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New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

The victim battles for life.... Genuine wide spread protests...2 Top cop suspended... 1 cop lost his life..... 100s of poepole injured...100s of tear gas shells fired...rajpath washed using water.... ministers and bureaucrats running from meeting to meeting... Criminals are being fed three meals a day by the government in the name of law...... God knows for howmany years!!!!!!
New Delhi rape exposes the perils of being a woman in India

By Harmeet Shah Singh and Mallika Kapur, CNN

updated 12:45 PM EST, Fri December 21, 2012

New Delhi (CNN) -- Bhavyaa Sharma feels vulnerable in the Indian capital.

The 19-year-old student at a leading women's college in New Delhi fears for her safety when she leaves the campus. Sexual assaults on women in the city have horrified her and her female friends.

Surviving rape: iReporters speak out

On Sunday, a 23-year-old woman was gang-raped and beaten to near death on a moving bus in New Delhi, police say. She is in intensive care at a city hospital, battling for her life.

The attack sparked furious protests across India, where official data show that rape cases have jumped almost 875% over the past 40 years -- from 2,487 in 1971 to 24,206 in 2011.

Read more: Can we end rape as tool of war?

New Delhi alone reported 572 rapes last year and more than 600 in 2012.

Gang-raped girl can't leave home
"I feel vulnerable here," said Sharma, accompanied by her classmates. "I am very sure about it. Delhi is not safe for women."

Opinion: Rapes show that Indian society needs a new attitude

Sharma is from Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh state. She joined Miranda House, a women's residential college in New Delhi, in 2010. She's now close to graduation.

But her stay in the Indian capital hasn't been without a bitter experience. She says she was groped while commuting in a bus in this city.

Read more: Indian girl seeks justice after gang rape

"It wasn't traumatic. But I cannot forget it, either. Definitely, I cannot forget it," Sharma said.

She called her parents back home that day, who tried to comfort her. Still, she couldn't hold back her tears. "I cried the entire night," she said.

Her hostel colleagues shared their own encounters with unwanted behaviors on the streets of New Delhi.

In her first year of college, a group of men stalked Shweta Prakash, 20, and her friends every night they would leave their apartment for dinner.

Read more: Rape is shredding Syria's social fabric

"It actually freaks you out when people do such things to you ... eye-teasing, passing lewd comments and stalking you. They literally rape you with their eyes," she said.

Now, she keeps pepper spray and has enrolled in self-defense taekwondo programs.

Prakash and her friends hold each others' hands while walking and text license plate numbers and their location to their parents and others when they travel in a cab or a slow-moving auto-rickshaw.

As young girls, elders, too, faced similar attitudes, which they say only worsened as the city and the country grew.

"I can speak about my own experience, as a student, in this city -- people are pinching you, touching you, someone is coming close to you. This is absolutely the mentality where you look at a woman as an object of sex and (which) you use and abuse," rights activist Ranjana Kumari said.

Read more: Rights group: Police rape woman in Tunisia, then charge her with indecency

As furor about Sunday's assault rose, some Indian lawmakers even called for treating rape as a capital crime.

The country's human rights body shot off notices to city police and federal authorities, demanding an explanation of the latest sexual assault.

"The incident has raised the issue of declining public confidence in the law and order machinery in the city, especially in its capacity to ensure safety of women, as a number of such incidents have been reported in the national capital in the recent past," the National Human Rights Commission said in a statement Tuesday.

Five people, including the bus driver and a minor, have been arrested in connection with Sunday's rape, New Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said.

Read more: Rape in wartime: Listening to the victims

Meantime, some observers say anti-women acts in India stem from the country's largely patriarchal social setup.

Indians' preference for sons over daughters, for example, has manifested itself in a worrisome population imbalance. The 2011 census of the world's second-most populous nation recorded an alarming drop in the percentage of girls among country's preschoolers.

For every 1,000 boys up to 6 years old, the census counted 914 girls, a drop from 927 a decade ago.

It's illegal in India to abort a child because of its sex, but such abortions happen, often aided by illegal clinics.

"The reasons for the high number of female feticide in India include a deep-rooted traditional son preference, continued practice of dowry and concern for safety of the girl child and exploitation and abuse of women and girl children," Krishna Tirath, India's women and child development minister, acknowledged in parliament in March 2011.

A senior legal expert says legislation alone cannot resolve anti-women biases.

