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New Introductions

Welcome :) @_Sherdils_ waiting for DCS 2.5 update than u can recreate the 27 war scenario
@PAK01 IT manager,pakistan and other muslim defence,want to be hidden soldier all making of good cyber expert as mission as well as job this field also expanding everywhere
Welcome :) @_Sherdils_ waiting for DCS 2.5 update than u can recreate the 27 war scenario
@PAK01 IT manager,pakistan and other muslim defence,want to be hidden soldier all making of good cyber expert as mission as well as job this field also expanding everywhere

I am waiting for DCS update, going to make a professional video this time no musical like last time lol. Would try to collaborate with other members here and produce something we can all be proud of inshAllah.
Hi guys

1) Tell your interests
Aircrafts and technology in general.
2) What do you do.
Private job
3) How did you find us
It has been so long I don't even remember
4) What interests you here?
The discussion and update on latest happenings.
5) What is your profession?
Same as point 2

6) Future plans?
Learn learn and always learn
1. My interests
Reading, technology, cricket, history and geography.

2. What I do for living?
I am a Senior Software Engineer in a private firm.

3. How did I find PDF?
While looking for JF-17 thunder block 3 release date.

4. What interests me here?
learning about new technology and especially defense technology.

5. What is my profession?
As mention before i am software engineer.

6. Future plans?
Make Pakistan a better place for our upcoming generations and improve Pakistan image internationally.
Sorry I copied someone's question I'm afraid I copied his answer too but how can I change that?

If you mean how to change your user-name :

Edit :
1. Go to the right-top of the page, you will find your current user-name.

2. Hover on it and you will find an option called "Change username".

@Dadizonline , sorry, go to the right-top.
Sorry I copied someone's question I'm afraid I copied his answer too but how can I change that?

I later understood you question. At the bottom left of every member's post is the "Edit" link. Use it to change your post. Quickly, because the editing can be done for only two or three days after making a post.

Is it compulsory?

It is recommended, just so that other members get to know you initially.
Asalaamu alaykum and Hello all,

I'm excited to be apart of this community as I have a leen interest in military technology and history.

I am on here to gain more knowledge on whats happening in the military world especially in Muslim world and meet more like minded people.
1. My interests
Reading, technology, FPS games and KFC.

2. What I do for living?
I comb through financial statements looking for material misstatements.

3. How did I find PDF?
Long time observer. Cant even remember how ended up browsing the forum.

4. What interests me here?
learning about new developments on international horizons

5. What is my profession?
I am a number cruncher.

6. Future plans?
Go out in a bit and eat a stacker burger.
1) Tell your interests

Beer. The Norwegian Armed Forces. Chocolate. Cute girls. Fast cars. Mountains. Ice Hockey. Moose. Arguing with people on PDF. Music, black metal mostly:devil:. Submarines and stuff that lurks beneath the waves. Lots of stuff basically.

I'm eclectic. And eccentric.

2) What do you do?

Currently working with US Marines at Quantico and NSCW Indian Head and Sailors at NSCW Dahlgren to integrate advanced AUVs into their arsenal and long-range anti-ship missiles such as NSM for the US Army and Navy and JSM for the USAF. I also got a chance to sit in on drills at Nellis during Red Flag since some of out kit, the JSM missile specifically, is being trialed by the US for use on the F-35s. Had to instruct our pilots as they flew on American birds since no Norwegian F-35s made the transit from Norway to the US, but we sent pilots anyway.


3) How did you find us?

Name's Fenrir - I've been here before. Formerly known as Technogaianist; Professional. I was once a mod.

Why am I back? Basically I have a lot of time on my hands between work and travel and need something to kill some downtime. PDF has always been great at that.

4) What interests you here?

Is Armstrong still around? I've got an urge to tease him. If not then I've got a bunch of photos, taken by me over the course of my travels, expertise and knowledge and gruff to share with forumers old and young. I've got new stories from a recent "venture" to Afghanistan to share:


Hi me:wave:. Glad to be home, but would love to share some info about my time in Kabul.

It's the same PDF I left over two years ago. Make friends and argue. My two favorite things about this forum

5) What is your profession?

You want the full title? Control systems engineer. Basically I write the code that controls these:


Beyond that I do military-to-military training and consultation, government-to-government liaison, weapons design and testing, and a few other things I can't tell you.

6) Future plans?


I live one day at a time.
Hi all,
Greetings from New Delhi, India.

i am a Network infrastructure manager by profession & currently working in a MNC. I knew this website since last year when i encountered it while searching something about Airforce. i had passion to join IAF but couldn't get through after three SSB interviews, although i cleared PABT. May be my English was't very good or i am not qualified enough for leadership. :(

I have interests in swimming, going to different places in weekends, playing PC games whenever i get time (Ace Combat :) ) ...

Hope to catch you all soon in some threads.
You using greyhat.Any exp or interest in cyber security ???as after this conflict we gonna start some permanent threads regarding cyber security of Pakistan so exp guys are welcome
Well I did some study in cyber Security but it was a while back(Forgot most of it).But i do have interest.BTW Thanks for the welcome
Basically I write the code that controls these:


Hello, I am curious about two things here :

1. What is the microprocessor / microcontroller used ??

2. What is the OS used, or is there no necessity of any formal OS ??

And of course, welcome.
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