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Never claimed Parliament House attack, 26/11 inside job: Ex-MHA official

Why should we eat our words, an indian backtracked on his own statement, an old indian tradition.

At last who became fool, the people and even the govt. who asked clarifications.

Tomorrow the peon of MoH will say something and the same will happen again!
first you have to prove us guilty, its innocent till proven guilty not the other way around, on the other hand officials with the indian government are saying that india did inside jobs, just by them saying that if true proves pakistan to be innocent.
Well that's the thing man, the acceptance by the then Pakistani gov. proved that non state actors were involved. Hence Guilty. Now in the light of these new evidences which you claim to show that it was an Indian false flag op then the onus is on you to prove otherwise. Being enemy state why would India shoot it'self in the foot.
Pakistani logic:

1. 9/11 executed by Pakistani terrorists is an inside job conspired by USA to malign Pakistan.
2. Parliament attack executed by Pakistani terrorists is an inside job conspired by India to malign Pakistan.
3. 26/11 executed by Pakistani terrorists is an inside job conspired by India to malign Pakistan.
4. All terrorist attacks executed by Pakistani terrorists in Pakistan are outside jobs conspired by rest of the world to malign Pakistani.
We think ours is the only true religion..we look down on all other religions..we hate all of them...but we will never harm any one...we just do jihad by sitting innocently in our own homes...

It is always Hindus, Zionists, Christians and (now) Buddhists...they stage attacks on themselves and they kill themselves...but they are born liars so obviously they throw blame at us...

No matter what, we will never accept that WE do any mistakes...you know what...We think ours is the only true religion...repeat above..
Pakistani logic:

1. 9/11 executed by Pakistani terrorists is an inside job conspired by USA to malign Pakistan.

2. Parliament attack executed by Pakistani terrorists is an inside job conspired by India to malign Pakistan.
3. 26/11 executed by Pakistani terrorists is an inside job conspired by India to malign Pakistan.
4. All terrorist attacks executed by Pakistani terrorists in Pakistan are outside jobs conspired by rest of the world to malign Pakistani.

When did that happened? Bold part. Last i checked it was Saudi terrorists who did this. And it is beyond me why you guys are making it looks like as if it was Pakistan who claimed that Mumbai was an inside job. It was one of your own official who quoted another official. First, it was Indian media who posted headlights like "Government behind Parliament and Mumbai attacks". Pakistani media picked it from you. Now, I have no idea what took Mr. Mani so many days to take back what he earlier said but if one looks closely, he didn't said anything in the first place and he just quoted another official which is not ready to speak on the matter. Had that official, Mr. Verma denied what Mani said, your case would have more sense. Now all this hoopla of being party crashers and what not is just an attempt to boost your lost ego after 13 July when it was reported first that Indian government was behind these attacks. Now if it was all a misunderstanding or a matter of misquoting someone my simple question is why it took so long to correct it. And why that media houses who misquoted Mr. Mani never rendered an apology? I am not implying that what he is saying now is not true. All I am trying here to understand why Indian members are so desperately trying to boost their egos by proving something wrong which actually was reported and said by Indian media?

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