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Netaji's driver claims he can't have died in plane crash

I was just curious about one thing. Why hasn't the GoI released it's report about this Nehru case ? The govt. always gave the excuse that it would stoke regional tensions. And secondly why hasn't GoI made public the report about the central govt role leading up to the 62 war and after it ?
off topic : Why didn't that smart a$$ nehru ordered the IaF to provide air superiority to those dying soldiers ? When he knew that China didn't had any fighter which can actually cross over himalayas and give a reply to IAF ? By celebrating his birthday as the children's day in india is no less than the act of madrasas brainwashing the innocent kids.

ps. Even US has rules which is a binding on the govt. to declassify all documents after something like 45/30 years.

I wish when BJP comes to power they have the balls to do what congress could never do.
still Indira gandhi was much better than Nehru or rajeev.

she ensured sri Lanka doesn't become anti India.

under her rule ISRO made indigenous SLV and sats.

she ensured India's military dominance in the subcontinent.

To be frank she was a Tigerish Women when it comes to decession making. Nehru, Rajiv, Sonia, and now Rahul are all a*s holes. They need to f**k themselves
Sorry for being immune to the whole "Congress gave us independence through non-violence" propaganda. British abandoned India due to their deteriorating financial condition after WW2 which made them incapable to hold on to large colony like India.Pls don't forget that Britain still held on to their smaller colonies even after 1947, the last major one being Rhodesia which attained independence in 1980.


All I'm saying is show some respect to the Mahatma. Let's not get into why we got the freedom. Using words like toilet cleaner for him doesn't look good. You all may be right in your stand but show respect. That's all.

Jai Hind.
U will give damn anything if U knew U will be in power after the British.....
I really don't think that they were this cheap. By the way, Mahatma did not get any power after British. But that's not what I was saying, all I'm saying is using words like toilet cleaner for the Mahatma is not good. I'm sure you would agree to this.

No Conspiracy.... Aint that word Jai Hind came from Netaji's Mouth?

I have total respect for Netaji, it would be hard to find an Indian who doesn't have respect for him. RIP to him.

All I'm saying is show some respect to the Mahatma.
Haven't we given him enough respect in the last 60 years for whatsoever things he did.But I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other freedom fighters and national hero's who never got what they deserved.
We should get out of this Gandhian era.
If there were were no gandhi and nehru their would be no Pakistan I guess.... Thanks to them :)
Haven't we given him enough respect in the last 60 years for whatsoever things he did.
He deserved it???

But I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other freedom fighters and national hero's who never got what they deserved.

Like what? Don't you and me are madly in love with Sir Bhagat Singh, Netaji, Ashfaque Ullah Khan, Sardar Patel and so on? Don't we respect them?

We should get out of this Gandhian era.

I guess its all freedom fighters' era. No one can say who did more for the nation, everyone was doing the same thing, the ways may be different.

We should respect all of them.

Jai Hind.
If there were were no gandhi and nehru their would be no Pakistan I guess.... Thanks to them :)

Gandhi, Nehru, Jinnah all worked for the independence of British India from UK, but in the end even our leaders got addicted to power and British India got divided. Having said that there is no point in pondering the past. Whats done is done. Partition happened for a reason. So if anyone tells that we are one and we should be together, feel free to kick his a**.
Gandhi, Nehru, Jinnah all worked for the independence of British India from UK, but in the end even our leaders got addicted to power and British India got divided. Having said that there is no point in pondering the past. Whats done is done. Partition happened for a reason. So if anyone tells that we are one and we should be together, feel free to kick his a**.
No one in the current times want us to be one. But even enemies can show respect to each other and try to be atleast not offencive.
Like what? Don't you and me are madly in love with Sir Bhagat Singh, Netaji, Ashfaque Ullah Khan, Sardar Patel and so on? Don't we respect them?
Madly in love with all those whom U stated is because of what they did when they had nothing.... Mad about those because they did not do anything when they had all the power to do.
I really don't think that they were this cheap. By the way, Mahatma did not get any power after British. But that's not what I was saying, all I'm saying is using words like toilet cleaner for the Mahatma is not good. I'm sure you would agree to this.
Mahatma did not get any power???? He was doing what Soniaji is doing today. Sardar should have been the first PM until Mahatma Vetoed Nehru.
I have total respect for Netaji, it would be hard to find an Indian who doesn't have respect for him. RIP to him.
It is not my intention to doubt ur respect Major Ram....... But really doubt whether those two had any respect for Netaji. That hard Indian's RIP is itself in doubt.... Pathetic.
I agree with your post, but we were independent, not relying on any forigen power during her time. Even the US feared her and the nation under her rule.

