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New auto policy: Looking to balance local and imported


KARACHI: The government wants to increase automobile manufacturing in the country and, at the same time, protect the interests of consumers in the upcoming auto policy, said Commerce Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan.

During his visit to Pakistan Auto Parts Show (PAPS) at Karachi Expo Centre, he said that the new policy will balance both car imports and manufacturing in the country.

“Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif supports the efforts the local auto industry is putting in these exhibitions to show what we are producing for locally assembled automobiles,” he said.

The office bearers of Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (Paapam) stressed on the new auto policy to support localisation. “The more Pakistan moves towards localisation, the more it can reduce car prices,” Paapam Chairman Mohammad Siddique Misri said. “This is how new companies can be encouraged to enter into Pakistani market to compete with existing players.”

There were seven carmakers in Pakistan in 2007, but four of them left the country because of the liberal car import policies of the government, said the office bearers of Paapam.

They further added that low consumer financing in Pakistan is also hindering the growth of the auto sector. “Usually 70% of the car consumers get financing in different countries but this ratio is opposite in Pakistan; here only 30% are able to get financing from banks.”

PAPS is a premier industry event which is held once in two years. The exhibition brings together automakers and auto parts manufacturers to display local products.

New auto policy: Looking to balance local and imported – The Express Tribune

But Govt. should allow duty free import of Hybrid Vehicles.
here comes the idiot again, why don't you tell us your economic back ground you turd.
He says we've lstgest gas reserves but not exploring. Looooool.

That's like Afghanistan saying they've largest oil reserves but not exploring it

Most he can do is call others idiots nd morons.
As the other poster put, we can't allow cartels for the sake of imports, which I also mentioned.

The high tax was imposed to stop imports. For example, 100% tax means nearly no one wants to import. Cartels are happy. Now with 30% tax, more people want to import, govt is getting revenue because more people are spending and cartels are being forced to come up with better product or lower their price.

What's your economics background? Please share.
These Cartels are able to LOBBY Govt. only because they pay lot More Taxes then other Sectors in Pakistan so this whole thing is less likely to happened here because they wont let them do it otherwise Thousands of people would be likely to lose their Jobs as well as Govt. Losing massive chunk of Tax Revenue they are Collaborating.

These are just another Political pep Talk and nothing else if Govt. is Actually Interested then they should have concentrated on Steel Manufacturing rather and improve the infrastructure there so that Local Components of Cars become much Cheaper to manufacture and prices of Car Produced in Pakistan become Competitive enough against Imported Cars. So First develop a COMPETITION and then provide INCENTIVES that is the best way forward for any local Player to survive and Thrive in a country.
Automobiles are not an essential item like food. Poor people can't afford cars anyway. These are only for middle and upper classes. So even if there is a cartel, it's not a problem.

I think that cars should be made even more expensive than before so that only a few can clog our roads. The government should spend money on public transportation.
Automobiles are not an essential item like food. Poor people can't afford cars anyway. These are only for middle and upper classes. So even if there is a cartel, it's not a problem.
Do you know how many Cars are sold during Crop Cutting Seasons in Pakistan???IN Rural Areas there is a huge Market of Cars and people buy them when their Crops are Cut and sold but after spending all the money at once they were running like Poor whole Year. This Buying behavior has Exploited huge market by Auto Assemblers in Pakistan already.

I think that cars should be made even more expensive than before so that only a few can clog our roads. The government should spend money on public transportation.
That requires Infrastructure which Govt. is reluctant to Provide and then Infrastructure Maintenance is another mess. Just one thing can solve lot of Problem and that is Improve Steel Industry ASAP because this would going to Revolutionize Pakistan Construction, Auto Industry and even Infrastructure all by itself.
Automobiles are not an essential item like food. Poor people can't afford cars anyway. These are only for middle and upper classes. So even if there is a cartel, it's not a problem.

I think that cars should be made even more expensive than before so that only a few can clog our roads. The government should spend money on public transportation.
Yes. Car is a luxury. They should ban old cars pre 90s and increase value of new car by adding safety and gps tagging etc to prevent theft.
you are telling me? seriously?
You yourself don't know anything then how you can tell me?

A simple thing idiots don't understand is when a country possess potential to manufacture cars then why should it import cars? From decades we are importing cars and enhancing others economies why don't our own economy? You need to grow up

your leaders are not exploring it that's what you should say.

At most you can run away when you have nothing to say. When don't you simply prove me wrong? You all can't do anything except doing personal attacks.

barey kuttay
My economic background I told you is much better then you. You want crap? Not clothes just my pants because You want to suck MY rod as usual :D
Lol run away.