"More law will only serve to give a sense of something being done, when in fact very little is being done. To confront the hatred that is now manifesting itself in the most egregious ways is to move forward as a society," Ratna Kapur, a professor at Jindal Global Law School, wrote in The Hindu newspaper Wednesday.

"We need to think about how we can handle women's equality in ways that are not perceived as threatening. That demands greater responsibility on the part of parents as well as society not to raise sons in a way in which they are indoctrinated with a sense of superiority and privilege. There is also a need on the part of young men to be actively involved in their schools and communities in advocating women's equality rights," she added in her opinion column, headlined "Rape and the crisis of Indian masculinity."

New Delhi rape exposes the perils of being a woman in India - CNN.com
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^^^ At least Indians are enraged and protest putting their lives on the line. What do Pakistanis do against all the horrible crimes that take place against women in Pakistan ? From rapes, to honour killings, to acid attacks etc.
Due to non-stop sexual violence exhibited against women in india..the United States has issued a travel warning to ALL women traveling to india.

U.S. citizens, particularly women, are cautioned not to travel alone in India. Western women continue to report incidents of verbal and physical harassment by groups of men. Known locally as “Eve-teasing,” these incidents constitute sexual harassment and can be quite frightening. Eve-teasing can occur anytime or anywhere, but most frequently has happened in crowded areas such as in market places, train stations, buses, and public streets. The harassment can range from sexually suggestive or lewd comments to catcalls to outright groping. Southern India is very distinct from the other major cities and has a strong reputation for being very traditional. If you are a woman traveling in India, you are advised to respect local dress and customs. While India is generally safe for foreign visitors, according to the latest figures by Indian authorities, rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Among large cities, Delhi experienced the highest number of crimes against women. Although most victims have been local residents, recent sexual attacks against female visitors in tourist areas underline the fact that foreign women are at risk and should exercise vigilance.

Women should observe stringent security precautions, including avoiding use of public transport after dark without the company of known and trustworthy companions, restricting evening entertainment to well-known venues, and avoiding isolated areas when alone at any time of day. If you are a woman traveling in India, you are advised to respect conservative local dress and customs. Keep your hotel room number confidential and make sure hotel room doors have chains, deadlocks, and spy-holes. In addition, only hire reliable cars and drivers and avoid traveling alone in hired taxis, especially at night. Use taxis from hotels and pre-paid taxis at airports rather than hailing them on the street. If you encounter threatening situations, call “100” for police assistance(“112” from mobile phones).

Protests continue to rage - The Times of India

PATNA: In solidarity with the Delhi gang rape victim and demanding a slew of measures for the safety of women and to deal with crime against them, Patnaites continued their protest march on Christmas Day too.

Around a hundred students of different streams of RPS Institute of Technology, Danapur, demonstrated at the Dak Bungalow crossing and staged a dharna there. Another group of protesters sat on dharna at Kargil Chowk under the banner of 'Nari Nyay Andolan'.

The engineering students of the college raised slogans for fast-track trial of the cases of crime against women, and review of Sections 376 and 354 of the CrPC to plug the loopholes in law.

Ritika, a student of RPS Institute of Technology, said, "It's true that murders haven't stopped despite there being death penalty for the crime. Yet, there is no denying that the severe punishment acts as a deterrent. People give it a second thought before committing such a crime. But in case of rape, the level of punishment is nowhere commensurate with the heinous nature of the crime."

More than half of the agitators were boys, who sat at the Dak Bungalow crossing holding placards. A maximum of the placards said, "We want death penalty for the rape accused."

At Kargil Chowk, a large number of agitators sat on dharna under the banner of 'Nari Nyay Andolan'. "This is not the time to show your solidarity, this is the time to act. We are protesting to press the government to take stern action against the rape accused," said Ravindra Dinkar, one of those sitting on dharna.

Subodh Kumar Prasad, another member of the group, said, "We want the government to make it mandatory for every school to include sex education and martial arts in the curriculum, especially for girls."
Gangrape protests: Eyewitness says constable collapsed, he wasn't beaten up

A person, who claims to be an eyewitness to constable Subhash Tomar's injury at India Gate during the anti-rape protests, has debunked the Delhi Police's claim that the constable was beaten up by protesters. He said the constable was not assaulted by protesters but simply collapsed while walking.

