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New Karachi administrator unlikely to deliver unless KMC is empowered


Sep 26, 2018
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  • Murtaza Wahab has taken charge as Karachi Administrator.
  • Neither was Akhtar legally responsible for the issues of garbage, water, sewerage system, and illegal constructions in the city nor will Wahab be.
  • After the 18th amendment, the provinces were made autonomous but they largely failed to delegate powers to the local governments.
The newly-appointed Karachi administrator is unlikely to produce the best results and give performance unless the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) is empowered, The News reported.

Critics of the Sindh government’s decision, however, believe that the appointment of Wahab as the KMC administrator will be nothing but optics until the government goes for the bold decision to empower the corporation.

Neither was MQM-P’s Wasim Akhtar, the last elected mayor of Karachi, nor will PPP’s Barrister Murtaza Wahab, be legally responsible for the city’s garbage, water and sewerage woes as none of these key civic problems are the domain of the KMC.

NED University architecture and planning department Professor Dr Noman Ahmed said that unreasonable expectations have been set with Wahab’s appointment.
After the 18th amendment, the provinces were made autonomous in several areas but they largely failed to delegate powers to the local governments.
If the situation remains as it is, Wahab will have no powers in functions falling under the jurisdiction of the Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA), master plan department, Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB), Lyari Development Authority (LDA), Malir Development Authority (MDA), Sindh Solid Waste Management Board (SSWMB) and Sindh Sanitation Board.
This means that neither was Akhtar legally responsible for the issues of garbage collection, water scarcity, dilapidated sewerage system, and illegal constructions in the city, nor will Wahab be.
The chiefs of various civic bodies, including the managing directors of the SSWMB and KWSB, and the director-general of the SBCA, are under the local government ministry and in no way accountable to the KMC.
The corporation has also been facing an immense financial crunch for the past several years as almost all of its major revenue-generating departments have been devolved to district municipal corporations (DMCs), which are directly under the Sindh chief minister.
The billboards and advertisements, which were earlier the biggest source of revenue for the KMC, are now under the seven DMCs of the city.
Dr Ahmed pointed out that the corporation’s budget is ridiculously low. It is even lower than the budget of the Malir Expressway, he said.
‘PPP’s political agenda’
Talking to The News, Akhtar said the appointment of Wahab was nothing but a political agenda of the PPP. “Without funds, he cannot deliver. Even Bilawal Bhutto Zardari cannot deliver without funds,” the last mayor asserted.
Wahab, Akhtar said, was not only a political personality but he also did not have any experience of the local government. “I am personally not against him. Being the son of the city and being able to deliver are two different things.”
Dr Ahmed, However, believes that Akhtar also spent his tenure locking horns with the provincial government and failed to even serve in areas where he could have delivered such as beautifying the city’s landscape.
Wahab could play his role in empowering the KMC, which currently had petty 18 to 19 functions in the city, he added.
Farhan Anwar, urban planner and project manager of NGO Shehri – Citizens for a Better Environment, also believes that the appointment of a new administrator will not change much.
“The corporation is dying. It doesn’t matter who is heading it,” he remarked. “Unless a bold decision of empowering the KMC is taken, there can be no betterment.”
Dr Ahmed believes that if Wahab distanced himself from politically contested areas and focuses on culture and sports, which are under the KMC’s jurisdiction, “he can contribute a lot.”

He isn't going to deliver because PPP just doesn't allocate funds for Karachi. Last year's development budget for Karachi was 12% of the Sindh budget while the population is 35%. You need money to see change on the ground.

Karachi is being treated as a bastard child without a shadow of a doubt, but even 12% allocated weren't spend on Karachi. In my view, all parties involved in KARACHI are in it for themselves and not for Karachi. don't think for a second, MQM coming to power in municipal elections will change Karachi they are as corrupt if not more than PPP...
Karachi is being treated as a bastard child without a shadow of a doubt, but even 12% allocated weren't spend on Karachi. In my view, all parties involved in KARACHI are in it for themselves and not for Karachi. don't think for a second, MQM coming to power in municipal elections will change Karachi they are as corrupt if not more than PPP...

Nothing will change because budget is in control of PPP. Local gov will not change that.
Nothing will change because the budget is in control of PPP. The local gov will not change that.

Sorry, let me rephrase, Even if the municipal government is allowed to take power and they are given the tools to generate Revenue and MQM comes to power not a single project will leave the drawing table...
if ppp really wants to win more seats from karachi (which i think they want) they will ensure that full support of Sindh goverment is given to Murtaza so that he manages to achieve a thing or two so that they have something to show in the next elections

problem is that KMC is most filled with MQM people, Murtaza might not have full support from those people
if ppp really wants to win more seats from karachi (which i think they want) they will ensure that full support of Sindh goverment is given to Murtaza so that he manages to achieve a thing or two so that they have something to show in the next elections

problem is that KMC is most filled with MQM people, Murtaza might not have full support from those people

MQM leader Khalid Maqbool - said this about Murtaza....let's hope for the best. I think this time PPP is serious.