Run away from who? you? You are saying we have LARGEST gas reserves and yet you have no proof. So I gave good example, afghanistan have largest oil reserves but it hasn't explored it yet.

Here, let me make your childhood happy. Pakistan has world's largest gold, oil, gas, coal, diamond, minerals, water and other reserves, but we just have not explored them yet because our leaders are lazy and how awesome it is that a guy like you have found all these reserves. Boy, you gonna be bill gates 2.0

You don't give proof where it says Pakistan has largest gas reserves and you want me to give proof where it doesnt say pakistan has largest gas reserves. This is height of stupidity.
Most of the Indian car manufacturers follow the same structure as Pakistan I.e.licence producing the Japanese brands. For example maruthi and hero producing Suzuki and Honda being built here by Pak-Suzuki and Atlas group. But If they decide to Invest and establish a manufacturing base with their own brands I think govt should not have any issue.

When it comes to car most of the technogies are either Japanese or Korean......also has german and US presence too...

But when it comes to two wheeler there are few Indian companies who has some very good products...... for example. Bajaj and TVS....TVS is present in Indonesia and make bikes for that market and surroundings..... .Bajaj is planning to open a production facility in BD too...... Both does close to 4 laks two wheelers In India...... both of them export to more tan 50 countries across the globe, mostly to Asia, africa, middle east, latin america and asean ....... They are cheap and easy to maintain too....... their bikes are driven across India and the conditions are similar in Pak, so the performance is going to be good.......
thats what I keep hearing, tell me when you have something new to say. the way you talk i doubt you have any background at all, jut a dog barking on someone else's tunes
He woudn't say his economic background because that'd be wikipedia or metric level social sciene which goes over little bit of economics.

Economics is very complex. We are disagreeing over normative statement, not positive. As such, it's hard to prove if other is wrong or right. BUT, this guy is coming up with little proof and keeps calling everyone a moron/born idiot/and so forth because he can't counter argument.

We say: Oranges color is orange. He will say "no they're pink and everyone who thinks that is it orange color is a moron, gay, born idiot etc" and offer no proof.

Worse, he started swearing at me because YOU had an issue with him. It's like walking on a street and 2 men are fighting. If one says the other is right, he starts to fight him as well.
Govt. should try to bring more manufacture to setup manufacturing in Pakistan, but giving tough time to auto-cartel is very much needed, they are selling crap at price of gold.
until you tell me about your economic achievements, this will go on
Dude he was born in 1997. He's probably 17-18 years old. And he's PTI supporter. That tells you he carries young junoon and blind support. Stop arguing with him. He doesn't know anything about economics. All he knows, whatever anyone other than PTI does, the opposite is the right way. So if PMLN or PPP makes schools and hospitals, his economics will say don't make any schools or hospitals. And if PTI makes metro train and metro bus, he will say that is the worlds best government.

I reported him and I reported you as well since you're swearinng back at him. Cut it out.
Dude he was born in 1997. He's probably 17-18 years old. And he's PTI supporter. That tells you he carries young junoon and blind support. Stop arguing with him. He doesn't know anything about economics. All he knows, whatever anyone other than PTI does, the opposite is the right way. So if PMLN or PPP makes schools and hospitals, his economics will say don't make any schools or hospitals. And if PTI makes metro train and metro bus, he will say that is the worlds best government.

I reported him and I reported you as well since you're swearinng back at him. Cut it out.

I was practicing my Bully-5000 course I took as a graduate class. once someone says you dont know who I am or what i know is a clear give away of his age :)
I don't need your opinion here. Study economics first.

Pakistan is not such a developed country. It is still a lower middle income country. There are hundreds of thousands jobless people here in Pakistan. Pakistan GDP growth was recorded 3.3% and we need 7% to give jobs to 2 million youth whom are entering job market every year. We have to make industry here by hook or by crook.

Pakistan have 185 billion tons of coal reserves and still we import coal/oil/gas etc. Wow
Pakistan have potential to manufacture automobiles here. Automobile industry can give jobs to thousands of engineers and can create a few billions dollar market then why import?
Are you here to develop Pakistan economy or the country from where govt is going to import cars?

Quote me only when you have something logical. Don't quote me with an idiotic logic

You're assuming there's no trade off between that and competition and efficiency derived from said competition. Stop telling people to get educated and arguing with rhetoric, it's no use.
Pakistan should allow Indian investment in Pakistani Automobile segment
This will be beneficial for both our countries

Almost happened, but certain paranoid parties put it off.
Almost happened, but certain paranoid parties put it off.
Almost happened, but certain paranoid parties put it off.
that reminds me on MNF status for India.

most favoured nation India? On my dead body!

Though daewoo is owned by India and operated in pakistan. If only they sell their buses.
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