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Neoconservative 'hopes, prays' Bush will bomb Iran


Aug 23, 2006
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In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, prominent neoconservative Norman Podhoretz writes that he 'hopes' and 'prays' that President Bush will bomb Iran.

"Although many persist in denying it, I continue to believe that what Sept 11, 2001, did was to plunge us headlong into nothing less than another world war," writes the editor-at-large of Commentary, who also sits on the Council on Foreign Relations. "I call this new war World War IV, because I also believe that what is generally known as the Cold War was actually World War III, and that this one bears a closer resemblance to that great conflict than it does to World War II."

Podhoretz believes that "the plain and brutal truth is that if Iran is to be prevented from developing a nuclear arsenal, there is no alternative to the actual use of military force--any more than there was an alternative to force if Hitler was to be stopped in 1938."

"Since a ground invasion of Iran must be ruled out for many different reasons, the job would have to be done, if it is to be done at all, by a campaign of air strikes," the op-ed continues. "Furthermore, because Iran's nuclear facilities are dispersed, and because some of them are underground, many sorties and bunker-busting munitions would be required. And because such a campaign is beyond the capabilities of Israel, and the will, let alone the courage, of any of our other allies, it could be carried out only by the United States. Even then, we would probably be unable to get at all the underground facilities, which means that, if Iran were still intent on going nuclear, it would not have to start over again from scratch. But a bombing campaign would without question set back its nuclear program for years to come, and might even lead to the overthrow of the mullahs."

Podhoretz thinks that Bush "intends, within the next 21 months, to order air strikes against the Iranian nuclear facilities from the three U.S. aircraft carriers already sitting nearby....If this is what Mr. Bush intends to do, it goes, or should go, without saying that his overriding purpose is to ensure the security of this country in accordance with the vow he took upon becoming president, and in line with his pledge not to stand by while one of the world's most dangerous regimes threatens us with one of the world's most dangerous weapons."

"It now remains to be seen whether this president, battered more mercilessly and with less justification than any other in living memory, and weakened politically by the enemies of his policy in the Middle East in general and Iraq in particular, will find it possible to take the only action that can stop Iran from following through on its evil intentions both toward us and toward Israel," Podhorez writes in conclusion. "As an American and as a Jew, I pray with all my heart that he will."

Podhoretz has a book set for release on September 11 entitled World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism.

It's the high time muslims, specially the masses must understand the anti Islam conspiracies going on in different parts of the world specially in the West and US. It's the time we must return towards the Islamic values and path. We must select the right peolple from among us as our leaders who on one hand will love Islam and try to impose it over all aspect of our life which is the true lesson of Quran and not just to accept 20% and leave 80% as our so called secularist and enlightened leaders are doing and on the other hand will try to develop the muslim Ummah on the lines of modern science and technology.
God help will be with us if truly follow the path of Quran. No power on the earth can destroy us.
We must select the right peolple from among us as our leaders who on one hand will love Islam and try to impose it over all aspect of our life which is the true lesson of Quran

4 questions

1- What happened to "no compulsion in religion."

2- What if thier true lesson in the Koran doesn't agree with your true lesson from the Koran, who is right?

3- Which part of the schism and which subsect should the leaders come from?

4 how will you get everyone who is not from the ruling class you pick to sign on to your idea.
4 questions

1- What happened to "no compulsion in religion."

This facility is for non-muslims only. they are not compelled to follow Islam. Muslims have to adhere and practice
-- what is asked by Quran and
-- follow the Sunnah the best they can.
2- What if thier true lesson in the Koran doesn't agree with your true lesson from the Koran, who is right?
There are NO true lessons other than Quran. Any contentous issue should be dealt through 'Ijtehaad' (Wise discussion and consensous)

3- Which part of the schism and which subsect should the leaders come from?
Leader is not a single entity. There may be more than one laeder. The only requirement is adherence to point number 1 as mentioned above.

4 how will you get everyone who is not from the ruling class you pick to sign on to your idea.

Overwhelming majority of Ummah, irrespective of thier so called -ism, want to adhere and practice true Islam, as mentioned in point 1. Exceptions are exceptions and would be dealt with most friendly manner.

I hope to clear few points here.
1- What happened to "no compulsion in religion."
The meaning of word muslim is, "One who submits himself/herself to the will of God Almighty"
and submitting to the will of God means to accept all his commands with open heart. If a person don't want this then he/she can not be a muslim.
So there will be no question of compulsion as it will be the society of faithfuls who accept Islam as a way of life and not just the name of few rites and rituals.
On the discussions relavent. USA will bomb Iran in 1-2 years time after Iraq calms down. If not USA Israel will definately UNLESS Iran gets their nuke tested before that. Middle East will face turm oil. I doubt American will use ground forces in this attack.
US will not dare to use land forces in Iran, even the Marines remembering the past experiences with Iran.
. . .
Inida a US puppet, do you even know history lil boy.
I believe in US principle's, which in all way supports all kinds of humanity, not something that can be said about you.
. . .
Only this is expected from you to call a country working for humanity whose leadership is indulging in all sorts of inhuman acts worldwide.
But you can't help it as your society has gone and is going through the same PRINCIPLES under Brahminical hegemony for thousand of years. So you are really brainwashed.
Only this is expected from you to call a country working for humanity whose leadership is indulging in all sorts of inhuman acts worldwide.
But you can't help it as your society has gone and is going through the same PRINCIPLES under Brahminical hegemony for thousand of years. So you are really brainwashed.

Funny you should call me a brahmin....lol
Well i trust that country's intentions far better than those of yours
Phew now that the steam has run out on both sides lets think about Poor Iran and what they need to do to protect themselves. An attack on Iran will be catastrophic for Asian countries since none of them maintain Strategic Oil Reserves and Iran will definately block the Shatt al Arab passage with mines or by delibrately scuttling ships there. Guess I better keep my solar powered cycle ready ?
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