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New global index exposes 'modern slavery' worldwide

India tops Global Slavery Index
BBC News - New global index exposes 'modern slavery' worldwide

Estimated number of "slaves"

India - 13,956,010
China - 2,949,243
Pakistan - 2,127,132
Nigeria - 701,032
Ethiopia - 651,110
Russia - 516,217
Thailand - 472,811
DR Congo - 462,327
Burma - 384,037
Bangladesh - 343,192

Kidoo , Indexing is done by proportion that is slavery per thousand not by absolute number. ;)

Kiddo indexing is done on the basis of proportion ie. slavery per thousand and you beat us at that. :lol:
It is different because of the fact that it is not voluntary and/or the laborer has no avenue for seeking redress.

I already provided the definition of "modern slavery" as it is meant in the context of the survey.

Yea, I saw your definition man. And very clearly it appears that a definition from some other maltreatment of humans has been twisted to make it look like slavery of some sort.

If one were to take into consideration the definition you have provided, then a very large percentage of the society world over is writhing under slavery.

It is precisely your definition that I find the wrong with, so please do not impose it as something that shall be believed blindly before we go any further. And if for a moment we were to discount the misery of those so called "slaves", then you will see that the same bonded labor, which is based on contract system, encompasses a larger percentage of the first world population.

In fact, bonded labor, even if based on contract system, while illegal in India, is completely legal in the United States of America. Have you forgotten that infamous case of Convergys, where those resigning after training were told to either work, or pay for the training? US laws do not apply in India, so stand of Convergys did not stand. So what nation do you think was trying to apply slavery here and which one was opposing it?

Now, if you talk about human trafficking, then it comes under the definition of "human trafficking", and not under slavery.

Just picking one social evil and redefining it as slavery won't do.
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