Mig 29K though, not even KAB 1500 bombs are cleared for it.
BrahMos to Test Submarine-Launch Missile by Year-End

BrahMos, the Russian-Indian supersonic cruise missile joint venture, is to test-fire their anti-ship missile from a submarine platform by year-end, the Russian partner NPO Mashninostroyenie said Friday

"We need a test-launch by the end of the year," said the company's Deputy General Director Alexander Dergachev. "A decision will be made on whether the weapon can be accepted for service with the Indian Navy, dependent on the outcome," he added.
The test will be a single demonstration firing from a submerged raft, he said. "When an operational carrier has been chosen, then further trials will continue," he said.
BrahMos, set up in 1998, produces three variants of the BrahMos missile, based on the NPO Mashinostroyenie 3M55 Yakhont (NATO SS-N-26) supersonic cruise missile already in service with Russia's Armed Forces.

The Indian Army has already taken delivery of the land-launched variant. The Navy already has the ship-launched missiles on ten vessels, Dergachev said. The Indian Air Force will also use the weapon, from an upgraded batch of 42 Sukhoi Su-30MKI strike fighters it is expected to order later this year, Russia's Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said earlier this week in Delhi.
"The missile had a range of 300 kilometers (180 miles), and will be vertically-launched by a gas generator in its launch container, which will eject the weapon by gas pressure, after which it will reach Mach two," he said.

BrahMos can fly as low as 30 feet (10 m) or attack its target from a high angle, combined with supersonic speed and evasive maneuvering. BrahMos can carry a conventional warhead of up to 300 kg (660 lbs).

Earlier this week, Russian daily Izvestia quoted defense industry sources as saying India has uprated its BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles by installing the advanced satellite navigation systems from Russia's Kh-555 and Kh-101 strategic long-range cruise missiles, adding GPS-GLONASS technology to the existing doppler-inertial platform.

BrahMos to Test Submarine-Launch Missile by Year-End | Defense | RIA Novosti
GLONASS from KH-55 family has been integrated into Brahmos,but how does that increase the range?
Or may be its just the new air-launched variant which has the increased range because of high-altitude launch.
Or may be its just the new air-launched variant which has the increased range because of high-altitude launch.

No its a super rocket from shoopa powah... :enjoy:

Out of the so many ways of Improving Missile range,the writer of the article came up with the most unlikely Reason...Integration of GLONASS...
Actual reason may be Better fuel,better engine,or a simple software tweak which changed the Missile trajectory into High,High and Low into the final approach..

All the way flying at sea level will drastically reduce missile's range as air resistance is substantial..Raise the missile to high altitude,and air resistance will be low,consuming less fuel and increasing the range,.
It does not, no where it says that the range increased because of GLONASS.

and they call it "super rocket" for this...and say it has gone sub-strategic due to this...
most likely brahmos already had the 500 km range . only now the question is --> is it way above 500 too ?
and they call it "super rocket" for this...and say it has gone sub-strategic due to this...

India shoopa powa is fine tuning its weapons and making them deadly. :cheers:

Once brahmos hypersonic vehicle gets successful, India can attck any target in the globe with out worrying about missile defences :tup:
GLONASS from KH-55 family has been integrated into Brahmos,but how does that increase the range?
Brahmos always had enough juice to travel 500km, but was not accurate at that range due to doppler ins. With glonass effective range has increased.

Congrats to DRDO for achieving this !

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