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New coronavirus may be no more dangerous than the flu despite worldwide alarm: experts


Nov 4, 2011
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New coronavirus may be no more dangerous than the flu despite worldwide alarm: experts
The apparently high initial mortality rates have shrunk as the number of infections grows, and many of the infected appear to have mild or no symptoms

February 3, 2020

If one thing has spread faster than the new coronavirus from Wuhan, China, it is worldwide fear of the novel bug.

Surgical masks are being hoarded in Toronto, borders closed in Russia and conspiracy theories disseminated far and wide on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the massive quarantines imposed in China are starting to threaten the global economy.

But as evidence of the severity and transmissabilty of 2019-nCoV trickles in, infectious-disease experts say it’s appearing less menacing than first thought, maybe more like seasonal flu than, say, SARS.

The apparently high mortality rates that dominated headlines initially have shrunk as the number of infections grows, and many of the infected appear to have mild or no symptoms.

To some scientists, the situation is reminiscent of the H1N1 pandemic flu of 2009, which burst onto the scene with a frightening spate of deaths in Mexico, only to be viewed as relatively innocuous by the time it petered out for the season.

“Upfront, what you tend to see is probably an over-representation of severe cases that are getting reported,” said Jason Kindrachuk, Canada Research Chair in emerging viruses at the University of Manitoba.

The people who bring a new infection to the fore are those ill enough to seek medical help and get tested, he noted.

“But there are probably a ton of cases in the background that people just thought were mild cases of flu.”

Kindrachuk and other scientists stress that the jury is still out on the new coronavirus, and say that even if it turns out to be a relatively mild disease, health authorities are right to take it very seriously.

But the sense that the media, public and some nations have over-reacted is beginning to seep into conversation.

The current global panic in reaction to the emergence of a fairly mild new virus is wholly unjustified

Beijing’s Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman complained Monday about the U.S. decision to ban anyone who had been in China recently, accusing it of spreading fear while not actually helping the country most affected by the virus.

In a news release Sunday, the Federation of International Employers urged more calm to avoid economic dislocation and a world recession.

“The current global panic in reaction to the emergence of a fairly mild new virus is wholly unjustified and amounts to mass hysteria,” complained the human resources association, chaired by a Ford Motors executive.

As of Monday, the World Health Organization reported 17,391 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new coronavirus worldwide — the vast majority in China — and 362 deaths.

That’s a death rate of two per cent, several times that of the seasonal flu in places like Canada, and much less than two other recently emerging coronaviruses: SARS (10 per cent); and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS (35 per cent).

But a recent article by University of Hong scientists published by the journal Lancet suggested the actual number of people infected is far higher. Their paper analyzed travel patterns in China and known cases of the virus and used mathematical formula to estimate that more like 75,000 people had contracted the bug there as of Jan. 28.

That certainly would back up evidence that it spreads faster than SARS or MERS. But based on the number of reported deaths when the paper was published Friday, it would actually produce a mortality rate of just .2 per cent — akin to that of influenzas.

“We don’t freak out about seasonal flu, we experience it every year,” said Matthew Miller, a microbiologist who studies viruses at McMaster University. “The people most likely to die from seasonal flu are the elderly and the very young … The same is very likely to be true with this new coronavirus outbreak. The people who are at highest risk are the people at the highest risk for any type of infection.”

Canada has recorded four cases of the new pathogen, all individuals who had travelled recently to Wuhan.

Of course, even seasonal flu takes a heavy toll, and the Wuhan coronavirus is dispersing among a human population never exposed to it before, meaning people have no immunity.

“If we were not to take any kind of precautions … most of us would end up infected by it,” said Darryl Falzarano, a microbiologist at the University of Saskatchewan who is working on a vaccine for 2019-nCoV. “Are you OK with one in a hundred or one in a thousand people not surviving?”

The goal is to contain the new virus, to essentially snuff it out. But what if that were not possible and it became a regular part of the pool of human infectious disease?

The pathogen would not actually replace seasonal flus, but might not add much to the total amount of respiratory illness, said Miller. The body’s immune system produces both specific and general responses to a virus. That general immune response provides some latent, short-term protection against contracting another bug, he said.

