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New Islamabad Airport Progress








Call me perfectionist but the quality of work is terrible - just utterly terrible and there is no excuse for this. Look at the kerb and pavement. Look at the gaps in the kerbing blocks, the pavement floor is not level, the pavement is not level with the road and all in all for something that is brand new this is disgusting. I have done block paving in my garden (am a keen gardner and DIY enthusiast) and I swear I did better than this even if it took time.

British kerbs.



Why can't we do simpe tings properly? *Sigh*

Call me perfectionist but the quality of work is terrible - just utterly terrible and there is no excuse for this. Look at the kerb and pavement. Look at the gaps in the kerbing blocks, the pavement floor is not level, the pavement is not level with the road and all in all for something that is brand new this is disgusting. I have done block paving in my garden (am a keen gardner and DIY enthusiast) and I swear I did better than this even if it took time.

British kerbs.



Why can't we do simpe tings properly? *Sigh*

Problem is not the quality of the work, the problem is the techniques we use, all over Pakistan these loose blocks are used to contruct the border of the pavement while in the west they make a proper concrete structure which costs more, western pavements also are wider allowing for more people to walk and most importantly they are lower than our pavements hence are easier to climb for the old and look better too. The use of these loose blocks means our pavements are higher and with time these blocks become loose very quickly giving a very perverse look.

Another problem with us is the money we waste painting the curbs yellow n black, the paint wears off pretty quickly and it looks a mess after 3 months or so. Maintaning it i.e. refreshing it after every 3 months is impossible in terms of capital hence its done once in 2 yrs or so giving a very tired old look to our roads, we should've learned by now that instead of wasting resources on curb painting( the west let this practice go long ago) we should go for fresh lane and border marking after every 6 months, entire cities will begin to look better if we start adopt this policy which by the way is a lot cheaper.
still no testing being done by real people. This airport is so slow and late that its a joke, i force problems after its opened on the 14th of august.

2 months before opening of london heathrow terminal 5 back in 2007 they had a 1000 children of local colleges going through the airport like normal passengers trying to identify any airport problems crowds might create in the new terminal.
The use of these loose blocks means our pavements are higher and with time these blocks become loose very quickly giving a very perverse look.
In UK they use standard kerb blocks laid in concrete foundation which of course hold the blocks in place. Once the tarmacing is done the blocks recieve additional 'grip' and don't move.





With the concrete blocks being lighter colour they provide a nice near edge that helps drivers in giving peripheral referance. And I say again the quality of the blocks are below par and workmanship is also below par. This is hardly rocket science. And as you rightly say it gives Pak a rough, disordered look that makes it look more poorer and more underdeveloped then it really is.

If they built proper pavements, covered all electric, power, gas and cabling underground the whole country would begin to look more tidier and developed.
In UK they use standard kerb blocks laid in concrete foundation which of course hold the blocks in place. Once the tarmacing is done the blocks recieve additional 'grip' and don't move.





With the concrete blocks being lighter colour they provide a nice near edge that helps drivers in giving peripheral referance. And I say again the quality of the blocks are below par and workmanship is also below par. This is hardly rocket science. And as you rightly say it gives Pak a rough, disordered look that makes it look more poorer and more underdeveloped then it really is.

If they built proper pavements, covered all electric, power, gas and cabling underground the whole country would begin to look more tidier and developed.
Yes, here they just rely on the soil behind the blocks to hold them in place, lol n i dont think conractors n govt officials here are unaware of this problem, i think they do this intentionally so that they get another contract quicker.......every thing has corruption n malintent at its base alas!!!.

I've heard of instances where officials receive kick backs to ignore proper sewerage system on roads so that the water destroys the roads quicker paving the way for a new contract n yes u r right its the fine little details that dont cost that much that differentiate our cities from the tidy western one's, like for intance they use machines over there to wash roads n vacum residual garbage every night which costs much much less than the thousands of human cleaners that are waving thier brooms about every morning here, stirring dust up....
The whole Pakistani "culture" look is getting out of hand..now they placed this ugly village door in the airport too...i hope its not permanent.



This is going to be seen as a local bazaar rather than an international airport to all the foreigners who come here.

A more appropriate place for the truck art would be on the walls while leaving the airport, it would've had sort of a welcome to Pakistan feeling with it and would be a beautiful sight for foreigners especially.

Having stuff like this inside the airport will give people more to be criticise, and that's the last thing we want.
Call me perfectionist but the quality of work is terrible - just utterly terrible and there is no excuse for this. Look at the kerb and pavement. Look at the gaps in the kerbing blocks, the pavement floor is not level, the pavement is not level with the road and all in all for something that is brand new this is disgusting. I have done block paving in my garden (am a keen gardner and DIY enthusiast) and I swear I did better than this even if it took time.

British kerbs.



