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New Chinese Ammunition Bunkers Seen 7 Km From 2017 Doklam Face-Off Site


Sep 26, 2018
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Doklam: Earlier images of the same site accessed by NDTV indicate that construction of these bunkers had not started in December 2019

Satellite imagery accessed by NDTV shows the construction of what appears to be military-grade, hardened ammunition bunkers, 2.5 kilometres away from Sinche-La pass on the eastern periphery of the contested Doklam plateau near the border between Bhutan and China in the area.

Military observers say these fit the description of ammunition storage facilities and their location, just 7 kilometres from Doka La, the site of the 2017 face-off between Indian and Chinese forces, could indicate an enhanced level of military preparedness by Chinese forces.

"The construction of new ammunition storage bunkers is likely aimed to reinforce the Chinese troops at these bases, allowing them to fight more efficiently if a conflict were to develop at Doklam," says Sim Tack, a leading satellite imagery expert and military analyst at Force Analysis. "This is a concerning development, especially following the recent discovery of the Chinese village across the border in Bhutan, and could point to renewed tensions in the Doklam area."

Earlier images of the same site accessed by NDTV indicate that construction of these bunkers had not started in December 2019. Recent images of October 28, this year, indicate that construction is almost complete. "These appear to be hardened storage shelters," says Lieutenant General HS Panag (retired), a former Northern Army commander. "This is most likely an ammunition dump."


The construction of these facilities comes at a time when India and China are in the midst of their most serious standoff since the 1962 war. Tens of thousands of soldiers from either side have hunkered down for a winter stand-off in eastern Ladakh that began in early May this year.

High-resolution images from Maxar Technologies indicate road access from the site of the bunkers to the Sinche-La pass, which is then connected to an all-weather road constructed by Chinese workers that stretches across the 5 kilometre-wide Doklam plateau.

The presence of these new bunkers, black-topping of the road on the Doklam plateau post the 2017 stand-off, the construction of a 'village' and 9-kilometre track adjacent to the plateau are clear signs that China has no compunctions in carrying on with construction activity in territory Bhutan considers its own. India has historically backed Bhutan's claim.

The construction of the new hardened bunkers appears to be an effort at militarily reinforcing the larger Doklam region and the Chumbi Valley, Chinese territory, that lies to its North.

The real question is when the PLA will finally retreat to Finger 8 as many of our Indian friends claimed.
The real question is when the PLA will finally retreat to Finger 8 as many of our Indian friends claimed.
If you believe Pakistanies and Chinese on this form then Chinese troops should be at finger 1

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