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New guy from Israel

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Greetings people,

I'm Rayz, Israeli (part Persian part European).

As my nationality is not quite favored in this part of the internet, I guess I'd have to make things clearer:

I'm not a nationalist, I'm not right or left wing, I do not hate or favor a specific country or people. What I do hate is corrupt, lying governments (including my own) that make simple people turn against each other. I am trying to be as objective as I can, I'm not taking sides on the Israeli-Muslim conflict as I believe all sides are victims of their own regimes and other circumstances. I am also anti-war completely.

I come here to focus on knowing the other side, and let the other side know me, beyond the empty news channels and the two-sided lies on the internet. The age of misinformation will come to an end when we finally start talking. I do not believe anybody here is my enemy, I only believe people are poisoned to think I'm their enemy, same as I was poisoned before by my own.

I used to participate in this type of forums years ago, as a proud defender of Israel, exposing the best of anti-Zionist hypocrisy, until I came to learn that I was a hypocrite myself. Many things have changed since, and I hope to free people from that kind of mindset.

Good luck :-)

Welcome to PDF bro and Shabbat Shalom (since its Friday night here in Pak )
Welcome brother. If fellow Muslims are brothers then Jews (if you are one!) are our cousins.
Greetings people,

I'm Rayz, Israeli (part Persian part European).

As my nationality is not quite favored in this part of the internet, I guess I'd have to make things clearer:

I'm not a nationalist, I'm not right or left wing, I do not hate or favor a specific country or people. What I do hate is corrupt, lying governments (including my own) that make simple people turn against each other. I am trying to be as objective as I can, I'm not taking sides on the Israeli-Muslim conflict as I believe all sides are victims of their own regimes and other circumstances. I am also anti-war completely.

I come here to focus on knowing the other side, and let the other side know me, beyond the empty news channels and the two-sided lies on the internet. The age of misinformation will come to an end when we finally start talking. I do not believe anybody here is my enemy, I only believe people are poisoned to think I'm their enemy, same as I was poisoned before by my own.

I used to participate in this type of forums years ago, as a proud defender of Israel, exposing the best of anti-Zionist hypocrisy, until I came to learn that I was a hypocrite myself. Many things have changed since, and I hope to free people from that kind of mindset.

Good luck :-)

Welcome to PDF :pakistan:


Hope you are not affiliate to Israeli intelligence ;)
In line with the Voltaire’s words “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I would defend till death you right to say it.” I have always believed that the only way to understand other people's point of view is by listening to what they have to say no matter how repugnant, as long as the language remains civil. Therefore I for one would have welcomed you even if you were a hard core Zionist.

I have had many Jewish colleagues as well as Jewish neighbours, one of whom even invited my son to his son’s Bar Mitzvah. I am not anti-Jewish only anti- Zionist. Since you don’t claim to be a hard-line Zionist, you are doubly welcome.

By the way, one of these days I would like to visit Israel for seeing Muslim holy places such as Dome of the Rock and tomb of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) in Al Khalil (Hebron).
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