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Nepal: Irritating Indian remarks targeting China (Editorial)


Dec 15, 2010
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Nepal: Irritating Indian remarks targeting China

Our professionalism demands that we be able to inform the population more so to those who go deep into the news and arrive at a final conclusion as to what impact such a news could have on Nepal’s body politic and beyond.

Thus we decided to publish a factual account that is not only dangerous but may have its profound impact on Nepal-India-China relations and later it is sure to have its own sort of reverse impact in the “increasing” hobnob of the Chinese regime with the Indian establishment and vice versa.

Basically this is the gist of a talk that took place in between a Nepali redundant scholar of the Nehru era and an Indian national, now retired, who once upon a time used to be the Indian Ambassador to Nepal as back as in the early 1970s.

This pen pusher had already entered into this sector.

We concluded that when such a dangerous news was completely or deliberately ignored by Nepal’s otherwise “smart and intelligent” media then it must have some unseen financial transactions involved which encouraged us more at this paper to disseminate this news which is highly objectionable one for this country and its past pride and glory. Though most of the glories that we have had till some years back have now been sold and thus we have been forced to take a pride in our lost glories.

Recollecting the good old days.

But pride and glories can’t be sold. We mean it. Thus presuming that we can still keep our heads high, we just want to keep abreast our readers both domestic and abroad that there are some Nepali scholars, media amen alike, who tremble with fear as and when they meet some Indian high officials for reasons best known to those only who can’t face the Indian nationals but shiver.

Thanks the Jan Aastha Weekly, dated December 8, 2010, that this painful Nepal insulting news came to surface and the people knew as to how even the retired Indian bureaucrats think, talk and behave Nepal.

Thanks Jan Aastha weekly.

Simply unbelievable but yet true. Shame on those who claim themselves to be the son of mother Nepal but serve alien forces. Money matters perhaps.

Pocketing alien money and nationalism go together. It has already taken deep roots.

To come to the point, let’s concentrate as to why we at this paper were buoyant to write this story in our editorial column.

The story begins.

One Nepali professor of the bygone era who is taken as the Nepali version of Indian professor S. D. Muni met former Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Maharajkrishna Rasgotra mid November in New Delhi at the latter’s private residence.

Hardly had the Nepali guest entered into his room, the Indian national told his “most unwanted Nepali guest” (wasn’t he?) that “If you the Nepalese decide for a merger of Nepal with China, India will have no objection…go ahead with your plan…but you don’t conclude that India is disturbed with the visits of countless Chinese delegations to Nepal….no any notable impact on India it will have….I am aware as to how the Nepal Maoists have increased their intimacy with the Chinese regime…it will not have any negative impact on India…however, what I understand that India will never allow the Maoists to bounce back to power in Nepal….the Maoists are free to merge Nepal with China but while doing so, the Indian concerns must be addressed”.

This is just the gist as to how our national was greeted by his Indian host.

Now analyzing the whole story a few solid conclusions can be deduced.

Firstly, India wants Nepal to be in its tailored pocket as per the Nehruvian doctrine.

Secondly, India has developed a sort of permanent enmity with the Nepal Maoists.

Thirdly, by extension, it would mean that India and her nationals take China still as their number one enemy as was revealed by then Defense Minister George Fernandez, if one were to recall.

It was this redundant and defunct Indian minister who in the boogly-woogly “loot Nepal” days under late Girija Prasad Koirala had sneaked into Tibet, in the mid 1990s, as a Nepali national and later upon his return to Kathmandu had organized as an Indian national a special press conference, participated in mostly by NC affiliate journalists needless to say, wherein he had talked nonsense of China’s Tibet.

Fourthly, India is panicked by the increased friendship of the Nepal Maoists with the regime in Beijing though the Chinese regime is yet to trust the Maoists here.

Fifthly, the Indian panic may have been taken a new height whose reason could be that the Nepal Maoists who grew up under Indian shelter, not at all a secret now, suddenly went to the fold of Beijing and that too uninvited.

An upside down phenomenon not expected by the Shyam Saran regime then.

The former Indian Ambassador, as a true Indian, has reasons to lament over the follies of his own government made in the not so distant past.

In fact he was ventilating his inner pains on behalf of his government in Delhi.

And finally, the Nepali guest was beamingly listening to the insult of his own country. This is real and mysterious because a Nepali, if he is a true Nepali, can’t and shouldn’t tolerate such humiliating and insulting remarks being made against his own country.

He should have rebuked the Indian allegations but he preferred to remain tight lipped and listened to the insulting remarks as an obedient student. Height of subservience this.

Educational degree matters perhaps. But there is a lesson for China to read the message what this Indian national wanted to convey to China through the “effective” use of this Nepali academic. By the way, the Chinese Premier has just concluded his two day trip to India. That’s all.

Telegraph Nepal::Nepal's Best News Portal
lol Editorial from the maoist mouthpiece!!! But the fact is Nepali govt, people and Army don't think like that. IA chief recently visited Nepal and given honorary General of Nepali Army.

These are the other news got from the paper..... :lol:


* Nepal pm chair tussle begins afresh, nc, uml, maoists push their claim
* Yes unmin, no unmin: nepal parties divided
* Indian special envoy visiting nepal, interference with a new style
* I feel pity for him: sitaula to former nepal king
* Dr. bhattarai claims he is frontrunner against indian interference in nepal
* Nepal dpm sujata demands raid at nirmal niwas to confiscate illegal weapons
* Khanal as new nepal pm: support from maoist, rejection from own party
* Pashupati rana bats for un mission in nepal, indian annoyance awaited
* Nepal maoists demand unmin tenure extension: plea rejected
* Hit back with force if reactionaries hijack past gains: nepal maoists leader dahal

Soon there"ll be news from rupeenews ,lets watch this forum degrade.
Talking about Nepal ..are we..? There was another thread on Nepal from the leading thread starter..They gave up after being encountered with facts..Lets see where this thread goes..
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