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New Delhi completes encirclement of Pakistan


Aug 14, 2007
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While Iran was busy for years building a massive concrete wall on the pak-iran border in Balochistan, Bharat was simultaneously funding 100% of a road which can be used to send weapons to RAW controlled Afghan terrorists! Now RAW has a sea lane that completely bypasses Pakistan and goes through an enemy country(Iran) in order to fuel a separatist movement in the northwest.

Tehran also had a defence agreement in the past with New Delhi to allow the use of Irani land to attack Pakistan in case of war. But evidently, under great pressure from "concerned pakistanis" this public agreement between New Delhi and Tehran metamorphosed into a covert one perhaps?

It's quite interesting that nobody in the pakistani media talks about this dangerous development. All these so called journalists and defence analysts never seem to portray Iran in a negative light--it's always "the brother muslims country Iran" and blah blah blah. It makes me suspect that the Pakistani media is decieving the public in yet another way.

Afghanistan, India open strategic road to Iran

KABUL, Jan 22: Afghan President Hamid Karzai and India’s foreign minister opened a new road on Thursday that would help link Afghanistan with a port in Iran and challenge Pakistani dominance of trade routes into the landlocked country.

The 220-km road in the southwest Afghan province of Nimroz is the centrepiece of a $1.1 billion Indian reconstruction effort in Afghanistan. It has drawn criticism from Pakistan, worried about New Delhi’s growing influence in the region.

India hopes to be able to deliver goods to Afghanistan through the Iranian port of Chahbahar, and this has triggered fears in Pakistan that it is being encircled.

“This project symbolises India’s strong commitment towards development of Afghanistan,” said Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee.

“It also symbolises the strong determination of the government and people of these two countries that they will not succumb to the pressure of the forces of terror,” added Mr Mukherjee, who said he had discussed intelligence-sharing with his Afghan counterpart Rangeen Dadfar Spanta.

Eleven Indian workers and 126 Afghan police and soldiers, who were providing security for the road, were killed during its construction, said Mr Mukherjee. “In fact, for the construction of (every) 1.5km of road, one human life was sacrificed.”

The road, which cost $150 million and was entirely funded by India, runs from Delaram in Nimroz to Zaranj on the Iranian border, which connects to the Iranian port of Chahbahar. It opens up an alternate route into Afghanistan, which now relies mostly on goods transported overland from ports in Pakistan.-—Reuters

Afghanistan, India open strategic road to Iran -DAWN - Top Stories; January 23, 2009
iran will never allow india to use her land against pakistan. espacially under their current gov. BLA is a problem for iran as well and therefore i dont think they even allow india to carry on with their covert operations. its only afghanistan which is a problem.
What makes this road important is that it reduces Afghan dependence on Pakistan. India has been building a deep sea port for Iran at Bandar abbas. This road built in Afghanistan connects Afghanistan to the road linking to Iranian Bander Abbas port, so that in the future Afghanistan cannot solely depend on Pakistan for access to supplies.
What makes this road important is that it reduces Afghan dependence on Pakistan. India has been building a deep sea port for Iran at Bandar abbas. This road built in Afghanistan connects Afghanistan to the road linking to Iranian Bander Abbas port, so that in the future Afghanistan cannot solely depend on Pakistan for access to supplies.

sir infact this road is linked to the new indian funded port of chabahar and not the existing bandar-abbas.
this new port is aimed at the resource rich central asian states. india already has a very good relations with tajikistan and the whole road connects chabahar in iran through afganistan to the central asian republic of tajikistan and kazak.
moreover this new port also serves as an alternative to IPI gas pipeline now india can fill up gas tankers directly from iran bypassing pakistan.

the resource rich central russia was dependent on the iranian port of bandar-abbas now russia and india jointy needed a port closer to indian territory to supply russian oil to india so this is a very high level multiple goverment investment, also the indians and russians are involved in building rail links to the iiranian capital from this port.

high discount in trade items to be transported through this new port has also being proposed,
the entire zone is a fta zone and agreements in this regard has being signed with both russia and india,both these countries will have same rights as per trade in this new port as iran enjoys.

the whole this is more a diplomatic and strategic development rather than a military aim.

maqsad;279987]While Iran was busy for years building a massive concrete wall on the pak-iran border in Balochistan,

Iran build that wall to stop smugling of heroin plus Talibans friends sneaking in and out into iran to help saudi terrorist.

Bharat was simultaneously funding 100% of a road which can be used to send weapons to RAW controlled Afghan terrorists! Now RAW

Indians build that road to do trade with ex russian states no one will spend millions of dollars on a road they wanna use to supply wepons to there intelligence agency.

has a sea lane that completely bypasses Pakistan and goes through an enemy country(Iran) in order to fuel a separatist movement in the northwest
enemy country Iran nice one i guess sauides and egyption would be considered friendly nations finnacing taliabns and alqaida terrorist in pakistan.

Tehran also had a defence agreement in the past with New Delhi to allow the use of Irani land to attack Pakistan in case of war.

BULLSHIT this is propogenda spread by people like you there is no such agreements.

But evidently, under great pressure from "concerned pakistanis" this public agreement between New Delhi and Tehran metamorphosed into a covert one perhaps?

Really they allowed it but are hidding it cause they are scared of u stop spreading ARAB bull **** propogenda.iran has extended help to pakistan more times then one can count on the other hand your arabs have given pakistan sucide bombers and finnanced alqaeda terrorist in pakistan hurting pakistan name and economy but thats not a good subjest to discuss as it exposes truth we cant have that.