And the number of deaths would likely end up similar to the respiratory-virus toll now, the same vulnerable parts of the population falling victim to either the flu or the novel coronavirus, suggested Miller.

But if the Wuhan coronavirus is not quite as frightening as first depicted, experts say a unique 21st-Century phenomenon – social media and the spread of false news – is making it harder to accurately inform the public.

“It’s the first time I’ve been involved in something like this where there seems to be so much active disinformation spread,” said Falzarano. “Things coming out that are just nonsense, and then are picked up by the media.”

Not an expert here but something does feel off about the coronavirus thing, instinctively.

Ebola otoh, was and is a scary disease. Death by uncontrolled hemorrhaging, cells exploding, leaking blood vessels inside your body, coughing blood, blood from your eyes.. that shit scary.

Hope it gets sorted out soon but we should still be careful about both the virus and the news, let's not exaggerate the threat but let us not downplay it either.
"But if the Wuhan coronavirus is not quite as frightening as first depicted, experts say a unique 21st-Century phenomenon – social media and the spread of false news – is making it harder to accurately inform the public.

“It’s the first time I’ve been involved in something like this where there seems to be so much active disinformation spread,” said Falzarano. “Things coming out that are just nonsense, and then are picked up by the media."
When AIDS first arrived, the whole world panicked and many thought that was the end of the world, now we have millions carry the virus if not more, but people don't seem to care much. People fear new things that we don't know, this novel virus is very new and we don't know much about it, that caused the panic.
Of course, but to see such measures as a total lockdown being enforced by your government. That sends a signal to the rest of the world that something really is going on down there.
China shares information with WHO and all countries, we are fighting this virus together, dozens of other countries also have this virus, go and check what happens in their countries can also help you to figure out how this virus works.
China shares information with WHO and all countries, we are fighting this virus together, dozens of other countries also have this virus, go and check what happens in their countries can also help you to figure out how this virus works.
Did you mistake me for a troll or think that I was using this to attack China ?

Of course the whole world is co operating, as they should in case of such an outbreak.

This one has mutated to airborne transmittable and has apparently jumped species, how it kills is not scary but how fast it is apparently spreading, is more dangerous than Ebola.

I hope the world can make it disappear quickly.
Did you mistake me for a troll or think that I was using this to attack China ?

Of course the whole world is co operating, as they should in case of such an outbreak.

This one has mutated to airborne transmittable and has apparently jumped species, how it kills is not scary but how fast it is apparently spreading, is more dangerous than Ebola.

I hope the world can make it disappear quickly.
We all do hope it diappear fast, what I mean is this virus really has nothing to do with CCP or other political parties, you may believe otherwise.

99% of the deaths happened in just one province, Hubei province. Only one death registered outside China, so at least for now, the virus is largely and effectively being contained in Hubei province.

Beijing is on high alert, so far , Beijing had one death. Beijing's population is over 30 million.
what I mean is this virus really has nothing to do with CCP or other political parties
of course, that is well understood.

but the measures taken to contain the outbreak by the government, such as a complete lock-down of a city, and restricting travel to and from it. This shows a level of urgency that sends a message that there is actually a problem and the rest of the world is taking measures, preparing.

Hopefully it goes away like SARS and the rest without too much human deaths and the people of the world get a cure.
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A province that is actually the size of a medium-sized country.

A small province in China

Sometimes sacrifices need to be made, China will make it up for Hubei province once this is over.

China Sacrifices a Province to Save the World from Coronavirus

Admirable effort by PRC to contain the virus in spite of which it is spreading rapidly. Hope the peak is reached soon, while the concentration is still in Hubei.

Meanwhile I have a few questions.
I'm importing Aluminium from PRC: Zhenghzhou and Suzhou to be precise.
I see that Zhenghzhou is in the neighboring province to Hubei and Suzhou in in a nearby province (Jiangsu)
Now I'm less worried about the metal item that is coming (because it comes by ship and takes a while during which the virus may not survive on the non-organic surface.)
But what about the import documents that they are going to send through air mail from Zhenghou/Suzhou. These documents from the aluminium company in China are required for clearance of customs in India. And these documents will come in a couple of days by airmail. These documents are also more in closer contact to humans in PRC. This worries me esp. seeing that several ten thousand people are infected.

If there are any biology/virology type persons here, their answers are much appreciated.

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