Why can't we do simpe tings properly? *Sigh*

Exactly bro.
There would be so many faults that would appear in coming days.
Same is the case , that we bought an already built home, and we already have made the kitchen again, all the pipes are leaking so have to break the walls to reinstall pipes, ever door handle has been changed etc etc.
That how our society is:
First we didn't notice anything. For someone like me who pointed out these mistakes to someone like my father, I would sound completely stupid to him. He would not find fault with anything that is new and would say this is the ultimate 'Taraqi'.
For example if you take at the mosque of bahira town Lahore, people consider it height of architectural genius. Where as the reality is even Nayaar Ali dada is just a big name, because of the money he charge rather then then the talent people claim he is. There are mosques 1000 times more beautiful then that and the walls were left plain, nothing adoring the walls or the chandelier are mismatched, no proper cooling or ventilation system. What is the use when you can't even hide a.c . Mosques centuries old are more beautiful.
Now in Karachi he made the same mosque with slight alternation in design. For some who has not seen any better would consider it the height of luxury. Where as those who have seen other things, can see it's shortcomings.

As you say you are into gardening, I too have a huge love for gardening. It is my passion actually. Anyways I go to these friends and families big houses and farmhouses, which they spend so much money to keep them green and lush. People claim they have not seen anything better. If you see even the smallest of the small show garden at Chelsea flower show it would be more beautiful then any of what these rich people do in their gardens.
Take for example the greenhouse at gallo park . Firstly English make these greenhouse to protect tropical plants from cold. We have installed a.c to keep them inside because all of those plants are for outside and hardy in Lahore. If we are making cool greenhouse then we must plant what is exotic to us and not what is exotic to u.k. palms or banana plants are exotic to English while for us an air conditioned green house must have peonies, fushia etc etc. Anyways all imported butterflies are dead.
Even if we leave all that aside, maybe I am too critical lolx . But when I have seen the green houses at kew gardens, Eden project dome greenhouses and so many others which English were even making in 18th century. When I point this out that the tiniest greenhouse at Gallo is nothing compared to what is present in the world . People would deem me stupid. Some even call me nashukra.
The person who has seen and idolised the gardens such as hitcode gardens, bodnant gardens, the work of capability brown at chatsworth, thousands and thousands of others even smaller ones, how can I not get angry when people are contended with our stupid parks. Our parks of Lahore are on shambles, people didn't find any fault with them. They don't know what Japanese gardens are and they are proudly presenting you Japanese garden at race course.
People consider model town park as top class , where as in reality it is nothing.
Well we cannot beat the English in gardening. They are the nation of gardeners. But we are not even close. Look at the Italian, French and European gardens.
Look at the Hazori gardens in Lahore fort, or the smallest gardens. They are trying to ruin it in every which way. One thing is our obsession with palms, palms were not used in Mughal gardens. Mughal gardens have formality , structure, sections and water. They are totally destroying it.
I shudder at the though once shahbaz sheriff offered to remove all trees along the canal and replace them with palm trees. For good sake why are we not planting our native trees that provide much needed shade, oxygen, greenery.

Like this orange train and metro in Lahore are so ill designed and worse architect tgat ever existed. I just wished that they would not do this project, until some sensible leader would give us a nice interconnecting subway system. I hate the pmlq but their design of Lahore subway is 1000 times better then this monstrosity. It pains me but even Delhi metro is better.
And people say Taraqi ho Rahi hai.
People say Lahore ko upper se Dekho, developed city lagti hai.
Jin ke poor khandan ne khabhi Paris nhn Dekha, they declare that Lahore is Paris.
When you disagree, they say you cannot ever be happy with anything.
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The whole Pakistani "culture" look is getting out of hand..now they placed this ugly village door in the airport too...i hope its not permanent.



This is going to be seen as a local bazaar rather than an international airport to all the foreigners who come here.

A more appropriate place for the truck art would be on the walls while leaving the airport, it would've had sort of a welcome to Pakistan feeling with it and would be a beautiful sight for foreigners especially.

Having stuff like this inside the airport will give people more to be criticise, and that's the last thing we want.
I think this is the only good thing going on. This looks only 1 wall . Truck art is something we are very proud of. Nothing better to showcase our culture.
This airport cost increased to $1 billion (from $400m) and under construction from 2004-05. Now compare that with new Lahore airport expansion which will be bigger then ISB airport and also more modern. Will be completed in 2 years and cost $386m....

Corruption is written all over new ISB airport. As projects get delayed, more and more corruption happen.
In UK they use standard kerb blocks laid in concrete foundation which of course hold the blocks in place. Once the tarmacing is done the blocks recieve additional 'grip' and don't move.





With the concrete blocks being lighter colour they provide a nice near edge that helps drivers in giving peripheral referance. And I say again the quality of the blocks are below par and workmanship is also below par. This is hardly rocket science. And as you rightly say it gives Pak a rough, disordered look that makes it look more poorer and more underdeveloped then it really is.

If they built proper pavements, covered all electric, power, gas and cabling underground the whole country would begin to look more tidier and developed.

Not just this power needs to be devolved to the towns and cities, and city planning laws need to be desperately implemented.

  • Houses and shops that encroach or overhang public areas need to be removed
  • Every street needs utilities like water, electricity, sewage, and communications being placed under the roads
  • Standardisation of road and pavement sizes, as well as markings and materials.
  • Important developments like Doctor surgeries, schools, parks, and police stations, need to be spread out and placed every X number of homes rather than all being clumped in one (usually rich) area.
Its not exactly hard to implement, and we've seen how such laws can be successful in Pakistan. Just look at Bahria Town and other private housing schemes.


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