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New Ballistic Missiles Revealed: Agni IV May Have A Range Of 6000 Kms

Duh, then maybe everyone should have them... no need for peace treaties.

Strange, out of all the countries in the world only Hindustan and US are scared of China.

So is Japan, Australia. Its India not Hindustan.

It was only a month ago, your minister was telling the Sri Lankans not to buy weapons from Pakistan and China because Hindustan is a world power.

Yeah right kid. Where di u read that? And who said that......Minister? Which Minister?

PS: Somebody throw this virus out.
Bull - Its to make sure nobody wipes us out. Chinees had first and they also missiles to launch them against us.

Congrats to India on the development stage. I'm sure once this missile is inducted into service it will then pose a serious detterrent to any would be adversary...primarily I think China and maybe to some extent the USA. The Prithvi missile (predominantly Pakistani specific) are already inducted and cover nearly all of its immediate neighbours (Pakistan, Bangladersh/Sri Lanka etc).

How will the other 'powers' view it as? i.e the USA or China or really any country that comes in within this range? They will probably view it as definately an emerging power with the necessary 'clout'.....I think more international respect!

The Sagarika will definately be a vital asset to India and to it's nuclear doctrine. Will it be a SLBM or will it be for major surface warships? It should give India the ability to mount a successfull second strike capability...it all depends on how far it's submarines or surface naval units could go. The triad capability will hopefully ensure that no nuclear conflict should arise...i.e MAD doctrine.

This then brings Pakistan into its capabilities....to ensure that India and Pakistan do not go into a major conflict (actually any conflict which escalates to the next level)....Pakistan needs to ensure that it has the Triad system as well.....Pakistan's Ghauri/Shaheen Ballistics missiles roughly cover one area....if pakistan is able to develop (babur type) a ballistic/cruise missile for the use for the Navy...it would then have the second strike capability. Hopefully, when both regional powers have the required deterrent....there should be no more conflict....other wise it could lead to a mutually assured destruction (MAD) scenario.

After nuclear deterrence....both sides need to resolve their differences amicably and with mutual respect. conflict resolution, confidence building measures need to be encouraged....defence budgets need to be containd (i.e no further increase)...both countries should concentrate on economic and education developments....and possibly an increase in trade (commercial) which should further boost their economies and hopefully eradicate poverties in each respective country?

what are the possibilities for the above?
Malik Ateeq - pakistan develop any missile with 4000 to 6000 km rangeTipu

I think they have 1 or 2 developing on this stage....one is the Tipu the other may be an extended range Ghauri III.....

Ref below:http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/pakistan/missile/tipu.htm

On 11 May, the daily Frontier Post publication reported that Pakistan was planning to test-fire a new 4000 km range ballistic missile - Tipu [the fighter] on 28 May 1999, the first anniversary of Pakistan's nuclear tests. No other reports assert the fact of the existence of such a missile, and no test has taken place as of the end of 1999. According to report, the new missile was developed by a team of scientists from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, and is capable of carrying either conventional or nuclear payloads.

The missile was described as being 12 meters long. This reported length is evidently inconsistent with the reported range of the missile, since Chinese [possibly DF-3A or DF-4] and North Korean [TD-2] missile with ranges of several thousand kilometers are several times larger. The utility of a missile in this range class is obscure, since the 1500 km range Ghauri/Hatf-5 ND-1 derivative provides almost complete coverage of India, and politically interesting targets at more than twice this range are rather difficult to identify.

Although the existence of a Tipu missile is doubtful, the origins of the "Tipu" nomeclature are interesting, nonetheless. Tipu Sultan was the muslim ruler of Mysore in Srirangapatnam, who was enthroned as the ruler of Mysore on 04 May 1783. He continued the Second Mysore War against the English, and defeated many English generals. His maxim was that "it was far better to live like a lion for a day than to live like a jackal for a hundred years". It is said that Tipu Sultan forced Hindus to convert to Islam, though there is conflicting evidence that these claims are true. When Tipu was killed at the battle of Tipu Khanahally in 1799 the British captured more than 700 rockets. These rockets were taken to England by William Congreve and subsequently "reverse engineered."
Why would Pakistan need a extended range? To target China? The existing range of Missiles is sufficient for them to cover India, Afghan and Iran (?).

What they need to work on is as FH says Submarine launched ones.
How will the other 'powers' view it as? i.e the USA or China or really any country that comes in within this range? They will probably view it as definately an emerging power with the necessary 'clout'.....I think more international respect!.

The current missile armoury is in no way a threat to US. One bcoz the range is not sufficient, second the political scenario is set to evolve in such a manner where US and India would be on the same side.

China would be worried. But off late India and China inspite of their border disputes have shyed away from saying anything in public. they both are aware hw important it is to keep relationships warm when both are attracting lots a lots of FDI.

