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New cool vests for soldiers to beat heat : DRDO


Nov 29, 2010
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Jodhpur : India will soon provide its soldiers a jacket that will help them beat the summer heat in the Rajasthan desert.

The jacket or cool vest, designed and developed by a Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) lab here, helps the soldiers to bear the desert temperatures that shoot up to over 50 degree Celsius, defence ministry spokesperson Colonel S.D. Goswami told IANS.

The summer heat in the desert "adversely affects" the performance of the soldiers deployed in Rajasthan along the border with Pakistan.

Among the health problems faced by soldiers on active duty due to over exposure to summer heat includes exhaustion, cramps, rashes, stroke and at times even death.

"The cool vest or jacket absorbs body's excessive heat, thus cooling the soft tissue and blood, as it circulates throughout the cardiovascular system. The body remains calmer, metabolic activity may slow, and less body fluid is lost, maintaining suitable electrolyte balance needed for proper muscle function and optimum physical performance," Goswami said.

"The vest's pockets are packed with micro-encapsulated and gelled special phase change material that absorb body and environmental heat to provide comfort to human body in extreme heat condition.

"The comfort duration of this vest is about two to two-and-half hours after which the jacket has to be recharged for two to three hours in deep freezer or normal refrigerator," he added.

The cost of the cool vest is Rs.2,000.

"The Border Security Force has already carried out a user-trial of the jacket and we have received a positive report from them," said a defence lab official.

The vest will also make a difference for soldiers carrying out operational training, the crew of battle tanks and armoured personnel carriers, soldiers on guard duties and other professional duties in extreme climatic conditions.

New cool vests for soldiers to beat heat | TwoCircles.net
"The comfort duration of this vest is about two to two-and-half hours after which the jacket has to be recharged for two to three hours in deep freezer or normal refrigerator," he added.

I did not hope for this line when I saw the title.......... ofcourse, U wont find time to charge Ur vest in a deep freeze, during a conflict...
I dont know weather any of this kind, available outside, If any thing plzz post some info thank you..........
A month back a similar news came, a private company has also made something similar. I think IA should also take a look at it. Its temperature control vest which will keep body warm in winter and cold in summer. That jacket operate on battery and a battery set will last upto 8 hours.
A temperature control vest,..... thats more liking...........!!!
So, it means that this private firm offers a vest which can be used widely across the sub continent....... Seriously our forces must pay some attention to it.
Yeah they patented it but its a small company and their is a chance that this tech might get unnoticed.
you are the one who posted about vaimaanika shasthra some 4 days back right,,,,, I replied to Ur post asking about the program
can U plzz tell me where to find it, except youtube, may be a torrent link if possible.... thank you
If it is then its just a tech demonstrator because our soldiers will be wearing only one vest which will be BP and health sensors. Now if temperature control is there then its like " Sone pe Suhaga ". But i think DRDO product is not worth it. There is one more product much better than this and clearly has its more importance because it keeps body temperature at normal room temp. even if the person is in 40 degree centigrade or -40 degree centigrade.

New jacket Invented in India, tested by Indian army in -40C at Siachen glacier


Kranthi Kumar Vistakula models his climate-control jacket Mr Vistakula says he is even considering designing a jacket for cows

An Indian inventor is developing clothes which keep the wearer comfortable in extreme temperatures.

Kranthi Kiran Vistakula started with a jacket and is now applying his idea to shoes, scarves and even dinner plates.

The clothes use Peltier light-weight plastic plates with a thermo electric device.

The device is powered by rechargeable batteries which can be topped up by vehicles or even solar panels. They can last up to eight hours on one charge.

Mr Vistakula works with an enthusiastic young team in an isolated building near Hyderabad city, the capital of the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

Outside, the summer temperature is more than 40C. But Mr Vistakula looks as comfortable as if he is in a cool climate.

He is wearing a state of the art ClimaWare-jacket based on his own patented technology.