Bilawal is a new guy in town and must be observed regardless of differences

Please watch from 2:50 - 13:00

Since the major issue is unavailability of funds (i.e. in right amount) for the City of Karachi from wifaaq and also proven reality of whatever allocated is going into the pockets of the corrupt, the solution is to raise awareness around the importance of the amount of tax Karachi generates and the impact in terms of meeting it demands IF the City stopped paying the TAX until an agreed upon percentage of a workable longtime solution is implemented for the people of Karachi to see... no more red tapes just ground work...

Believe me that is the ONLY language which will be understood by everyone ...
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He isnt going to deliver because PPP just doesn't allocate funds for Karachi. Last year development budget for Karachi was 12% of Sindh budget while population is 35%. You need money to see change on ground.

Population of Karachi (at extreme) is over 30 million which is over 50% of Sindh's population overall. It probably goes down many fold at Eid but when the population is counted not based on their permanent address on CNICs or Domicile but rather the workplace and current stay the population of Karachi would be way over the official, unreal, 16 Million figure.

Now add to that the decade of neglect (since 2008 actually), you have a metropolis which is reeling under overcrowded population, crumbling infrastructure, accumulation of millions of tons of garbage, release of untreated sewerage water into the Sea, rag-tag and problematic transport system, acute water shortage etc., the actual required package for Karachi would need to be much much larger than it is and with actual implementation of the budget and plans.

Since Murtaza Wahab would have the entire Provincial Government at his back, he can actually deliver in 2 years what has been missing for the past 5; if the will is there. And if this does indeed happen, I mean the following:

1. Collection, removal and recycling of garbage.
2. Treatment of Sewerage before release into the Sea
3. Delivery of water through line to most of Karachi (K-IV may also be required; Tanker Mafia elimination required)
4. A Decent Transport System
5. End of Thana Culture and implementation of Police Reforms (prevention of arrest on the basis of mere FIR is indeed the right first step by Sind Cabinet).
6. Repair of roads and fixing of gutters
7. Management of traffic etc.

then Karachiites would even vote for PPP. We just need someone who delivers for Karachi regardless of who it is. Win us through service, not just lip service or ethnicity or munafiqat!
While Jamat islami doing work in karachi
I hope PPP will takeover karachi full time and Sindh should have be united, divide and rule game of Pindi and Islamabad must stop now. Establishment and centre if can't help Karachi then stop shedding crocodile tears. It is better to be a pawn of Sindhis rather than Punjabis because it is beneficial for the unity of People of Sindh.
I hope PPP will takeover karachi full time and Sindh should have be united, divide and rule game of Pindi and Islamabad must stop now. Establishment and centre if can't help Karachi then stop shedding crocodile tears. It is better to be a pawn of Sindhis rather than Punjabis because it is beneficial for the unity of People of Sindh.

And what exactly are you going to achieve after doing unity with Sindhis? Quota system would be removed?
Bilawal is a new guy in town

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
he doesnt know the reality on ground. Infact most of the forum member here,.moderators are from abroad and dont know the suffering of what karachi ppl are facing.

He is a simpleton

Pee pee pee made a puppet from urdu speaking community administrator of this city and he feels like pee pee pee has genuinely changed

Masoom admi hai :lol:
1. Collection, removal and recycling of garbage.
2. Treatment of Sewerage before release into the Sea
3. Delivery of water through line to most of Karachi (K-IV may also be required; Tanker Mafia elimination required)
4. A Decent Transport System
5. End of Thana Culture and implementation of Police Reforms (prevention of arrest on the basis of mere FIR is indeed the right first step by Sind Cabinet).
6. Repair of roads and fixing of gutters
7. Management of traffic etc.

Pee pee pee couldn't do all this in larkana or nawabshah but here simpleton Karachiites think that this racist, corrupt party of feudals is going to do all this in Karachi

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And what exactly are you going to achieve after doing unity with Sindhis? Quota system would be removed?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He is a simpleton

Pee pee pee made a puppet from urdu speaking community administrator of this city and he feels like pee pee pee has genuinely changed

Masoom admi hai :lol:

Pee pee pee couldn't do all this in larkana or nawabshah but here simpleton Karachiites think that this racist, corrupt party of feudals is going to do all this in Karachi

Imran Khan extends quota system and here is the thread in PDF below
Pmln extends quota system in 2013 here is the news below.
What these so called central parties are doing? One had a 2/3rd majority and other got seats in Karachi. But what they did and still doing? I told in my previous comment that Karachi walas or urdu speakers are becoming fools by establishment and centre. Joining sindh will end animosity betweeen sindhis and urdu walas and it is good for the unity of Sindh.
PPP making a puppet administrator in karachi is not OK but establishment making a Puppet PM is good?
Nobody will work in Karachi whether PPP PMLN PTI and establishment so why not join Sindhis for political struggle of Sindh. The whole Punjab is united from north punjab to central punjab under shareefs and poeple of Punjab accepting and supporting that so why not Sindh under PPP. Establishment will give power to PMLN in next election, will it be ok for you? Province division is not acceptable by you or the establishment but the division of ethnicities in sindh is good. What kind of politics is this?
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