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New Makhlooq (Dance)

WTF is this guy doing, i couldn't watch this after 0:52 he's showing his khusraa tendencies.
There is such a thing as male belly dance.
's a sample.

Nice shimmy he's got going there.

Looks like the Karachi idea of a hen night...or maybe not since it appears they got male dancers for the women crowd and vice versa. Disappointingly, no strippers:(
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I wonder how he'd call himself a man and presumably a muslim too, shame on this guy and shame on the audiance too, this clearly shows what are the ethics and standards of people, if this guy was doing this for money then he could earn more if he goes to khyber pukhtoon khuah and dances in front of PATHANS, he will earn manyfolds and will really feel the heat of the performance later on.
it looks like it is from a private party or wedding? people do dance in their private parties.
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