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New Iraqi Air Force: How Will It Compare to Its Neighbors?


Nov 27, 2008
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United States
From The Long War journal:

Iraq announces plan to expand the Air Force

By DJ Elliott
November 6, 2008 10:58 AM

Iraq will purchase 516 military aircraft from the United States and France for its new Air Force, a senior Iraqi military official said this week. The planes and helicopters will provide Iraq with its first significant air combat and strike capability, and are expected to cost billions of dollars.

General Nasier Abadi, vice chief of staff of the Iraqi Joint Forces, announced the initial orders on Nov. 2. The aircraft would be delivered to Iraq from 2011 to 2015. Iraq's current force has fewer than 100 aircraft. None of the aircraft currently in the Iraqi Air Force are strike planes or jets.

The first order is for 108 combat aircraft from the US and France, and is to be delivered in 2011. The aircraft on Iraq's shopping list provides insight into how Iraqis hope to configure their Air Force.

The current focus of Iraqi Air Force development is building up support infrastructure and training personnel. The plan is to have 6,000 personnel and 10 air bases established to support the squadrons by 2011. However, it usually takes two years from the time an aircraft is ordered until it is delivered. This is why the Iraqi Air Force has started orders for Stage two.

During stage two, the Iraqi Air Force will receive 516 aircraft. The Iraqi Air Force has ordered 36 F16 fighters, 24 AT-6B trainers, 24 EC-635 Utility/Attack Helos, and 24 Bell-407 Armed Recon Helos, all to be delivered in 2011. The trainer aircraft are probably a one-time buy. The others are probably the first of five yearly deliveries, with the remaining extras being additional fighters. Twenty-four aircraft are standard for an Iraqi helicopter squadron and 18 aircraft appears to be the standard for the fighter squadrons.

Since 516 aircraft are being bought for delivery 2011-2015, and 108 are already ordered for delivery in 2011, this means the other 408 remain for the period 2012-2015, and the Iraqis will purchase 102 aircraft per year.
How would a force like described above compare to Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Israel and Iran? I don't have any concept of whether this would be a piddly little Air Force or something significant. Please advise. Thanks.
so far the iraqi air force does not have any offensive capability - lets wait till 2015 and then compare!
I have the feeling the first 36 f16's will be PAF f16's...

What a shot mann, Right on Target, Rightly said no doubt you are one of those Think tanks.

PAF is not gonna get F-16 after Obama takes over the office, I remember our previous F-16 were sold to Jordan and we got nothing not even our money back.
What a shot mann, Right on Target, Rightly said no doubt you are one of those Think tanks.

PAF is not gonna get F-16 after Obama takes over the office, I remember our previous F-16 were sold to Jordan and we got nothing not even our money back.

If that happens, Pakistan should treat them with their own medicine. Show aggresion, scare them, threaten to cut off electrictity and other nato supplies tht go from pakistan :), untill they give planes or money bak.

or seceretly provide fund to a terririst group to give teh the amerixcans a harder time.

If that happens, Pakistan should treat them with their own medicine. Show aggresion, scare them, threaten to cut off electrictity and other nato supplies tht go from pakistan :), untill they give planes or money bak.

or seceretly provide fund to a terririst group to give teh the amerixcans a harder time.


Our crruptd leaders Americanz pupetz cant do anything just like oldz
Agree with Munir.

516 aircraft seems a bit bogus to me... To Truth Seeker...

Their supposed air force will only be operational past 2014, by that time who knows. Iran may be a key player as they already have domestic production capability but is still a major deterrance.

No point in comparing the Iraq AF to the Turks or Israeli's...

It will fit in somewhere below Egypt and above Syria and Jordan me thinks but that is a strategic long term goal not a reality.
What a shot mann, Right on Target, Rightly said no doubt you are one of those Think tanks.

PAF is not gonna get F-16 after Obama takes over the office, I remember our previous F-16 were sold to Jordan and we got nothing not even our money back.

suggest u check the facts before making such comments. dont let your emotions take over!

1. pak F-16s were never sold to jordan. 28 were embargoed and on the balance a/c there was a stop order to LM by the US Govt. stop-order means that the order to build was cancelled.