"I was surprised to hear that 8 were arrested over Subhash Tomar's death. I saw him in hospital and and his body didn't have any injuries. He wasn't trampled by a mob, he wasn't assaulted. He just collapsed while walking. I don't think people should be arrested over this," Yogendra, the eyewitness, said.

This comes even as the police say Tomar died after being injured during the protests due to clashes between policemen and protesters. The Delhi Police have also booked eight people in constable Tomar's case, which includes a member of Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party.

However, Kejriwal hit out at the government and the Delhi Police on Tuesday saying he was being framed for the death of constable Subhash Tomar. Kejriwal said, "There is not a single proof that the government has and they are only framing these youths. Police is trying to frame me, Baba Ramdev, General VK Singh. Are they taking some revenge from us?"

He said while the guilty must be punished, if any of these eight youths are innocent and there's no proof against them, he'll stand by them. "If any of those eight including AAP worker Chaman are responsible for the death of constable, we want them to punished. But if police are framing them, they have no evidence against these eight youths, we'll stand by them," Kejriwal said.
On Tuesday, constable Subash Tomar was laid to rest with full state honours. He was injured in clashes with protestors and succumbed to his injuries.

Meanwhile, his family blamed the protesters for his death. "It is the mob which is responsible for my brother's death," said Tomar's brother Yudhveer Singh.

"My brother passed away this morning. He had been critical since Sunday. He was on life support. What was his fault?," Tomar's second brother Devinder Singh asked. "He was only doing his job and now he is no more. His family has no other source of income. He was very committed to his duty," Singh added.

Subhash Tomar's son accused the public of brutally beating up his father. "No leader has come to there (hospital) to see him. Public is responsible for this because they beat him so badly. Can they return my father back?" asked Tomar's son, Deepak.
Tomar, posted at Karawal Nagar police station, was deployed on law and order duty, and was rushed to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital after being injured and was put on ventilator support, police said. The 46-year-old constable belonged to Meerut.

Gangrape protests: Eyewitness says constable collapsed, he wasn't beaten up- Delhi- IBNLive

Video footage shows protester Yogendra himself and a girl protester who has head injury due to the brutal assault by police, trying to help the constable.

Saw a report which suggests that 8 people including one who was supposed to be a Kejriwal party member had been arrested for the assault & are out on bail. Seems likely that the case will now be changed from assault & attempt to murder to murder.

Haan toh beta Banged Galore, how could one get instant bail if charged with Section 307 Attempt to Murder?
Haan toh beta Banged Galore, how could one get instant bail if charged with Section 307 Attempt to Murder?

No idea if they were charged with attempt to murder, it's why I said I saw the report. Ask the Judge & ask the cops if they do charge with murder under section 302. Don't be frivolous with a man's death.
No idea if they were charged with attempt to murder, it's why I said I saw the report. Ask the Judge & ask the cops if they do charge with murder under section 302. Don't be frivolous with a man's death.

If you don't have any idea, then go to the kitchen and help you mom to cook today's lunch. Don't make a statement and then make a lame excuse saying "I saw the report".

And don't ever point finger. And if you have so much sympathy for the dead constable, please help his family by giving some money. Please avoid your nautanki, OK?
Huma Qureshi calls for Aurat Bandh - Hindustan Times


Like all of India, actor Huma Qureshi too, is livid about the recent bus gangrape in Delhi. However, what upsets the actor most are suggestions that women should stay indoors to prevent such incidents and she is now calling for an ‘aurat bandh’. “We should start an ‘aurat bandh’

campaign. One day, all women should decide that they will not work, they will stay indoors, shut themselves in and not do anything. And then I want to see how this country functions. If the solution to this is ‘don’t go out late’ or ‘don’t wear this’, then if a person goes out wearing a diamond earring and someone pulls it out and steals it, that too should be justified,” she says, adding, “Let’s give these hypocrites what they want. Go on a bandh!”
The Gangs Of Wasseypur girls faces the ugly truth: “While in Delhi, I went to Gargi college and sometimes we walked and there would be men standing there and flashing in broad daylight. It was scary and the solution unfortunately was ‘Don’t walk to college’. Yes, I love Delhi but I feel a lot safer in Mumbai.”
@Enemy and @Bang Galore why this kolivari? All of us including you two are supporting the protest. There may be some difference of opinion but that should not conclude in fighting.

Let's support this movement, will it get death sentence to culprits not sure but I'm 200% sure that such actions will bring awareness in our society and will yield in goods fruits in long run.
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