Excuse me? :blink: who told you that? Our largest trading partner, largest industrial partner and largest arms supplier was Soviet Union and we were like 100% dependent on it in terms of any development at all. From ISRO to nuke reactors to setting up oil refineries to refining preliminary industrial knowledge in modern sense, Soviet Union was the one that backed India, Indira and our most crucial areas.

What independence are you talking about? It is just our good luck that Russians weren't as arrogant and as big brotherly as US was to Pakistan and we reaped good benefits for that.

Let go of the 90000 POW is not too complicated. what do we want to do with them. feed them or give them to the Bangladeshi new formed government,

Hellooooooo? P0K anyone? We could have negotiated P0K EASILY with 93,000 POWs to return. It was such a massive bargaining tool that we could have solved this whole nonsense that we're suffering now long back. Gen. Manekshaw was so successful in his plan that we were virtually rulers of South Asia. But Congress as always, screwed everything for India.

The Sikh issue, I would say she handled it preety rough.

It was a HUGE issue man. How would it be if the entire MP was manhandled by a central government? It was worse than that. She first encouraged terrorism and then when it threatened her status, she brutalized even innocents.

UPA, has always been problem to the nations Growth. Look at the UPA's constiuent parties. DMK(The worst party in the south). Laloo(The a** hole in the north. ONLY A VERY FEW Congress CM's are good and that inclues Tarun Gogoi. I hope Mamtha is doing good.

TARUN GOGOI???!! GOOD?!! :woot: Are you out of your mind!? That vermin is the bloody reason why ULFA is still roaming around with a swagger. That terrorist lover has the audacity to invite ULFA to join politics in the midst of when our commandos were dying fighting against those bloody terrorists. You call that good? He's Dogvijay Singh's twin in terms of dealing with state security.

Like Dogvijay sees mainstream Hindus as terrorists, this scum sees everyone else as terrorists.
Madly in love with all those whom U stated is because of what they did when they had nothing.... Mad about those because they did not do anything when they had all the power to do.

Mahatma did not get any power???? He was doing what Soniaji is doing today. Sardar should have been the first PM until Mahatma Vetoed Nehru.

It is not my intention to doubt ur respect Major Ram....... But really doubt whether those two had any respect for Netaji. That hard Indian's RIP is itself in doubt.... Pathetic.

Its hard to imagine what anyone can possibly have against Mahatma. He was completely harmless and never (yes, never) hold any political power. He never asked anyone to follow his belief. We may question some of his principles but no one can question his honesty to follow them.

Its very ironic that when the entire world follows him, the president of US has Mahatma's portrait in his office but he is hated in his own country. That, I think is the biggest tragedy of his life.

Like I said, he never asked anyone to follow his beliefs, he doesn't need to actually. Since we're democratic, everyone is free to criticise him. All I wanted is that we should atleast not insult the Mahatma if we don't want to give respect.
Its hard to imagine what anyone can possibly have against Mahatma. He was completely harmless and never (yes, never) hold any political power. He never asked anyone to follow his belief. We may question some of his principles but no one can question his honesty to follow them.

Its very ironic that when the entire world follows him, the president of US has Mahatma's portrait in his office but he is hated in his own country. That, I think is the biggest tragedy of his life.

Like I said, he never asked anyone to follow his beliefs, he doesn't need to actually. Since we're democratic, everyone is free to criticise him. All I wanted is that we should atleast not insult the Mahatma if we don't want to give respect.
Hanging a portrait in his office and he is responsible for nearly every war casualty around the world..... Nice follower U have got.
I dont think this is the best place we talk about Mahatma.....
Hanging a portrait in his office and he is responsible for nearly every war casualty around the world..... Nice follower U have got.
I dont think this is the best place we talk about Mahatma.....


I was trying to point out that the person nothing to do with India, respects an Indian. What he does is his personal choice. I follow the Mahatma but I too was involved in fights in my college days. (Good Old Days!)

But yeah, this is not the right place for talking Mahatma.
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