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New Impressive specifications of Tejas Mk1 A are out. A Much improved plane in all areas.

and war is a different story of course, the Tejas doesn't even show up. Tejas is an air show plane basically as per your post. Just good on paper but no teeth in real for a fight.
Reminds me of show class GSD's and working Dogs, both dogs but bred for different reasons.

Some are not even good for flying at even Airshow.
Some are not even good for flying at even Airshow.
Those are Busy in war i guess, downing IAF's aircrafts, doing the job they are supposed to do. Just like Tejas doing the job its supposed to do, flying in air shows but absent in combat. That's the difference i guess. Too much bollywood, all on screen but nothing in real.
Those are Busy in war i guess, downing IAF's aircrafts, doing the job they are supposed to do. Just like Tejas doing the job its supposed to do, flying in air shows but absent in combat. That's the difference i guess. Too much bollywood, all on screen but nothing in real.

Bussy in finding safe place?
On paper Tejaj is a formidable aircraft but too much late in serial production and frequent change in requirement and specification make it a controversial aircraft.

This is one of the problem of Tejas program

No even Tejas Mk1 is very good but have to exploit the full potential of this plane. It will not take more than 3 years to come in. 2 years for making and 1 year for tests. It will have all tried and tested weapon systems as well. It will come in IOC configuration. We have build our strength in plane designing. Now it can not take long time. It will come too quick our missiles are coming now a days. We successfully tested ASAT withing two years of getting go ahead. All ground work and infrastructure and team of brilliant scientist is in place now. It will be damn easy now.

Have you been drinking cow piss lately .. i would advise you not to do that , i makes your mind delusional :D

Should I drink Camel piss like you to get rid of delusion?
After getting a big kick at the hand of vintage Mig 21, what else you can no except boasting on PDF?
Big kick? Are you talking about your pilot getting kicked in the face or your airforce getting her butt kicked?
Worshipping a dick and drinking cow mutra has killed all your brain cells.
Big kick? Are you talking about your pilot getting kicked in the face or your airforce getting her butt kicked?
Worshipping a dick and drinking cow mutra has killed all your brain cells.

Whole world knows who are brain dead.
Should I drink Camel piss like you to get rid of delusion?
Lucky for you , i don't do such things ... its a unique thing only hindus do , i did'nt mean to disrespect hindu religion but its filled with crap and stupidity ....
Lucky for you , i don't do such things ... its a unique thing only hindus do , i did'nt mean to disrespect hindu religion but its filled with crap and stupidity ....

No you can disrespect. I do not mind. We even do not mind hindus reduced to 1 pc. How can I mind you disrespecting Hindus.
Well I forgot that only you have the right to talk about JF 17 block II and Block II and possible purchase of Su 35 and J 10 for Pakistan. I am sorry for that.

May be tejas will not have to come to Bhavalpur for Attack. It may do it from Indian air space.
Tejas wont be allowed to reach Bhawalpur.
That is a fact.
Hi guys ,

We knew that LCA tejas Mk1+ will have AESA , EW etc when discussion used to happen about Tejas Mk1A. However a detailed design of tejas is out now. Tejas has became even better with new design improvements now. Here are the lists of Improvements.

Design Change:

Structural changes.
1) Nose cone is sharpen for better aerodynamic performance.
2) Wing blending improved with fuselage for better lift and reduction in RCS.
3) Canopy elevated to improve Aerodynamic performance and improve acceleration.
4) More composites shall go in outer surface to make plane lighter in weight and reduce RCS.
5) Duel missile racks to carry More missiles.

This will result in:
1) Improvement in MTOW by 300 kg due to lift coefficient which is an excellent outcome.
2) Radar cross section shall decrease further because of more composites and design tweaks.
3) Transonic acceleration and highest speed shall improve a lot.
4) Farry range is improved because of aerodynamic changes and ability to carry more fuel.
5) STR shall be improved to 18* .
6) AOA shall be improved by few degrees because of tweaking of wings.
7) Weight carrying will increased by 500 kg.
8) It shall be much more maintenance friendly aircraft with easy accessibility to many LRUS and low maintenance.
8) It will have hot air refueling and OBOG as well.

Electronics , Weapons and communication and net centric warfare capability.

1) UTTAM is planned now planned in MK1 instead of ELTA 2052. This will open the way for integration of METEOR. AMRAM is planned as the short range missile. ASTRA shall be incorporated with MK1 till ASTRA MK2 and SFDR missile arrives. It will carry 2 missiles in missile rack on each hand point.
2) It will have net centric warfare capability by which Tejas shall be connected with 40 other planes with Net centric integration and shall be able to communicate with other planes in a secured DATA link.
3) It will have a state of art EW mounted outside the planes. Gun position is also changed slightly for better arrangement of external payload.

So new Tejas will be more faster, more maneuverable and will carry higher payload. I It will have top class AESA and world's best WVR and BVR missiles with very low RCS and very good EW and ultra long range AAM. Tejas mk1A is a very good plane getting even better and shall be more than a match with India's enemies can come up within coming decade.
Specifications are good, what is current RCS? and what will be the reduced value?
and any timeline?
8) It will have hot air refueling and OBOG as well.
what does it mean, hot air refueling, is it air-to-air refueling of just refueling on ground while its engine is on?
Are we talking about teh same waste your women dumb showing their butts because u have no toilets.
Indians love to talk. Ask abinonedone who his daddy is

And only abusing especially calling names and parents seems to be exclusively your culture. Keep it up, your are bringing a good name to your people with it. :enjoy:
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