2. now 14 of the embargoed a/c have been delivered (however be-latedly) and the bal 14 will be soon.

as far as Munir goes, he is entitled to his opinion. its a free world!
What a shot mann, Right on Target, Rightly said no doubt you are one of those Think tanks.

PAF is not gonna get F-16 after Obama takes over the office, I remember our previous F-16 were sold to Jordan and we got nothing not even our money back.

dont worry my frnd we will get what is our's!!!:bounce:
suggest u check the facts before making such comments. dont let your emotions take over!

1. pak F-16s were never sold to jordan. 28 were embargoed and on the balance a/c there was a stop order to LM by the US Govt. stop-order means that the order to build was cancelled.

2. now 14 of the embargoed a/c have been delivered (however be-latedly) and the bal 14 will be soon.

as far as Munir goes, he is entitled to his opinion. its a free world!

Brother i have proves for that, My father was in PAF and my Uncles are also in PAF and they told me this thing, check on the internet you will find out.
agreed with superbikerz that our leadrers are puppets but our airforce should make a B plan if it happens that pafconsider JH 7 and one western fighter jet

eurofighter germany,england,
rafale france
gripen swedeen

which we can buy
How would a force like described above compare to Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Israel and Iran? I don't have any concept of whether this would be a piddly little Air Force or something significant. Please advise. Thanks.

Why do you want to compare New Iraqi AF to these airforces? What’s the threat and where is it from? Besides the long war with Iran in 80s, in last 20 years we have seen that Iraq was only attacked by none other than US: Twice.

Do the new Iraqi regime have any say or choice from where they want to buy their aircrafts? Obviously NO. In the past, most of their hardware had been dominantly Russian .Their infrastructure, backup shops, maintenance facilities, personnel training, flying operations/ doctrine and everything else that matters was Russian oriented…Do they still have a choice to shop from Russia or China ????Given an option, they would still go for Russian / Chinese hardware but who gives a damn about them when someone else is telling you what to shop and where to shop….Its that simple...

I am sure French would also benefit from this, I won’t be surprised if we see that white elephant Dassault Rafale being sold to Iraqi AF as well...An aircraft that nobody operates other than French , and surely it will not only make Mr Sarkozy a happy man but also help saving some French pride as well in this aircraft…Bring it on..

Dude, I am sure that New Iraqi AF will be mix of only those western aircrafts that no one else is interested to buy anywhere else anymore….Its like robbing the assets of a country that’s already at their mercy and the new hardware will only serve the conqueror rather than the ones who are being occupied...:coffee:
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Why do you want to compare New Iraqi AF to these airforces? What’s the threat and where is it from? Besides the long war with Iran in 80s, in last 20 years we have seen that Iraq was only attacked by none other than US: Twice.

Do the new Iraqi regime have any say or choice from where they want to buy their aircrafts? Obviously NO. In the past, most of their hardware had been dominantly Russian .Their infrastructure, backup shops, maintenance facilities, personnel training, flying operations/ doctrine and everything else that matters was Russian oriented…Do they still have a choice to shop from Russia or China ????Given an option, they would still go for Russian / Chinese hardware but who gives a damn about them when someone else is telling you what to shop and where to shop….Its that simple...

I am sure French would also benefit from this, I won’t be surprised if we see that white elephant Dassault Rafale being sold to Iraqi AF as well...An aircraft that nobody operates other than French , and surely it will not only make Mr Sarkozy a happy man but also help saving some French pride as well in this aircraft…Bring it on..

Dude, I am sure that New Iraqi AF will be mix of only those western aircrafts that no one else is interested to buy anywhere else anymore….Its like robbing the assets of a country that’s already at their mercy and the new hardware will only serve the conqueror rather than the ones who are being occupied...:coffee:

correct and not to mention that they wont have any offensive capability until 2015. however this raises an interesting point.

why dosnt iraq demand return of its fighters and transports which flew or fled to iran during the 2 gulf wars!

iran is at peace with iraq and has a lot of influence over the shia segment of society!
Brother i have proves for that, My father was in PAF and my Uncles are also in PAF and they told me this thing, check on the internet you will find out.

i think it is up to you to prove your point! i am clear on mine and just in case, i also have friends in PAF.
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