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Nervous' China may attack India by 2012

This article is plain Bs and nothing else... China is never attacking India anytime soon(I have strong doubts about it happening ever), and India attacking China. well forget about it.. Both the countries are busy progressing economically and socially., and no one will risk an all out war which will be disastrous for both the countries.. Any war will put the both of em back by atleast 20 yrs, nobody wants it... Neither the Govts nor the people..!!!
This article is plain Bs and nothing else... China is never attacking India anytime soon(I have strong doubts about it happening ever), and India attacking China. well forget about it.. Both the countries are busy progressing economically and socially., and no one will risk an all out war which will be disastrous for both the countries.. Any war will put the both of em back by atleast 20 yrs, nobody wants it... Neither the Govts nor the people..!!!
Only usa wants a war between you too.
LOL, too many India vs China threads these days. Not many India vs Pakistan threads, if this continues I'm afraid, I'll have to hop to sinodefence.com or something similar.
In strategy one should never underestimate the importance of a squishy kiter.

if Pakistan choses to poke its nose in ...common strategy dictates the elimination of the weak link before u move on to the rest.

Pakistan is traumatized enough ..to be taking on a behemoth war....and with America at there heels.. i dare say they would risk losing there country once and for all.

Only an Idiot can consider nuclear state a weak link.
Lets hope that it should not happen..
But if china waits for 2020 or so ,then we'll have a game on...
I serious want China to attack India, what ever might be the consequences. Sorry for Martyrs .
1.Our Economy growth rate increases, though we go back 20 years back.
2.Chinese economy will fall.
3.Chinese hopes to become super power gets ruined.
4.J20 will fail.
5.India get sympathy and International support.
6.US and Anti Chinese power comes including Russia come on to single stage to attack China.
7.Internal revolts in China start.
8.Tibet gets freed by US intervention.
9.China becomes democratic
10.Indo-Chinese strategic dialogue begins as every issue gets solved.
In strategy one should never underestimate the importance of a squishy kiter.

if Pakistan choses to poke its nose in ...common strategy dictates the elimination of the weak link before u move on to the rest.

Pakistan is traumatized enough ..to be taking on a behemoth war....and with America at there heels.. i dare say they would risk losing there country once and for all.

Yes, Pakistan is content with receiving dossiers from you guys.:lol:
I serious want China to attack India, what ever might be the consequences. Sorry for Martyrs .
1.Our Economy growth rate increases, though we go back 20 years back.
2.Chinese economy will fall.
3.Chinese hopes to become super power gets ruined.
4.J20 will fail.
5.India get sympathy and International support.
6.US and Anti Chinese power comes including Russia come on to single stage to attack China.
7.Internal revolts in China start.
8.Tibet gets freed by US intervention.
9.China becomes democratic
10.Indo-Chinese strategic dialogue begins as every issue gets solved.
Meanwhile, India will cease to exist as a country.
China is nervous for sure. It will not attack India for the same exact reason. But it will keep needling India here and there
I serious want China to attack India, what ever might be the consequences. Sorry for Martyrs .
1.Our Economy growth rate increases, though we go back 20 years back.
2.Chinese economy will fall.
3.Chinese hopes to become super power gets ruined.
4.J20 will fail.
5.India get sympathy and International support.
6.US and Anti Chinese power comes including Russia come on to single stage to attack China.
7.Internal revolts in China start.
8.Tibet gets freed by US intervention.
9.China becomes democratic
10.Indo-Chinese strategic dialogue begins as every issue gets solved.

Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory: Clearly, alcohol affects the brain. Some of these impairments are detectable after only one or two drinks and quickly resolve when drinking stops. On the other hand, a person who drinks heavily over a long period of time may have brain deficits that persist well after he or she achieves sobriety. Exactly how alcohol affects the brain and the likelihood of reversing the impact of heavy drinking on the brain remain hot topics in alcohol research today.

We do know that heavy drinking may have extensive and far–reaching effects on the brain, ranging from simple “slips” in memory to permanent and debilitating conditions that require lifetime custodial care. And even moderate drinking leads to short–term impairment, as shown by extensive research on the impact of drinking on driving.

A number of factors influence how and to what extent alcohol affects the brain (1), including

how much and how often a person drinks;
the age at which he or she first began drinking, and how long he or she has been drinking;
the person’s age, level of education, gender, genetic background, and family history of alcoholism;
whether he or she is at risk as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure; and
his or her general health status.

This Alcohol Alert reviews some common disorders associated with alcohol–related brain damage and the people at greatest risk for impairment. It looks at traditional as well as emerging therapies for the treatment and prevention of alcohol–related disorders and includes a brief look at the high–tech tools that are helping scientists to better understand the effects of alcohol on the brain.

In short what i am saying is please stop drinking Alcohol.
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