It's quite interesting that nobody in the pakistani media talks about this dangerous development. All these so called journalists and defence analysts never seem to portray Iran in a negative light--it's always "the brother muslims country Iran" and blah blah blah. It makes me suspect that the Pakistani media is decieving the public in yet another way. [/COLOR

Its quite intresting that you are trying to spread hate on totally baseless claims where were your arabs when israel flatened palestinians in ISRAEL playing golf.
What makes this road important is that it reduces Afghan dependence on Pakistan. India has been building a deep sea port for Iran at Bandar abbas. This road built in Afghanistan connects Afghanistan to the road linking to Iranian Bander Abbas port, so that in the future Afghanistan cannot solely depend on Pakistan for access to supplies.

FUTURE afghanistan :rofl:you think there is a future for that state i doubt it :crazy:as soon as Americans leave mullahs will start to kill each other so i wouldnt count on long term future investments in afghansitan any more then wet dreams.
Just a cursory look at Delaram , shows that it is on the road to Kandahar. Therefore the road will link to Southern Afghanistan and Pashtun areas. An area , I think , Indian strategy planners want to control and deny Pakistan strategic depth.

India could have gone through the Herat province to access Northern Afghnistan or the Tajik majority areas , however coupled with the fact that India has a dozens 'consulates' in the Pashtun areas , this might be New Delhi's idea of fueling the insurgency movement across the border.
Iran will never allow India to attack Pakistan from her land plzzz stop dreaming ! totally inscane thoughts by some!
Well what ever the case be, the possibility of india supporting the elements that are and will harm Pakistan from inside afghanistan can't be ruled out.
There is no doubt about the fact that india is befriending afghanistan just for the sole reason for hurting Pakistan.
Now whether they call it reconstruction or development of afghanistan the truth will stay there and can't be just brushed away with the use of a few flowery words.

And yes the ones who think Iran is happy with a 'Gwadar-ly' Pakistan are miles away from truth!
Who on the earth suggested that.
I think Moscow explained it brilliantly.I thank him again
Any investment such as this one which meets Iranian approval is bound to be multidimensional and not just Pak-centric.What would Iran gain by it?
The economic benefits of it would have ultimately lead to Iranian approval
Moscow explained it right. It greatly reduces Pakistan's ability to hinder India's trade with Afghanistan and thence to CAR.

With this highway in place, India also reduces Pakistan's influence on Afghanistan as well. It offers Afghanistan another trading route with the rest of the countries.

Iran build that wall to stop smugling of heroin plus Talibans friends sneaking in and out into iran to help saudi terrorist.

Indians build that road to do trade with ex russian states no one will spend millions of dollars on a road they wanna use to supply wepons to there intelligence agency.

enemy country Iran nice one i guess sauides and egyption would be considered friendly nations finnacing taliabns and alqaida terrorist in pakistan.

It's a fact that RAW is sponsoring terrorism against Pakistan--nobody disagrees with that. So why can't RAW smuggle weapons and personel through Iran into Afghanistan. It's safer than going through Pakistan, don't you think?

BULLSHIT this is propogenda spread by people like you there is no such agreements.

Really they allowed it but are hidding it cause they are scared of u stop spreading ARAB bull **** propogenda.iran has extended help to pakistan more times then one can count on the other hand your arabs have given pakistan sucide bombers and finnanced alqaeda terrorist in pakistan hurting pakistan name and economy but thats not a good subjest to discuss as it exposes truth we cant have that.

Its quite intresting that you are trying to spread hate on totally baseless claims where were your arabs when israel flatened palestinians in ISRAEL playing golf.

I'm spreading facts not hate. It's actually you who spends time spreading hate like you did in this thread where you were dancing with joy because Saudis and Kuwaitis lost trillions of dollars:


That thread you made had no connection with the defence and security of Pakistan whereas this thread I made does very clearly relate to security concerns of Pakistan. Are you Pakistani or are you Irani or Indian or something? :what:

Here is a link from Janes. Now where is your source that this agreement is false?

Strategic shift in south Asia - Jane's Security News

Strategic shift in south Asia

In an effort to garner international support for their side of the endless Kashmir dispute, both India and Pakistan have been doing their best to attract the friendship of the United States since the beginning of the 'war on terrorism'. The US is seen as the only third party that could intervene to solve the Kashmir dispute. While Pakistan holds US President George W Bush's immediate attention, India seemed to be winning the long-term battle, at least until now. We reveal what is going on.

India surprised both Pakistan and the US in the signing of its recent accord with Iran. This strategic agreement, which will allow India the use of Iranian military bases in the event of any outbreak of tensions with Pakistan, affects the future of the sub-continent.

The revelation by India of the pact not only heightens tension in south Asia, but also leaves the US with a dilemma: how to react to India's alliance with Iran, which remains part of the US 'axis of evil'.

The pact was signed a week before the visit of Iran's President, Mahammad Khatami, to India to join the celebrations for India's national day on 26 January. Signed in Tehran by the Indian naval chief and the Iranian minister of defence, the pact marks a complete turnaround by Iran, which used to be a close ally of Pakistan. How the pact fits in with India's defence relationship with Israel is unclear, but the threat this can pose to Pakistan is all too real.

Iran benefits by gaining access to Indian military expertise, which will include upgrades of its fighters, as well as new tanks and artillery. India will also help train the Iranian army and navy. India will be allowed to deploy troops and equipment in Iran during a crisis with Pakistan and gain access to Iranian ports.

It looks very much like an encirclement of Pakistan by India. The pressure on Pakistan's defences would be almost overwhelming.
We expect Pakistan to respond. Much will depend on the reaction of the Bush administration.

342 of 699 words
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Pakistan is being trapped ; its better we start threating people like Indian 4'2 n Israel no need to nuclear attack Iran will scarifice our life for our Muslims brothers and showed them that they were wrong !
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