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Nervous' China may attack India by 2012

lol the fact is other way around``1% upper caste owns all the votes as most of them are from ****** rich background``yet those 99% chinese politicians were farmers they climbed to those position by academic exellence and hard working

No..they rised to that position bcs they are card carrying members of CCP
'Nervous' China may attack India by 2012: Defence expert

A leading defence expert has projected that China will attack India by 2012 to divert the attention of its own people from "unprecedented" internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems that are threatening the hold of Communists in that country. "China will launch an attack on India before 2012. There are multiple reasons for a desperate Beijing to teach India the final lesson, thereby ensuring Chinese supremacy in Asia in this century," Bharat Verma, Editor of the Indian Defence Review, has said.

He said the recession has "shut the Chinese exports shop", creating an "unprecedented internal social unrest" which in turn, was severely threatening the grip of the Communists over the society. Among other reasons for this assessment were rising unemployment, flight of capital worth billions of dollars, depletion of its foreign exchange reserves and growing internal dissent, Verma said in an editorial in the forthcoming issue of the premier defence journal.

In addition to this, "The growing irrelevance of Pakistan, their right hand that operates against India on their behest, is increasing the Chinese nervousness," he said, adding that US President Barak Obama's ****** policy was primarily Pak-Af policy that has "intelligently set the thief to catch the thief".

Verma said Beijing was "already rattled, with its proxy Pakistan now literally embroiled in a civil war, losing its sheen against India." "Above all, it is worried over the growing alliance of India with the US and the West, because the alliance has the potential to create a technologically superior counterpoise. "All these three concerns of Chinese Communists are best addressed by waging a war against pacifist India to achieve multiple strategic objectives," he said.

While China "covertly allowed" North Korea to test underground nuclear explosion and carry out missile trials, it was also "increasing its naval presence in South China Sea to coerce into submission those opposing its claim on the Sprately Islands," the defence expert said. He said it would be "unwise" at this point of time for a recession-hit China to move against the Western interests, including Japan. "Therefore, the most attractive option is to attack a soft target like India and forcibly occupy its territory in the Northeast," Verma said.

But India is "least prepared" on ground to face the Chinese threat, he says and asks a series of questions on how will India respond to repulse the Chinese game plan or whether Indian leadership would be able to "take the heat of war". "Is Indian military equipped to face the two-front wars by Beijing and Islamabad? Is the Indian civil administration geared to meet the internal security challenges that the external actors will sponsor simultaneously through their doctrine of unrestricted warfare? "The answers are an unequivocal 'no'. Pacifist India is not ready by a long shot either on the internal or the external front," the defence journal editor says.

In view of the "imminent threat" posed by China, "the quickest way to swing out of pacifism to a state of assertion is by injecting military thinking in the civil administration to build the sinews. That will enormously increase the deliverables on ground -- from Lalgarh to Tawang," he says.

'Nervous' China may attack India by 2012: Defence expert - Indian Express

Bharat Verma, Editor of the Indian Defence Review is wrting bullshit and crap. The recession is not only affecting China but all countries in the world including India, Japan, EU etc. Unemployment, social unrests, etc are worst in India, Greece, Japan, US, UK etc so these countries also would launch a war in view of diverting attention. In 2011, the worst and most deadly social unrests had occurred in Arab countries, the UK and now even the US is facing the so called wall street financial protest. If we follow the point of view of this psychopath and paranoiac then nervous Greece should attack Turkey, Japan should attack China, US should launch another war etc. Among all BRIC countries, China is the most resilient to the current recession having the world's largest currency reserve, largest exports, etc. Again among all Asian countries, India should be qualified as most nervous and paranoiac given that India is diverting most of its financial resoures in weapons procurement from the US, Israel, France, UK, Italy, Russia etc. ranging from large military tranport aircraft to nuclear submarine now that nervous India has become the shameful number 1 world weapons importer while the standard of living of its citizens are among the lowest in the world with no basic education, health care, hygiene, a country which could not even organize a regional event-shameful CWG etc.
No..they rised to that position bcs they are card carrying members of CCP

well``is that a problem`? there are way too many different sub groubs in the CCP each has very different ideologies, thats why CCP is the most adaptive party, they will change the policy when the big environment changes, thats why for last 60 years we changed from ultra rigged Communism to neutral soft comminism and in 80s started to adopt capitalism and now trying to lean towards socialism``tell me which party in the world can do that?
title is wrong
India is nervous not china
because they already completed road and railway link along boarder airfields are ready
j-10b and j-11b are ready
1000 al-31 engines has been order from Russia
all this show that china is ready but Indian preparation is not completed
Only usa wants a war between you too.

Not just US as I go by my experience here even Pak wants that but then I can't blame them either as even they want to taste the victory atleast once :lol:

On topic damn its 5th time in this week that I'am seeing a senseless Indo Sino war thread. I just don't understand why will someone who wants to be a world leader will engage in a useless wars.
well``is that a problem`? there are way too many different sub groubs in the CCP each has very different ideologies, thats why CCP is the most adaptive party, they will change the policy when the big environment changes, thats why for last 60 years we changed from ultra rigged Communism to neutral soft comminism and in 80s started to adopt capitalism and now trying to lean towards socialism``tell me which party in the world can do that?

Not a problem for me but one can see that if a 'farmer' prescribe any other ideology other than what is prescribed by CCP, then he will not and cannot rise up to be a leader of your nation (as said by you in your earlier post).
Dude you defeated the very purpose of secret ballot.
these two politicians are not computer savy to get me here in PDF, yet if they do and prosecute me for excersising my franchise. I'll kick them in thier but$
Toilet media hires janitors to write newspaper articles!
The interesting point is that every pakistan is denying that china will never ever attack India. :rofl:

Most of the times they claims that India is deploying its assets against the threat of pakistan but it seems they don't want to loose the limelight to china :rofl: :rofl:
are you really sure about this kid?
are those european countries are bagging China to save their economy? all of those lists countries have too deep economical relationships with China but neglectable interests of India``in reality money and power talks not some your naive dreams that seem rather entertaining`lol

@rcrmj, the guy is not a kid but a man with zero capacity to think logically. I have read his post and the imediate reaction I got was "What the f**k?"
lol the fact is other way around``1% upper caste owns all the votes as most of them are from ****** rich background``yet those 99% chinese politicians were farmers they climbed to those position by academic exellence and hard working. and now of course you see the outcome of these two countries development``one is progamatic with 3 decades double digits growth, and one constantly brags about this and that
upper cast????uttar pradesh is the state dominated by rajputs and muslims but it's cm is a dalit woman,lalu prasad yadav was a shoe cobbler and he has been cm of bihar more than once,shiela dikshit was just a kinder garten teacher and now she's the cm of india.
it's not like upper cast or schedule cast but it's just people in south asia are traitors and selfish.they are just opportunists.u should be glad that u were born in china where ur politicians put the country values above their self interests.
this forum is just about killing and history. I guess members post here after watching history channel on tv. the members here are very low graded bloggers and have 0% knowledge about war and diplomacy. And 90% of them are fake only belonging to India and Pakistan. lolll
One should be mature enough to talk sense instead bringing war scenarios. Act like mature people.
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