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Nepal had offered to join Indian Union in 1947: Sudershan

The claim doesn't make any sense

India under Pandit Nehru had agressively taken over various Indian Kingdoms and fought a war with Pakistan on Kashmir. Within a few years it had also invaded and taken over French and Portugese territories in India. Sikkim was an independant kingdom which was again co-opeted into the Indian union.

If Nehru didn't care for all this which would have been more expansionist in nature than a union with Nepal, then why would he deny that?

Nehru on Nepal
Speaking in Parliament, Nehru said: “We cannot allow that barrier (Himalayas) to be penetrated... Therefore, much as we appreciate the independence of Nepal, we cannot allow anything to go wrong in Nepal... because that would be a risk to our own security”. What he feared happened. But what we said then is still valid. If the Maoists come to power in Nepal, that would be one of the worst disasters for this country. We cannot permit it.

More info here
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Editorial
Nepal is smart.. they know they have future without India. We should take Nepal by force like we did to Goa. After Nepal we should go after Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Bhutan to remake the glory of British India.
true to your name, why dont we economically capture China also, as part of the British India legacy and while at it , iran, iraq and Saudi should also be ruled from delhi. why did you forget burma. hey thailand was ever under colony, i heard they want to experience it. cmon man you can do better than that
your history? your brainfart to the best.

you are not even Sikkimese, just one of the indian immigrants that your gov using to change the population of Sikkim. but that won't change the fact Sikkim is Sikkimese Sikkim, not Indians' Sikkim.
Yeah sure.....now you guys know more about sikkim than a sikkimese too...:rofl:
All this is a result of high IQ I am sure.....:rofl:
your history? your brainfart to the best.

you are not even Sikkimese, just one of the indian immigrants that your gov using to change the population of Sikkim. but that won't change the fact Sikkim is Sikkimese Sikkim, not Indians' Sikkim.

Yeah and you're not an Arab.. so what are you doing in India's ancient territory. Shoo.. shoo...
U sud think 10000000000000 times before u speak boy! And about this RSS chief,he ain't a chief but he's a big time lair.makin' baseless n stupid rumors all the time.

Retard Anglo indians . Huhahha 28 rajyas but still defeated by east India company. Such a shame ¡
o_O Nepal and Bhutan are under India's protection. There is a treaty signed between India and nepal every 14 years where India can keep an eye over the chinese border through Nepal. NB there are no Indian soldiers in Nepal but there are intelligence gathering agencies working in Nepal for India. I will provide link soon... as soon as I find it

It is our unfortunate to have a country like India in south Asia.a total sucker in the name of neighbour.
The kingdom of Gorkhas was established by Rajputs from Rajasthan.
Ohhhh ya ! U know lot abt gorkhas and Nepal. U moron ,fkn retard go to Karachi mental institute to cure ur brain's bug.

after east India company occupied rajasthan they came to us for the job.now shut ur holes off.
First of all u re lying through ur teeth..80% of Nepalis like Indians and actually hate chinese. I bet u dont even know any Nepali.

Second, u dont even know the history of British in India, The nepalese kingdom was protectorate under british India. It means they surrendered to british without a fight and hence their king was left to rule.

I thought all Chinese had high IQ[/QUOTE]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Actually 99.9% Nepali hates India coz they haven't given us the belonging territory of Nepal after the British occupation in india.some parts are- darjeeling ,siliguri,tista,parts of bihar,beyond nalapani,parts of sikkim etc.etc.
Lakhs of Nepalis stays in India as if it is their nation. heck, even in extreme south India too.

Nepal,Bhutan must be protected by India, but should not be allowed to be part of Indian union. they are not considered as illegal immigrants as we share a open border.

No more states are needed. We are not expansionists. Being the Biggest Country of Indian subcontinent, WE are bullied by a small Islamic country..remember that! We are not the aggressor. We are the most peaceful Nation in Indian subcontinent. Proud of India.

What happened to those bhutanese refugees made by Indian goverment . Almost a million bhutanese were forced to leave their houses and properties .this sinful acts were only some of the misdeeds done by Indian.
What happened to those bhutanese refugees made by Indian goverment . Almost a million bhutanese were forced to leave their houses and properties .this sinful acts were only some of the misdeeds done by Indian.

What did we do??It was the Bhutanese who kicked them out.
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