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New battalions being raised to curb smuggling

More of waste of resources.
Unless Govt is sincere.
Lot of Smuggled items are sold openly even in Big Cities.
Just one example TYRES every shop has smuggled one but no action from Govt.
Write a petition with proof, to Govt.
Wow! a great answer i never new that.

If you have general knowledge about how things work in Pakistan you would have never said that.
Did any one from Govt. ever visited any shop to check?
Govt. can raise new force to check border but not a single person can crack down those smuggled items sold openly.

Good thing you know your mistakes. Hopefully you won't make them in the future.

If don't know how to report then you shouldn't complain either. Use the citizens app. It points to the correct department.

The government can't just do everything on its own. Citizens have to help them as well.
This better works else paying salaries of these battalions group will effect our budget significantly.
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