The Sagarika will definately be a vital asset to India and to it's nuclear doctrine. Will it be a SLBM or will it be for major surface warships? It should give India the ability to mount a successfull second strike capability...it all depends on how far it's submarines or surface naval units could go. The triad capability will hopefully ensure that no nuclear conflict should arise...i.e MAD doctrine..

Sagarika is good, but we dont have a Sub big enough for it.

This then brings Pakistan into its capabilities....to ensure that India and Pakistan do not go into a major conflict (actually any conflict which escalates to the next level)....Pakistan needs to ensure that it has the Triad system as well.....Pakistan's Ghauri/Shaheen Ballistics missiles roughly cover one area....if pakistan is able to develop (babur type) a ballistic/cruise missile for the use for the Navy...it would then have the second strike capability. Hopefully, when both regional powers have the required deterrent....there should be no more conflict....other wise it could lead to a mutually assured destruction (MAD) scenario.

Pakistan will never trial India in tech . What they will have going against them is the numbers, and there is no way they are going to counter that.
But you forget that the US threaten to attack Pakistan in 2001. I think, the military no longer percieves Hindustan as the only adversary of the republic.

Ok USA!!! Oh big daddy, u want to go for big daddy.

Its India not Hindustan.
Why would Pakistan need a extended range? To target China? The existing range of Missiles is sufficient for them to cover India, Afghan and Iran (?).

Indias' West border with Pakistan to Indias' East border with Burma measures to 3214 km
Pakistans Longest range Missle: the Ghauri-III / Abdali has a range of 2500km
so no, Pakistan has not got a missle that targets the whole of India
Just most parts of India. Agni 4 will reach Some parts of Saudi Arabia just to let you know.

You mention theoretically that Pakistan could have a 4000 km range missle and will targetting their ally China so I will answer to you... with the Agni 4 are you targeting your old ally Russia or how about Sir Lanka or Iraq or Iran ? - i thought you had great ties with them

also how about your missle Surya your creating a 12,000 km thats 7460 miles or
6480 nautical miles... is that to be used against Israel one of your closest allies ?

If the answer is no what makes you think that Pakistan is gonna attack China if it had that range ?

Is it because one country is based on a religion while the other is based on another ?

If India can develope missle that will cover great ranges and make peace with nation that come within their missle range i can't see why pakistan can do the same. and good for them if they did :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

Pakistan should not stop, It must progress and succseed in everying as possible .
even build second or third strike if possible - why not !
Why should we restrict Pakistan !

If there are potential nation that COULD threaten Pakistan whoever they who ever maybe pakistan has the right to defend herself !

Just how the US have missles and Subs to target cities around the world and are the only nation in History to Use Nukes as weapons on another nation.

Doesn't it show how ironic that we believe on a nation as our trustee and protector, that have Nuclear missle to target us annywhere around the world plus they have used nuclear weapons before, yet the US went into another country to invade based on th 45min dossair which turn out to be a lie ! - funny that !

btw Pakistan should develop the Shaheen 3 , not for warfare but for getting into space aswell. I thinks thats important

For those who want to know the range for the Agni 4 in Miles: 3729 miles
3240 nautical miles

US Trident Missle have a range of 8000 miles

Circumfrence of the Earth : 24,901.55 miles

Distance between Earth and Moon: 23, 8658 miles

Distance between Earth and Mars: 160 miliion miles
Why would Pakistan need a extended range? To target China? The existing range of Missiles is sufficient for them to cover India, Afghan and Iran (?).

What they need to work on is as FH says Submarine launched ones.
Pakistan needs more range to target every other country in then world. Any country can become a future threat.
Do you ever read Hindustan Times. It's not a bad little paper.

How about Indian car manufactorer Hindustan Motors.

Or have you ever been to the Hindustan Airport, the major airport of Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Mayb you've seen the Hindustani (1996), a bollywood flick also called Indian or Bharateeyudu, a film dubbed in Hindi from the Tamil original Indian film, directed by S. Shankar and starring Kamal Haasan.

I just don't know why you're getting wound up about it. You're the first Hindustani to behave like this!!!!

You don't know perhaps - but to some of us here anything associated with religion is a little less respectable. The heights of google-cut-paste! :rolleyes:

Ok USA!!! Oh big daddy, u want to go for big daddy.

And big daddy would keep quiet? :enjoy:
What Pakistan needs to do is develop SLV's and other more capable launch platforms on the basis of which to covertly develop longer range ballistic missile. Some time ago we heard from none other than the president that he was going to make Pakistan a space fairing nation, but unfortunatly we havn't heard anythinh since. Imo under the "peaceful" space exploration guise Pakistan should increase the range of it's missiles.
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