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New Modified Brahmos with 500 KM Range

But I am still wondering; how did Dr. Pillai get past the MTCR?

many probable scenarios , (the US is moving in a good direction...seeing tht most other countries dont take MTCR seriously enough or go ahead with covert means. the US instead of hindering its own allies and indirectly its own interests decides to show some leeway.)

either they talked it out with the US. and US after agreeing on it went ahead in strengthening SK missles.

or the US was already planning the SK deal out out and India saw an opportunity either with uS consent or without.
Unless the missile's size in increased or more fuel added at the expense of lesser sized warhead..it doesnt seem possible to increase the range..

The Range has to increased.. It was 500+ km right from the Block 2... you are allowed to know about it now.
What will happen to Rusian committment to MTCR. I belive range is wrong
What will happen to Rusian committment to MTCR. I belive range is wrong

India thrashes and ignores that.:eek: India forces Russia to kick out MTCR and give 500km range
to BrahMos (all variants), hahaha...

The MTCR is just a collective regime of a few countries, and not a binding treaty that is internationally ratified.
It is difficult to believe a huge missile like Brahmos has only 300 km range while similar missile in Russia has much more range than that. It should be 500+ km missile but restricted by software codes due to MTCR.

From my post in the other thread:

The article is not saying that the missile has a range of 500Km, but between 300 and 500Km. Launched from IAs or INs ground launchers it has the commonly expected 290Km according international regulations. But launched from IAFs MKI, at high altitude and speed, the range can be further extended. It first will glide like any PGM, then will use it's own propulsion to climb again, just like the French AASM for example.

The restricting point is not the software, but the propulsion system, you add one with less fuel it will remain to be as fast, but offers less range. As we know, the propulsion system will be delivered off the shelf by Russia, while we are responsible for the software and navigation systems.
Weight 3,000 kg
2,500 kg (air-launched)
Length 8.4 m
Diameter 0.6 m
Warhead 300 kg Conventional semi-armour-piercing

so the missile weighs 3000 kg.
minus warhead is 2700 kg
minus body weight and electronics is ...say 1700kg?
how far can an air breathing engine go on 1.7 tons of jet fuel? that is if Brahmos contains 1700kg jet fuel...
Weight 3,000 kg
2,500 kg (air-launched)
Length 8.4 m
Diameter 0.6 m
Warhead 300 kg Conventional semi-armour-piercing

so the missile weighs 3000 kg.
minus warhead is 2700 kg
minus body weight and electronics is ...say 1700kg?
how far can an air breathing engine go on 1.7 tons of jet fuel? that is if Brahmos contains 1700kg jet fuel...

Advertised range of Brahmos has always been 290kms, reality is far from that,
P700 Granit has a range of nearly 600kms, and is very similar to Brahmos;

NPO Mashinostroyeniya, and MKB Raduga were the partner agencies for Brahmos program.

Although OT
Another interesting fact; NPO Novator, the partner agency for developing article 172, also known as K100, is an off shoot of MKB Raduga, famous for having developed the Kh-55, (3000km air launched CM)
Advertised range of Brahmos has always been 290kms, reality is far from that,
P700 Granit has a range of nearly 600kms, and is very similar to Brahmos;

NPO Mashinostroyeniya, and MKB Raduga were the partner agencies for Brahmos program.

Although OT
Another interesting fact; NPO Novator, the partner agency for developing article 172, also known as K100, is an off shoot of MKB Raduga, famous for having developed the Kh-55, (3000km air launched CM)

a ram jet can never be more efficient than a subsonic turbo fan engine....
That means a ram jet under all circumstances will have more fuel consumption than a turbofan engine and will need a larger fuel tank..
For that reason alone..in my opinion all claims of 3000KM Ram jet is boasting and nothing else..
300-500Km sounds practical for Brahmos size missile.mainly due to restrictions in fuel carrying capacity.

Clue : X-15 had a maximum range of 450KM

and KH-55 was a Turbofan egine not a Ramjet..
Advertised range of Brahmos has always been 290kms, reality is far from that,
P700 Granit has a range of nearly 600kms, and is very similar to Brahmos;

NPO Mashinostroyeniya, and MKB Raduga were the partner agencies for Brahmos program.

Although OT
Another interesting fact; NPO Novator, the partner agency for developing article 172, also known as K100, is an off shoot of MKB Raduga, famous for having developed the Kh-55, (3000km air launched CM)

P-700 is 3 meter longer than brahmos... twice the weight and caries twice the weight carried in warhead department.
Brahmos range increase is more due to software upgrade and improved fuel efficiency due to better trajectories and improved ramjet(control department).... Besides there was also a special coating developed by DRDO which helps in reducing drag. and increasing range figures.... plus weight reduction measures in terms of material used.
Although I agree the range was never 290km to begin with... It was always over 300+km and improved with later blocks.

a ram jet can never be more efficient than a subsonic turbo fan engine....
That means a ram jet under all circumstances will have more fuel consumption than a turbofan engine and will need a larger fuel tank..
For that reason alone..in my opinion all claims of 3000KM Ram jet is boasting and nothing else..
300-500Km sounds practical for Brahmos size missile.mainly due to restrictions in fuel carrying capacity.

Clue : X-15 had a maximum range of 450KM

and KH-55 was a Turbofan egine not a Ramjet..

Efficiency depends on what terms you are measuring the propulsion... say Brahmos is efficiency to neutralize targets is more due to High speeds... than any subsonic missile.
I guess you were talking about fuel economy where the Ramjet is poor when it comes to Turbofan.. However that is more like comparing apples with oranges.
No body is claiming the range of Brahmos to be 3000km.... a Ramjet cruise missiles with 3000Km range would be bulky but no double it is possible to make them If the requirement exists.
The range of Brahmos anti-ship variant(early model) is above 300km... while it is about 500-600km for Block 2 onward... air launched version would also be 500-600km.
However nothing is clear about mini Brahmos(to be used by M2K/Mig29/Rafale).
Efficiency depends on what terms you are measuring the propulsion... say Brahmos is efficiency to neutralize targets is more due to High speeds... than any subsonic missile.
I guess you were talking about fuel economy where the Ramjet is poor when it comes to Turbofan.. However that is more like comparing apples with oranges.
No body is claiming the range of Brahmos to be 3000km.... a Ramjet cruise missiles with 3000Km range would be bulky but no double it is possible to make them If the requirement exists.
The range of Brahmos anti-ship variant(early model) is above 300km... while it is about 500-600km for Block 2 onward... air launched version would also be 500-600km.
However nothing is clear about mini Brahmos(to be used by M2K/Mig29/Rafale).

wtf is that ?
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