A Peltier plate consists of a junction between two metals. When an electric current passes through the junction, metal on one side heats up and on the other side it cools down, he explains.

The climate-controlled jacket, which weighs a little more than 1kg, has been successfully tested by the Indian army in Siachen glacier where temperatures are as low as -40C in winter.

Mr Vistakula's company, Dhama Innovations, is now developing a range of other products using the same technology.

"We have also developed shoes and they have been immensely liked by the army personnel in Siachen glacier," he says.

Frostbite is a big problem for the army and the shoes have really helped, he said.

Jacket for cows

Mr Vistakula is now setting up a manufacturing facility near Hyderabad for the mass production of his products, which include jackets, shoes, scarves, gloves and ear muffs. :cheers:

He is even considering a special jacket for cows.

"Basically when the cow is cooled, it gives more milk in summer," he explained. "So we're working on a jacket like that - a huge one."

Mr Vistakula says he started to develop the idea when he moved from his home city of Hyderabad to study engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of technology.

The difference in temperature came as a shock to him.

His first attempt weighed about 5kgs and had wires and fans. Everybody joked that he looked like a bomber. Then he started using Peltier plates.

There may also be a medical application for the technology. The team is working on a product called Haemosave which can freeze blood oozing out of a wound.

It is described as a potential life saver. It uses cryo or ice therapy to stop the blood flow and contract the blood vessels.

Other medical products include knee, neck wraps and elbow wraps. These devices can go instantly from 0C to 50C and help in controlling pain.

BBC News - Indian inventor develops jacket to heat or cool wearer

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

The interview of ClimaWare inventor :

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More articles on this :

Nanotech Clothing Warms in Winter, Cools in Summer



A freshly developed nano-tech turns your clothes into personal A/Cs and heaters.
As a student at MIT perpetually whipsawing between the bone-chilling, soul-crushing cold of the Cambridge winter and his centrally heated dorm, Kranthi Vistakula alit on an idea: clothing whose climate you control.

Thus was born ClimaWare, a line of jackets, shoes, helmets, and other gear that transforms on demand into personal heaters or A/Cs. At the press of a button, the apparel can get as cool as 64 degrees F and as hot as 104 degrees F for up to eight hours on a single set of batteries. And it’ll work in all kinds of ungodly weather -- Dubai in July, Alaska in January. Though you wouldn’t want to try it out in Antarctica, where the mercury regularly drops below -40. (ClimaWare is only effective when the outdoor temp falls between -22 degrees F and 122 degrees F.)

The technology at play here is an adaptation of the Peltier Effect, which occurs when electricity is run through two different metals connected to each other: One metal will become cool, while the other metal will become hot. Vistakula's nano-based technology uses that effect inside those puck-like inserts on the vest above. Thermoelectric materials that touch the skin either heat or cool your body; it's your choice. The pucks are placed at points where sweating is low, but blood vessels are very dense -- in other words, the most efficient places for regulating body temperature.



Thermal imaging shows skin temperature after wearing the ClimaWare jacket for 5 minutes; cooling above, heating below

The Indian edition of MIT’s Technology Review named Vistakula a 2010 “Innovator of the Year”. For a diagram of the tech, see here.

ClimaWare isn’t the first climate-controlled apparel on the market. But Vistakula says what sets his India-based company Dhama Apparel Innovations apart is that his products are extremely lightweight, which makes them ideal for athletes, soldiers, and pretty much anyone who doesn’t want to look like this come winter. The jacket weighs about as much as a pair of jeans.

The technology also has vast potential in other industries, including health care and the military. According to Technology Review, quoting Harshal Shah, whose company has invested in Dhama Apparel, Dhama's product team is working with the Army to develop a heating and cooling mechanism for missiles.

