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New Iraqi Air Force: How Will It Compare to Its Neighbors?

It will basically be the US dumping more equipment it doesn't want on the Iraqis like their old desert camo uniforms and under armoured humvees.
First destroy Iraq, then make a profit out of it.
Gotta love it. :undecided:
I have to agree with metalfalcon, I also heard that we never got our money back for the F16's?
Can someone clarify this?
America will give Iraqi's all the best aircraft it has in my view both heavy fighter's like F-15's and lightweight fighters like f-16's and the best in electronic warfare like the growler or even super hornet.......

All this would be done with just 1 aim, that is if in the coming few years, things dont go the way US wants with Iran, then they can first use Iraq to fight Iran, then US and its dogs would come in to occupy Iran.

Ofcourse, US would have to convince Iraq to fight it's neighbour but they would only do it if their national's are not targeted, this US will achieve by installing anti-missile defence systems in Iraq like Patriots, THAAD or any else's that it likes.

American government is pure evil, it will only help a nation if it sees any possible use of it, but we muslims fail to understand it's evil plans:hitwall:
I am pretty suprised the are not after permanent US soldiers and ABM shield/radars in Irac... Either it is done deal or something in the pipeline to get.
i think the problem is not the military hardware but adequate training.iraqi pilots are famous for defection alongwith thier birds as was evident in both the gulf wars(many iraqi Migs defected to neighbouring iran).the priority should be the training rather then piling of hardware. as far as comparing the nascent iraqi air force with neighbouring turkey and israel is concerned it sounds rediculus at this stage.
In a few years, these same weapons are going to be used against the americans.
The question is why iraq again needs so much strength,after seeing their downfall since gulf war.I believe its the right time for them to realize that weapons & wars aren't a solution,if they spend all this money on their country by creating infrastructure....they will turn the country into heaven.

But it seems US Govt wants them to fight for them against Iran in future,so that US don't need their troops killed.......

Iam seeing A Iran-Iraq war Episode-II in next 10 years.
The question is why iraq again needs so much strength,after seeing their downfall since gulf war.I believe its the right time for them to realize that weapons & wars aren't a solution,if they spend all this money on their country by creating infrastructure....they will turn the country into heaven.

But it seems US Govt wants them to fight for them against Iran in future,so that US don't need their troops killed.......

Iam seeing A Iran-Iraq war Episode-II in next 10 years.
Who knows, everything has a reason.
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