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New ISPR movie "Waar"!


more pics here
"Waar" The Movie First Look - PakiGeneration.com
does it really belong to ISPR?
My brother and I are having a bet on it :whistle:
but whatever, its going to be awesome for sure :pakistan:
does it really belong to ISPR?
My brother and I are having a bet on it :whistle:
but whatever, its going to be awesome for sure :pakistan:

If you had bet on that it's a ISPR production then I'm afraid my friend, you're gonna lose.

From WAAR's official fb page:

I just want to say that how humbled I am for all the support that you all have extended for our work. I thank you all from the very bottom of my heart and I thank you all on behalf of my Team WAAR. There are two things I would like to clear, which have been raised through some of the comments that I have read. No. 1: ISPR or Pakistan Armed Forces have not contributed a single penny for this project, this project was entirely funded from my own pocket and sources. The film however highlights all the sacrifices that our Armed Forces, police and other Law enforcement agencies have rendered in this war which have never been acknowledged by the world. With this film I wanted to show the world, what we are truly made off, how we fight using our very limited resources, how each and every true Pakistani holds his and her head high under fire and have capacity and capability of showing unparalleled grace under pressure. So please know this even if I had to sell my soul to make the world see my country the way I see it, a country the foundations of which has the blood of my own family in them, I would do it every day of the week and twice on sunday, In short I wanted to say I love my country and this is how I am contributing to its future. No.2: Be very, very proud of the fact that, the entire production is done by Pakistanis not even a single foreigner was involved in any aspect of the production of the feature. We had people from Hollywood who did come here and trained most of the team and in this regard it would be unfair if I do not acknowledge the contribution of Mr. Luke Rocheleau (thanks luke). Warner Brothers and any other studios shall only be involved at the distribution stage and some post production shall be done there. So its not a WB film (yet) its a Mindworks Production and MindWorks is entirely a Pakistani Company and if you cut any one in this company they will all bleed Pakistani Flag Green. Take care of your selves and this beautiful and wonderful country of ours, have a great 2012.

Yours truly. Hassan Waqas Rana (Executive Producer/Writer/Action Director)

WAAR (the movie) | Facebook
Yeah who said it was from ISPR. Its from Bilal Lashari... btw Lashari is a Baloch tribe so it is a Baloch who is making this movie. Wonder why @irfanBaloch never debates anything about entertainment. Since I am so into politics I may end up like him one day. :P
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Trailer to mast hai. Training scene Hollywood style. Mast. :D
the original 2 trailers had massive views , both have been removed by uploaders --- 35k in 2 days i remember!
That trailer is Freakin Awesomee!!! I M ganna watch it definitely
Lol, even after two years i am still waiting for its release... I guess it is gone... not gona release.

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