[Images courtesy of Dhama Apparel Innovations]

---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------

Check out the company website :

Dhama Innovations


ClimaWare-Shoes give complete
protection to the feet with
instant heating/cooling function
for frostbite and heat-injury

Since the advent of armed
conflict, frostbite has always
plagued large numbers of
soldiers serving in harsh climates
with primitive or inadequate
protection from the elements.
Feet are particularly vulnerable
and extra foot care is required
for cold-weather operations.
Protection of feet is strongly
dependent on heat input by
peripheral blood circulation and
insulation by footgear. Cold
numb feet can disrupt balance
and walking and increase the risk
of slipping, thereby creating an
unwarranted danger for the
soldier's life. Soldiers also face a
diametrically opposite situation
where standing duty and
movement on scorching terrains
makes their feet susceptible to
heat burns and injuries.
Lightweight and extremely
rugged ClimaWare-Shoes are
designed to handle both these
extreme situations for maximum
protection. They have
strategically placed heating/
cooling points that help the
soldiers maintain vigilance,
dexterity and strength even while
treading on threateningly cold or
hot surfaces.

Dhama Innovations
I think DRDO should tie-up with this company and build the whole clothing-line of FINSAS program.


ClimaWare - HaemoSave instantly controls severe bleeding, pain and inflammation by way of rapid four-point action: Cooling, Coagulation, Compression and Sterilization.

More lives are lost to blood loss
than to the bullet itself. And
therefore, we made Haemosave
Timely prevention of critical
blood loss can significantly bring
down soldier mortality by
increasing the chances of survival
and recovery. ClimaWare -
Haemosave is a brilliantly
designed system that instantly
controls severe bleeding, pain
and inflammation by way of
rapid four-point action: Cooling,
Coagulation, Compression and
ClimaWare - Haemosave System
enables contraction of blood
vessels by applying Ice-Therapy
(Cryotherapy) with the help of
optimal prompt cooling points.
This process called
'Vasoconstriction' controls
bleeding, pain and inflammation.
The cooling points are
strategically placed so as to
encircle the injury for maximum
effective cooling but do not
press directly onto the wound to
cause abrasion and cold injury.

Dhama Innovations

---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

Man this company is cool....
ClimaWare Neck Wrap


ClimaWare Neck Wrap provides encompassing thermal comfort and protection by cooling the blood which flows to the brain.

Soldiers working in extreme temperatures experience tremendous thermal stress that affects their focus at work and even causes accidents and deaths on duty. Reducing this stress can enable soldiers to maintain diligence in formidable temperatures and perform to the best of their capacity with the best of their health.

ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is an extremely lightweight product geared for heavy-duty performance in extreme temperatures. Powered with rechargeable batteries with fast response time, this neck wrap is capable of neutralizing the effects of adverse climate on the entire body by cooling/heating the blood that flows to the brain. The compact design is rugged and can handle extreme conditions. ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is easy to store, carry and put on in times of need.

Dhama Innovations

ClimaWare-Headgear is complete protection for the most vulnerable point on the soldier’s body… The head.

Military performance, training and surveillance often entail enormous activity in hostile climatic conditions. Apart from direct physical stress due to heat, the constant vigilance demanded from the soldiers overloads the processing capability of their brains. This causes a colossal build-up of heat in the brain that often goes unnoticed and can cause permanent impairment and even death.

For soldiers working in extremely cold climates, more than 50 percent of body heat is lost through the head, leaving them susceptible to cold-related body damage.

The lightweight and extremely rugged ClimaWare-Headgear is designed to handle this critical factor of soldier health and performance. The ClimaWare-Headgear range of products is available in three variants that cater to specific individual requirements:

1) heating/cooling modules (as a band) that can be seamlessly integrated into the existing bulletproof helmets.
2) heating/cooling modules (as a band) that can be incorporated into the Patka (headgear/cap) of the military.
3) heating/cooling head bands.

It is an absolutely non-interfering and easy to-adapt technology that helps the soldiers retain their presence of mind in stressful and critical situations when it matters the most.

Dhama Innovations
Funny thing is i have no doubt this company will sell its products to US forces but i fear that our forces might even never hear about this company or its product
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